African-American pastor calls for Christians to leave Democrat Party
It is time for a mass exodus of Christians out of the Democrat Party…
My friends, the Democrat Party and their progressive coalition have become anti-God, anti-bible, anti-church, anti-family, anti-marriage, and anti-life. They have turned their backs on Christians.
It is time to turn our backs on them.
~ Bishop E. W. Jackson, founder and current president of S.T.A.N.D. (Staying True To America’s National Destiny), pleading with the faithful to leave the Democrat Party, via The Other McCain, September 21
Related: ZoNation’s Alfonzo Rachel has a thing or two to say to America’s pastors for selling out to government social engineering.
And the Church said…. AMEN
Wow….well said. Wish that statement could be reported in the “mainstream” media.
“My friends, the Democrat Party and their progressive coalition have become anti-God, anti-bible, anti-church, anti-family, anti-marriage, and anti-life. They have turned their backs on Christians”
He says it like it’s a bad thing.
at least he didn’t call them DemocRATS.
The Democrat party can’t have it both ways, and it’s about time more are waking up to the empty posturing of the left intended to appease everyone.
Hal – If the party wants to be anti-God, I say go for it. But let’s say it like it is instead of trying to re-create God to fit their agenda.
I wonder if this is the best approach.
It is certainly true that pro-lifers don’t seem welcome in that party and I would hardly blame them for leaving. Doing so would help send a message to their constituents while denying the Democrats the use of their abilities.
Conversely, I wonder if it would be better to stay, increase one’s efforts to steer the party back to life and truth, and force the party to, for all intents and purposes, evict you (or force the party to change, but I’m not holding my breath for that one). I would imagine that for many, seeing their long-time trusted official effectively kicked out of the party for doing exactly what they’re supposed to do might send a stronger message than seeing said official leave voluntarily.
However, as my knowledge of political maneuverings and procedures is limited (especially concerning the U.S.), I’m not really in a position to choose one approach.
Hal – If the party wants to be anti-God, I say go for it. But let’s say it like it is instead of trying to re-create God to fit their agenda.
Hard to say which party is trying to “recreate God to fit their agenda.” I’ve hear God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps HE has influenced Democratic Party positions.
You’re getting kind of testy.
Did you have a bad day at the office?
If, as you so astutely observe, at least Jackson did not say democRAT, then why the show, slight as it may be, of emotion.
Is it because Jackson is a conservative or is it because he is black or the fact he is heterosexual?
When you reject GOD there is only one alternative
If there is no GOD then you have removed any internal restraints and the only thing left is the coercive power of the majority as expressed thru government and more law.
Why do you keep the law?
Hal: “Perhaps HE has influenced Democratic Party positions.”
God: “Yet I will make Pharaoh so obstinate that, despite the many signs and wonders that I will word in the land of Egypt, he will not listen to you.” – Exodus 7: 3-4
Wouldn’t be the first time.
Ken: “Why do you keep the law?”
Indeed, Ken; the only reason I obey the law of this land (insofar as I do) is because it coincides sufficiently with God’s law.
Against His law, they are nothing but popular opinion, but with His law, they help to bring His peace into this world.
I have no opinion on whether Jackson speaks for GOD in this matter.
He could be just voicing his own will.
Preachers do it all the time.
But I are reminded of two cities where GOD cut his losses and re-called his representatives before they succombed to the wickedness of the culture.
But Abraham said, They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear and listen to them.
But he answered, No, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent ( change their minds for the better and heartily amend their ways, with abhorrence of their past sins).
He said to him, If they do not hear and listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded and convinced and believe [even] if someone should rise from the dead.
And HE condemned to ruin and extinction the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, reducing them to ashes [and thus] set them forth as an example to those who would be ungodly;
And HE rescued righteous Lot, greatly worn out and distressed by the wanton ways of the ungodly and lawless —
For that just man, living [there] among them, tortured his righteous soul every day with what he saw and heard of [their] unlawful and wicked deeds —
“Hal – If the party wants to be anti-God, I say go for it. But let’s say it like it is instead of trying to re-create God to fit their agenda.”
“Hard to say which party is trying to “recreate God to fit their agenda.” I’ve hear God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps HE has influenced Democratic Party positions.”
You are so right, Hal. Nice work calling me out on underestimating God. I know it is very true that He uses people of all political affiiations to do His work. And, wow, how interesting that you prove your point exactly by being the one to set me straight.
The spirit of my comment remains, and it probably applies to both parties to some extent, BUT pertaining to an issue so clear as life, the left is NOT doing God’s will. Claiming He champions autonomy over life is blasphemy, and I want no part of it.
I hope that GOD has just a wee bit more patience than brother Jackson.
God ain’t dilly dallying as some folk reckon. HE is willing to wait just a mite longer, hoping that all welcome HIS lovingkindness with a great big bear hug and stop misbehavin and mistreatin them self and otherin.
“And [Jesus] answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass…fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day?”
Please don’t stop pullin’ out asses that are stuck in a pit, even the pit of our own makin’.
I gots to point out when you indadvertently swerve into the truth.
Humans ARE stupid and one way we reaffirm that truth of life is to re-make GOD in OUR own image.
Religious folks are the ones most likely to do it, but atheists, agnostics and particularly ‘progressives’ are a bitin at their heels.
Ken, sorry if I sounded testy. I’m not one to give religious advice, but I don’t think it’s kosher to tell Christians to leave one of the two major parties in the U.S. Not all Christians have the same views. But, probably best for those of us of the atheist persuasion to stay out of it altogether.
“But, probably best for those of us of the atheist persuasion to stay out of it altogether.”
Too late, Hal. You already exuded wisdom as to who God really is. He does work in mysterious ways. Might make you dizzy if you think about that one too long … but do think about it … =)
“He says it like it’s a bad thing.” “But, probably best for those of us of the atheist persuasion to stay out of it altogether.”
Hal, Even though I completely disagree with your disdain for Christians; I respect you for speaking boldly honestly about what your DemocRATic party. Speak of the goodness you see in cleansing your party of those Christians who cling to their God, their bible, their church, their traditional family and sanctimonious view of marriage, and their concern for the unborn. Especially between now and the election. Let people know how you truly feel about Christian’s being in your party.
I am white, but I am going to guess that when black person dares to betray the Democratic Plantation and stop drinking the kool-aid, he does so with the heart breaking realization that he risks his name, family, saftey and community.
This is genuine example of speaking truth to power. I believe God will bless him.
“Let people know how you truly feel about Christian’s being in your party.”
I don’t want them in either party, but I don’t get to make that decision. It’s a free country, and I have to acknowledge, many Christians have views similar to mine.
“…anti-God, anti-bible, anti-church, anti-family, anti-marriage, and anti-life.
Hal said, “He says it like it’s a bad thing.”
Anti-family and anti-life is a good thing?
“Anti-family” is code for supporting marriage equality. (which is code for same sex marriage). So yes, anti-family is a good thing. “anti-life” is code for pro choice. Again, a good thing.
Hal: ‘“Anti-family” is code for supporting marriage equality.’
Marriage has long been equal in our two countries; any consenting, unmarried man and any consenting, unmarried woman can legally marry if they so desire.
Anti-family (and similarly, anti-marriage) are just that; the intention of destroying what marriage and family actually are in the hopes of replacing them with a perversion of them.
Hal: ‘“anti-life” is code for pro choice.’
Anti-life accurately attests to the overall tendency of you and other pro-aborts to prioritize the value of human life below that of human comfort (which, by the way, ultimately results in the destruction of both). Since the lives of all people are naturally immensely more important than people’s comfort, to attempt this is to set oneself against life, hence the term.
Hal: ‘same sex marriage’
You got your quotes backwards; anti-family and anti-life are accurate depictions based on mounting observations, while “same-sex marriage” is an impossible goal that serves only to consume and destroy those who pursue it.
Way to let it all out. Just make sure you are clear that the views you express are as a DemocRAT and also express the reasons that you want people to vote DemocRAT; because the GOP loves God and the traditional family and the unborn.
And I hate to burst your bubble; and maybe you don’t see it cause you are an atheist; but Jesus was once an unborn child and Christians don’t support your choice to kill unborn children. Those ‘Christians’ are known as CINOs.
Some Christians do. Or so I’ve been told. I can’t speak for what is in their heart.
Hal: ‘“anti-life” is code for pro choice.’
Lucky I wasn’t drinking coffee when I read that, you’d have owed me a new computer for laughing so hard! You’ve got it backwards — “pro-choice” has been code for “anti-life” for years.
Hal, while it is true that some Christians are sinners and can commit all kinds of evil. Killing unborn children can never be a Christian thing to do. Comprende?
In the title, if you swap out “Pastor” with “Conservative activist and former GOP Senate Candidate” – suddenly the post takes on a different vibe.
What ? He is a Biblical Christian FIRST, then a pastor SECOND which would make him want to be an activist and a potential senate candidate because Jesus called true Christians to be “salt and light”. a “city that sets on a hill that cannot be hid” and to even “be blessed when you are persecuted and men say all manner of evil against you” for righteousnessness. This upcoming election is making you crazy, ex. You need to seriously get prayer and help about your hypocrisy saying your pro-life then being anti-life at the same time is not working for you, it is schizophrenic.
Prolifer L,
Ex-RINO has only fleeting moments of where he is cognizant of reality. Maybe 1% of his posts show rationality or conscience. If he honest about who he see’s himself as being then your suggestion of prayer could be his only chance at salvation.