Pro-life blog buzz 8-10-12
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli
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- Pro-Life Action League reports on the audacity of one abortion clinic: After being fined $36K for violations related to the death of a woman and their first inspection in 15 years, the clinic changed its name and location to avoid the fine.
- Secular Pro-Life discusses the report of a Louisiana charter school which “reserves the right” to give a pregnancy test to any of its female students, and if the student refuses, will assume she is pregnant and place her on home study. SPL rightly points out policies like this “stigmatize pregnancy” and in essence, encourage abortion. The latest reports suggest that the school may now be re-evaluating the rule.
- Timmerie’s Blog notices that the thought police are out with the difficult-to-miss mantra of “You need birth control!”:
The advertisements for artificial contraception that I am personally inundated with are maddening. Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations are successfully doing everything they can to indoctrinate people to the mindset that:
1. They need birth control
2. Catholics are proponents of artificial contraception and abortion
Needless to say, they are reaching their audience, and consistently. On my 5 minute drive to school I see at least five signs saying, “Someone you know needs birth control.” Every day, I am targeted with digital advertising for artificial contraception and “family planning services.”
- Pro-Life in TN highlights three ardent Planned Parenthood supporters – all incumbents who were defeated in their primaries in liberal Memphis, Tennessee. Could their support for PP have contributed to their defeat?
- Fr. Frank Pavone reminds people of faith that our goal is not only about changing hearts and minds but laws and public policy. He offers an excellent brochure, available in both English and Spanish, to teach the “relationship between the civil law and the moral law, and the responsibilities of public officials to defend human life.”
- The New Feminism heralds New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s (pictured right) veto of “legislation that would have allowed commercial surrogacy in the state… without protections for women who serve as surrogates and no regulation of the fertility industry.” The legislation was opposed by both pro-choice and pro-life groups.
- At National Review Online, Michael New notes reasons why a recent New York Times article misleads readers regarding young Republicans and their views on social issues like abortion.
- Real Choice comments on the CDC’s release of their latest abortion death numbers, which are from 2007.
- The University of Michigan Students for Life group has once again had its on-campus dialogue board stolen. So much for tolerance at a university that supposedly “regards open-mindedness, progressivism, critical thinking, and intellectual honesty as its four cardinal virtues!”
- Moral Outcry’s Matt Lockett discusses his call to focus his pro-life ministry on the Hispanic community.
- Wesley J. Smith remarks on an opinion piece in the New York Times that pushes back against anti-human exceptionalism:
Wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles – a pro human exceptionalism opinion piece in the New York Times blog – the newspaper in which we have previously been told that plants are ethical and peas are persons – and by a philosophy professor, no less!
[Photos via and]
Not everyone needs contraceptives.
Some women are TRYING to get pregnant. They don’t need contraceptives.
Some men and women are not fertile. They also don’t need contraceptives.
I left out women who are not heterosexually active because they can get pregnant through rape.
I admit I bring up the rape question a lot as does nearly everyone dealing with abortion. It also comes up a lot in discussions of adoption, pornography, and issues about the treatment of criminals.
Gee, maybe if I change my name from Jessica to Jessyca *I* can duck out on all my debt…glad to see that the AG appears to be continuing to try to collect that fine!