Stanek Father’s Day quote: “A father to the fatherless is God”
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.
~ Psalm 68:5-6, New International Version
A few years ago, I made it a goal to read the Bible cover to cover from the first “In the beginning” of Genesis to the last Amen of Revelation. It took awhile but I did it. I think everyone should do this at least once if he or she can.
I’m an atheist but the Bible is extremely valuable for literary, poetic, historical, and cultural value.
Thank you Lord for the promises you fulfill and the endless hope you bring.
Dear Denise – As a Christian. I appreciate your respect for the Bible. Most atheists who believe it to be untrue find it ridiculous. In fact, if Jesus wasn’t the son of God but claimed He was, I would find Him to be ridiculous. Have you read “Mere Christianity” by CS Lewis?
Hi Denise – I would like to understand more about your world view – such as who created you, the purpose for which you were created and where you will spend eternity after this life is over. I would think, just by observing the physical realm – the intracacies of the human body, the beauty of the earth and the celestial universe, that it would be obvious that there is a genius Creator. How did all that we know come to be?
For everyone – I can attest to God being a Father to the fatherless (and motherless) as my father’s passing will be 20 years ago come September and my mother’s passing was 25 years ago last November. (I lost my parents as a young woman.) God has never been more real to me than after I accepted Him as LORD and Savior and got into His Word on a regular basis.
Thanks, LauraLoo