Pro-life news brief 6-22-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- The Indianapolis Star has a puff piece on Planned Parenthood of Indiana CEO Betty Cockrum.
- The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts has revoked the medical license of late abortionist George Tiller’s one-time “rubber stamper” abortionist, Ann Neuhaus:
The administrative judge concluded in February that Neuhaus performed inadequate mental health exams in 2003 on 11 patients, aged 10 to 18. The judge said Neuhaus’ records didn’t contain the information necessary to show that she did thorough exams, and the patients’ care was “seriously jeopardized.”“Her actions clearly show a disregard for her patients’ safety and care, which causes her to be a threat to any future patients she might have,” said Reese Hays, the attorney on the board’s litigation team who presented the case against Neuhaus.
- Miami’s local CBS affiliate has the story of an in-utero surgery in which a tennis ball-sized tumor was removed from Lyna Gonzalez’s mouth at 17 weeks gestation (ultrasound pictured left):
During her pregnancy, Gonzalez’s doctors discovered a benign tumor the size of a tennis ball growing on her unborn baby’s mouth. Doctors told Tammy there was little chance her daughter would survive birth – and if she did, she would require an immediate tracheotomy in order to breath and have multiple surgeries thereafter….On October 1, 2010, Lyna Mykaella Gonzalez was born healthy, weighing 8 pounds, 1 ounce. The only sign of the surgery is a tiny scar on her mouth.
- MSN India has a story on a couple whose sex-selection abortion business was shut down:
Sources in the police said the couple has admitted to running the abortion clinic but is not revealing the exact details. A sting operation conducted two years ago on the Mundes had revealed their willingness to conduct an abortion on a seven-month pregnant woman for just Rs 2,500 [about $44 USD].Advocate and activist Varsha Deshpande, who runs the NGO Lek-Ladki Abhiyaan, said: “Our scrutiny on them has revealed that they conduct, on an average, 20 abortions per day, which comes to 7,200 abortions in one year. The Mundes are known to be in collusion with a lot of doctors from remote districts in Maharashtra as well as Andhra Pradesh, from where people come to them to get their ultrasound examinations done.”
Non-sequitur alert!!!!!!
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. –Does a fork or dinner knife pose an unacceptable danger to the o’bamateur?
“It’s very important that you use your utensils as soon as possible,” National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed [democRAT] Officials board member Raquel Regalado told about 1000 delegates at the group’s annual conference.
…the Secret Service required that there be no knives at the tables and that the forks be rounded up before Obama entered the room.
[If i was a ‘latino’, I would have been insulted at the insinuated implication.]
“As you know, we’re having another speaker and there is some Secret Service involved. So there’s a reason why there’s no knives at your table and the forks will be collected. … And I’m not joking,” Regalado told the audience in a ballroom at Disney’s Contemporary Resort at Walt Disney World. “So, like the good Hispanic mother I’m here to tell you to please, eat your lunch.”
[Isn’t that some not so subtle ‘stereotyping’,…..latinos and knivess…????]
[They should have just served ‘sopa’. It would have taken a little time for José and Maria to ground ‘cucharos‘ down to ‘cuchillos‘.]
This was in Florida.
I hope the SS tested all the white latinos for ‘bath salts’ before ‘the obamateur’ slithered into the room. Them hopped up cannibal zombies would have been on b o like a bum on a bologna sandwich. barry has legs like a chicken, who could fault them? (There is no accounting for taste.)
I wonder if they all arrived on the same bus. Who knows, maybe some of them left on a different bus.
While I was at the border this week I saw three buses delivering ’undesirable aliens’ to the Mexican border for deportation.
I had a good conversation with one ‘deportee’, Martin, who’d been livin in the estados unidos for twenty years…..legally. But when he went to re-new his ‘green card’ the feds arrested him, revoked his ‘residency’ and gave him an all expenses paid trip to the border. He had been convicted for something and it finally caught up with him. Thus the classifcation of ’undesirable alien’.
Martin spoke better English than I do.
I gave him a bottle of water, 20 bucks and the name of a pastor I know in Acuña.
We prayed for each other and went our separate ways.
If Martin had just had the foresight to get that o’bama logo tattooed on his forehead, (he already had all those jail house tattoos on his other extremities) it probably would have been enough to spare him all the discomfort and inconvenience of an unplanned pilgrimage to his homeland.]