Are Democrats okay with gay-selective abortions?
So, I wonder if the gay community can count on the Democrat Party that they’re so beholden to, to protect defenseless babies if it can be discovered that they’re homosexual in utero.
Rush Limbaugh has already made this point that the gay community will become very pro-life then. And I myself reckon they would find an unlikely allegiance with the Republican Party.
That is, if the RINOs don’t take over.
~ Pro-life advocate Alfonzo Rachel, via PJTV’s Zo Nation, June 5
There’s actually a great legal question here – can a surrogate mother, under contract with a homosexual couple, abort her child?
If she can’t, due to the contract, then how is that different from a wife breaking a marriage contract when she aborts her husbands child, and doesn’t that show discrimination by the state against heterosexual husbands.
Also, if she can’t abort, then why is the obligation to carry increased in this case, as opposed to the marriage contract?
If she can nullify her contractual obligations at any point during pregnancy, then isn’t any legal contractual arrangement for children already dead?
Is it abortion uber alles?
Homosexual allegiance with the Republican Party. That would be a strange day indeed.
Well, the Democrat party has retained the support of most of the African American community, in spite of the fact that abortion is ravaging the black family. So I would have to disagree with my man Rush. In defiance of all logical and survival instinct, they would remain wedded to “choice”.
Amie Newman has a good article on surrogacy. It appears that laws surrounding surrogacy vary from state to state.
“The American Surrogacy Center strongly advises that any issues regarding potential birth defects and abortion always be discussed prior to entering into any contractual arrangement.”
Bottom line – there would, most likely, be legal ramifications if the woman decides not to follow through with the pregnancy but I guess it all depends on the wording of the contract. In a marriage, there is no written contract regarding rights and responsibilities with the exception of “pre-nups” and those relate, primarily, to money issues.
But if a “gay gene” is discovered, the question is how “pro-lifers” who believe that homosexuality is evil, will react. Liberal pro-choicers have been producing gay kids for years and it doesn’t seem to be a problem.
But if a “gay gene” is discovered, the question is how “pro-lifers” who believe that homosexuality is evil, will react.
Same as always. Hate the sin, not the sinner. Homosexual sex is evil, not same-sex attraction.
The “how would pro-lifers feel about aborting gays” question has been asked and answered. Repeatedly. We would hate it, as we hate all abortions.
Next trolling effort?
CC, as a pro-lifer (no quotation marks needed, why do you and joan seem to have a problem on this point?) it wouldn’t matter to me in any way if a gay gene was found.
To be fair Alice, she has absolutely nothing to contribute except for tired troll cliches.
CC, I think you were born WITHOUT the originality gene.
Do abortion advocates consider being female a birth defect?
Ninek, to abortion advocates, being BORN is a birth defect.
“Liberal pro-choicers have been producing gay kids for years and it doesn’t seem to be a problem.”
How exactly have they been “producing” gay kids for years? Is that an admission that being gay is quite possibly a choice, not some predetermined genetic destiny? A strange remark, indeed. Pro-aborts will abort indiscriminately. Gender, health, convenience, “wantedness”, hey, any reason will do, so why not sexual orientation? Why should that be any different?
Those who believe that the child in the womb is a human being with the right to life will protect the child regardless. Gay or straight; healthy or disabled; planned or not. It doesn’t matter. Does that settle it, CC?
Liberal pro-choicers have been producing gay kids for years and it doesn’t seem to be a problem.
A non-sequitur. There has never before been a way to determine sexual orientation before birth. So this is largely irrelevant.
”Gender, health, convenience, “wantedness”, hey, any reason will do, so why not sexual orientation?”
Why not. It’s none of my business and certainly none of yours.
And regarding the “gay gene.” I don’t think liberal pro-choicers would abort for that reason as, unlike the Catholics and evangelicals, they’re not homophobic.
“Gay or straight; healthy or disabled; planned or not. It doesn’t matter. Does that settle it, CC?”
Not at all. Abortion is and should remain legal. If a woman wishes to abort a pregnancy, it’s her business. While you claim that it’s a moral issue, there are others who don’t and that’s why, despite restrictions, abortion remains legal. The state has no compelling interest in preventing women from terminating a pregnancy because the “pre-born” are not “persons” with legal rights, nor should they be. Mississippi and Colorado settled that, for now.
No, the left will not become pro-life if a gay gene is discovered. They truly are about abortion ueber alles, as we have seen them yawn over the mass killings of females and the handicapped.
And regarding the “gay gene.” I don’t think liberal pro-choicers would abort for that reason as, unlike the Catholics and evangelicals, they’re not homophobic.
I’m sure at least one liberal pro-choicer is what you would consider homophobic. They might be more likely to support gay marriage on average, but that doesn’t imply that abortions based on sexual orientation would never occur.
Cc, I feel extremely sorry for you! And by the way, as devout Catholic I have two friends who are Gay, I find it insulting that you generalise Catholics as being homophobic, I would love you too argue this with my two gay friends, ( you know my friends who actually enjoy my company despite my own personal beliefs, do you actually know what the true meaning of homophobic is, clearly not! You really ought to be more careful about the accusations you make as you will make zero allies behaving in such a fashion)
I would think that pro-choicers would be MORE likely to abort a gay baby. After all, isn’t being gay going to mean their life is more difficult; full of bullying, discrimination, etc? Not to mention a smaller pool of mates to choose from (gays are only 6% of the population, at most.) Just like it would be “better” for a handicapped child to be aborted because of the future difficulties it will face, so should a gay child, right? In fact, since we ALL experience difficulties in our lives, potential poverty, and unknown futures, we should just abort ALL THE BABIES! In fact, since my husband lost his job and our house is in foreclosure, and we don’t know if/when we will be homeless and starving, I should probably kill myself and my husband. Since our 4 kids lives will be ruined without parents, and they are doomed to be in the horrific foster care system, I should prolly just kill the kids, too. Yeesh. *facepalm*
Helena, I know you were being sarcastic, but that was painful to read. I hope your financial situation improves very soon. God bless you and your family.
Awesome response to CC :)
Catholics and evangelicals are generally not “homophobic”. You might want to actually talk to some of these people. Educate yourself.
But if a “gay gene” is discovered, the question is how “pro-lifers” who believe that homosexuality is evil, will react.
*facepalm* How long have you been coming to this blog? And how have you managed to learn absolutely nothing about the pro-lifers in that time period?
She can’t see the forest because the straw men are in her way.
Lrning, I am not worried. He’ll have a job soon. And we have outgrown our house anyway, with no possibility of breaking even if we sell. Renting something bigger would actually cost less than our mortgage. :) We’ll be fine, but thank you for caring.
CC, it would surprise you to know I have gay friends. One is even extremely conservative and pro-life. But she is a lesbian. That is the only liberal thing about her. All of my gay friends know how I feel about homosexuality yet we remain friends. Just because I don’t agree with their lifestyle doesn’t mean I have a fear of them. Do you even know what a phobia is CC or do you spout words without any understanding like most liberals do?
Catholics and evangelicals are generally not “homophobic”.
Really? Oh right. It’s OK to be gay as long as you don’t have that nasty gay sex. Hate the sin but not the sinner. Please, the word play is so tortured. And “homophobia,” as is expressed in the modern lexicon, isn’t about fear (although that’s part of it) but mainly hatred of ”the gay agenda.” And that’s why the evangelical and right wing Catholic community don’t support school anti-bullying programs as well as lobby against gay rights – including same sex marriage.
And if you don’t believe that right wing Christians hate gays, please educate yourself. The SPLC has designated a bunch of Christian groups, like the Family Research Association, as “hate groups” because of their hatred of gays. And while the Catholic Church says that having a homosexual orientation is just dandy, having gay sex is intrinsically evil. So how awesome is that!!!! You can be gay but ya can’t have sex.
And Sydney, what do your gay friends (as if!) think about not being able to adopt children through certain social services if they are gay. And Sydney, are they happy about not being able to have the same rights as you when it comes to marriage. But yeah, Sidney, you have gay friends. Right….
And BTW, if you want to read about Christian homophobia, check out Right Wing Watch which documents all kinds of fun Christian hatred of gays.
Did CC just say the “word play is so tortured”?
I continue to get Punk’d on Jill’s website. I’ll get to meet Ashton!!!!
CC, since you obviously know nothing about love, forgiveness or grace, how would you even begin to approach the concept of loving sinners, hating their sins?
Oh, that’s right. You can’t. Our tortured words might be getting to your tortured soul.
The SPLC has designated a bunch of Christian groups, like the Family Research Association, as “hate groups” because of their hatred of gays.
Once again, from my last comment: “Catholics and evangelicals are generally not “homophobic”. You might want to actually talk to some of these people. Educate yourself. ”
Are there people out there (like Fred Phelps) who claim to be Christian and truly hate gay people? Yes.
Are the majority of Christians like Fred Phelps? Absolutely not.
Unlike you, I personally know Christians and have a basic understanding of what they truly believe. If a person opposes gay marriage, that does not automatically mean that they hate gay people.
Disagreeing with a lifestyle =/= hate
Oh, and by the way, I have no problem with gay marriage. However, I don’t feel the need to scream “homophobia” when somebody dares to disagree with me.
And while the Catholic Church says that having a homosexual orientation is just dandy, having gay sex is intrinsically evil. So how awesome is that!!!! You can be gay but ya can’t have sex.
*gasp* No sex! Horror of horrors!
And BTW, if you want to read about Christian homophobia, check out Right Wing Watch which documents all kinds of fun Christian hatred of gays.
Hmmm…that sounds like a reliable, unbiased site.
Well CC, I refuse to give you names and addresses of my gay friends so you’ll just have to take my word for it. They don’t want to adopt children. No one is denying them the same rights to marriage that we all have. They can get married. Just not to a person of the same gender. Currently no one can get married to a person of the same gender. Not even me. I can’t marry my siblings either or take a second spouse. Same rules apply to them.
I’ve had this conversation with them. It may be hard for you to believe that though we disagree on this topic we can still celebrate our friendship and enjoy each other’s company. I have a heterosexual friend who has had 60 sexual partners (at last count). I disagree with her promiscuity and she knows it. Yet she and I are still friends. She has been there at every major stage of my life.
But I wouldn’t expect you to understand CC. You have a hatred in you for any person who doesn’t share your opinions and values. You could never conceive of being friends with someone with whom you disagreed. Thats your shortcoming CC, not mine.
And again CC, do you understand the word PHOBIA? Throwing out “homophobic” makes the word lose any power it might have had. I do not fear gays. Or hate them.
This phile / phobe has been bugging me. Apparently they’re not perfect antonyms of each other, but still the accepted way. Truly Greek to me. You have to think of them in the gentler “have / have not an affinity for”, not “love / hate”.
So, being called a homophobe is not as grave an insult as people think. It just means you don’t have an affinity for homosexuality. As you don’t for 99% of books, tv shows, or movies.
Oh, be that way, link. :(
If the life expectancy of the homosexual population is reduced anywhere from 20 to 40 years from infectious disease, then why should I not speak to that without being “BULLIED” for it. To tell the TRUTH is an act of love.
Hans, here’s the working link:
(It was missing the “h” in “exchange”)
Thanks, Maestro.
I’m reminded of a 6th grade spelling bee. I muttered a correct spelling that was overheard by the girl next to me. When she spelled it she said, “Thanks, I never would have gotten that!” Sure enough it came down to the two of us, all the boys cheerincg me on. I forgot the “c” in “excellent” and lost.
Somehow I missed that typo. Not late enough for an excuse.
Well, as long as you don’t accidentally swap the first “g” for a “j” if you ever post about someone’s tendency to giggle uncontrollably, I’m not worried.
Giggle. ;)