“Dancing genitalia,” one way to protest pro-life protesters
1. Focus on the audience (passers-by) instead of the protesters. Appeal to them. Be creative.
2. Include fun positive actions, satire, or costumes (dancing genitalia have been used in Calgary).
3. Put on some music and dance. Drown out their preachers.
4. Give out cookies, condoms, balloons, or what have you. Ask a local sexual health centre for freebies.
~ Jane Cawthorne and Joyce Arthur of Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, advising pro-choicers what to do should a pro-life display van drive into their community, via The Abortion Monologues, June 9
2.Include fun positive actions, satire, or costumes (dancing genitalia have been used in Calgary).
Because nothing says you’re more serious about stopping unwanted pregnancies than dancing genitalia. (And isn’t it dancing genitalia that makes “trouble” in the first place?)
Don’t show shredded children because that’s offensive and disgusting, but a dancing penis and vagina – that’s… fun and positive.
“Mommy – what’s that thing over there on the sidewalk?”
“What thing….Ewwww!!!”
As for all the gratuitous freebies – isn’t that what Sandra Fluke was trying to do with Congress?
I am so ashamed of my country right now. I even talked with Joyce Arthur a decade ago, and her friend Jill. They have gone downhill fast over the last few years.
I hope pro-choicers follow this advice. It will draw more attention to the pro-life van. Also, anytime I’ve been around pro-choicers, in a protest situation, their language has been vulgar and obscene. They will lose the “image war.”
“costumes (dancing genitalia”
I don’t know if i can make that joke here…
dancing genitalia. wow, that’s classy…
Quite obviously, the truth is not on their side if they have to engage in cheap theatrics to distract people from it.
In other words, subvert any possibility that people will think. Don’t counter pro-lifer thought with pro-choice thought. Counter any thinking of any kind with side-show gimmicks.
Jugglers, whatever.
Good grief.
The pro-choice movement will die with incredulous stares.
Dancing genitalia is sexual harassment in my book. If someone did this at work, they should be reprimanded in not fired. If a student did this at school, it would be sexual bullying and the counselors would be called in.
Know how liberal Americans are always “threatening” to move to Canada? Well I’m about ready to move to America after seeing garbage like this up here. I’ll move to one of conservative states, possibly Texas, definitely somewhere warm. I’ll miss the free healthcare, but it will be worth it.
I moved to Wisconsin 2 years ago. I’ll trade you for Ex-RINO any day. It was 95 degrees here yesterday! <3
It’s a deal, x. Besides, it’s been inevitable since I started commenting on this blog that I’d eventually end up in Wisconsin.
Sweet! Pack your bags, Ex-RINO! You’re gettin’ free healthcare!
Just a curious observation of the picture provided, it’s usually the middle finger that’s sticking up. She looks downright tame compared to my experiences out there.
Oh CC?
Does dancing genitalia count as “street theater” to you? Just curious.
JDC, Be careful when you come to Wisconsin. There’s a lot of sad and depressed folks here right now but the Joy from the rest of us overshadows their anger :)
Some of us are still celebrating Praxedes!!! :)
I actually probably WILL be moving to Canada one of these days, because my husband is from there (Newfoundland).
As usual…look at the picture. WHOSE side is angry, bitter and aggressive ???
And SHE is tomorrow’s abortion provider…….at least that is what her sign says.
“Oh CC?
Does dancing genitalia count as “street theater” to you? Just curious.”
While we’re at it, wasn’t joan saying something the other day about “unhinged nutcases”? Looks like we’ve found a textbook example!
with the way legal abortion proponents try to block our pictures of actual abortions and gestating human beings in utero, I’m not surprised that a pro-legal-abortionist would think that shrimp cocktail would be easily mistakable for aborted children. Although, with the fondness for the “clump” and “blob” terminology, I would’ve thought they’d go for cherry gelatin. Either way, big thanks to Marty for showcasing “Pro-Choice” biological ignorance for us today.
EDIT: Robin Marty, is that you?! If so, I just want you to know I’m a big fan of your unintentional comedy!
Speaking of unintentional comedy, you must check out this comic. Unfortunately, it isn’t a bad attempt at satire:
Understanding how people like Joyce ‘let no fetus defeat us’ Arthur “think” will show why they avoid actual debates like the plague.
Don’t you hate it when the jokes write themselves, leaving you no room for wit? Dancing genitalia to advocate killing people. The genesis of life promoting the exodus of life. How do you improve on that?
Wow, Navi. I that comic was amazing on so many many levels. Most significantly, they (probably intentionally) misrepresent the Morgentaler decision. My understanding of it was that only one of the justices thought that there was actually a right to an abortion (outside of cases of life and health, anyway) and even she only thought this applied to the early stages of pregnancy. She decided to leave it up to parliament to decide where to draw the line. In fact, all of the justices clearly wanted parliament to make a new abortion law. But whatever, saying the court found a right to abortion just sounds better from their point of view, so they put it in their silly comic.
These types of associations will be their demise. Kinda takes the subtlety out of “reproductive healthcare.” Sending the message that if you support “choice” then you are unapologetically obsessed with sex has got to get some wondering if not running the other way. Pro-life double-agents?!
And abortion defenders wonder why they are loosing the debate in the US. I mean, if that side is going to go publicly insane, on purpose, far be it from me to stand in the way, but don’t go running around all confused after when nobody takes you seriously.
Drat, I missed the event in my city :(
Full schedule is here:
Did anyone notice the peace sign in the CHOICE placard?
There’s no peace in the womb.
Amen Alice!!!
And thank you JDC for reminding me of the “unhinged nutcases” that Joanie is fond of calling us.
“In other words, subvert any possibility that people will think. Don’t counter pro-lifer thought with pro-choice thought.”
What “thought”? “Pro-life” protesters aren’t hosting ad hoc philosophy debates. They’re out there to wave around placards with shock pictures and out-of-context Bible verses. Dancing genitalia is the perfect response to their silliness.
Still waiting for your “authentic” abortion pictures….
If you want pictures of medical waste, might I suggest Google?
Dear Joan – I pray for you specifically and others with your worldview. After this last comment, I will pray all the more … for the hurt, fear, confusion, whatever makes you call a beautiful miracle of life “medical waste.” There will come a time, dear Joan, when you WILL know the truth.
I want to see which pictures that a pro-abortion advocate would deem “authentic” since you and your friends think that the pictures used by pro-life advocates are “doctored” or “shopped.”
(to say nothing of how a person who only attends a church once a year can determine that bible verses are in or out of context!)
Stop deflecting and just post the link or the pictures. Chicken?
I don’t recall alleging that any pictures are doctored. (Not that it would surprise me if they were.) If my “friends” have made any claims you find disagreeable, then you can take it up with them.
Also, not that my worship habits are any of your concern whatsoever, but I attend church considerably more often than once a year.
Cookies….or condoms. I’m sorry, but I would never take a cookie from someone with a condom in the other hand, and dancing genitalia in the background! Icky!
Check Jill’s archives, miss Joan, because you HAVE alleged that the photos are doctored and check Jill’s archives for your church attendance because you HAVE said that you only go on Christmas and sometimes Easter. Or is that cc having a bit of a memory lapse? Hmm?
But let’s play pretend for a moment and let you have your moment: tell us which bible verses are taken out of context and what they actually mean? Go. (You can post your comments above or below your AUTHENTIC photos).
Dear Joan – So this “god” you worship thinks dancing genitalia are a good idea too, or a “perfect response” to use your words? OK, well then it’s settled – your god isn’t the same as mine. Schweeeeew!
“Or is that cc having a bit of a memory lapse? Hmm?”
Are you really still pushing that theory?
I’m keeping an open mind on the theory. Not pushing or pulling, lol!
That edit feature is so quick, I can’t keep up. I did used to wonder of some of the abortion advocates I’ve argued with on another site under another name are the same advocates I’ve argued with before. But so far, I find the most consistency between cc/joan’s posts along with a suspicious tendency to comment in tandem.
I find that lately I’m losing patience with abortion advocates. Their straw man arguments are getting super tedious and tiresome. Rather than keep going in verbal circles, I’d like to just go right to the heart of it and just ask, “Are you for real?” It’s not easy to know on the internet and I don’t possess the skills to find out. Only in the movies can you find a teenage hacker to click a few keys and say “nailed ’em!” LOL!
If joan (mocking kids with DS and dead/injured Chinese babies) is a regular churchgoer, is it any wonder why Todd Bullis does what he does in calling the church to repent?
joan: “Dancing genitalia is the perfect response…”
Let’s see where that gets pro-choicers in the court of public opinion. Whatever one may say about protesters’ lack of philosophical rigor, the sincerity of their desire that the unborn should be cared for by all, is well enough communicated. Observers are not unlikely to note that dancing genitalia are not only non sequitur but wildly crass in response to this heartfelt passion for the well-being of the most vulnerable members of human society. Images of dead fetuses have the unmistakable goal of piquing conscience and awakening empathy for the unborn (even if this is frequently ineffectual). As a response, dancing genitalia are incommensurate; lacking conscience or heart, such idle mockery will amuse only those of like mind. But pro-choicers are unwise to project their contempt onto the public. Even many — I’d say most — pro-choice remain respectful of and impressed with pro-life sincerity (despite disagreement). I suspect that seeing their bedfellows indifferently or obliviously mocking the sincere, profound belief of others, might provoke them to reconsider some things.
When pro-choicers believe having the upper hand involves dancing genitalia, they’re showing they’re nuts. ;-)
Yay! More vagi pops! Free condoms for the kiddies! Maybe they could hand out copies of ‘Healthy, Happy and Hot’, Planned Parenthood’s guide for HIV positive teens on how to get laid without revealing your HIV status. Free biohazard bags to send the products of conception off to their progressive futures in style. That’ll show those antis!
Chris, look at you go with “likes” in the 40’s! I could only dream of such feedback ;>).
Moronic, you crack me up!!
All the suggested things for pro-choicers to do have this in common: distract the target audience. Do anything you have to do in order to keep people from listening or thinking critically. Crazy stuff works to distract the mind and make everything look scary stupid. I guess that is all they can do in the face of pictorial reality. Please, stop thinking about this nothing issue!
Does anyone know: Were the Calgary dancing genitalia…people in costumes of genitalia, or genitalia puppets or the real deal unfurled? I can imagine lefties willing to do anything.
joan of arcania says: June 11, 2012 at 4:57 pm “out-of-context Bible verses.”
Please regale us with some examples of ‘out-of-context Bible verses’ which you have personally witnessed.
I wonder Joan if you’d be willing to share what church you go to? Or at least type. I wonder too where modesty which I would think would be important to a regular church goer especially one who knows their bible so well, fits in with a dancing penis or vagina? Just curious too if you would be willing to dance in a giant vagina costume for your pastor?
Hey ninek – I’m just calling it as I see it – the real credit goes to Cawthorne and Arthur for such a nice set-up. hehe
I don’t know if I should laugh or cry….
What an odd group we’re up against.
For the record:
Giant box of birth control pills to stalk Mitt Romney on the campaign trail