Stanek weekend question: Liberal feminists are sluts and a____?
On September 6 Yahoo News reported on, “‘Sluts vote’: the unlikeliest DNC flair”:
A member of the Illinois delegation has sold out of a batch of pins she made that say “Sluts vote.”
The pins, which cost 2 for $5, reference radio host Rush Limbaugh’s attack on women’s activist Sandra Fluke (he called her a “slut” for advocating that insurance plans fully cover contraceptives). We spotted several delegates on Thursday sporting the pins….
“I think ‘slut’ is offensive, that’s why we’re trying to own it and make it ours,” said Debra Shore, an Illinois delegate from Chicago.
Makes total sense. Ok, done. Democrat feminists can own the term “sluts.”
In its piece, “Sluts and condoms for Obama,” The Examiner noted that Planned Parenthood reps were giving away slutty Democrat must-haves at the DNC:
As the crowds stroll by, they yell out “Get your ‘Protect yourself from Romney and Ryan condom,'” as they hand out pink condom packages with a single condom appropriately dyed blue….
Abortion is also a big topic with convention goers, especially those who supported Sandra Fluke….
Aspen, Colorado delegate Blanca O’Leary, for example, sported a “Sluts Vote,” button….
The website “A Is For” is another liberal feminist endeavor seeking to own a traditional slur as a badge of honor, explaining:
The scarlet letter “A” is an instantly recognizable symbol of excoriation and shame.
A is For is a campaign challenging the traditional meaning of the scarlet letter by encouraging women, and the men who support them, to wear the A proudly. We are taking back the A by re-appropriating its meaning to one of dignity, defiance, and autonomy.
We take our inspiration from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s fictional heroine of 17th century Puritan Boston, Hester Prynne, a woman branded by her fellows for daring to live a life according to her own conscience. We are refusing to be shamed into silence.
Hawthorne, of course, penned The Scarlet Letter, Prynne was forced to publicly wear the letter “A” for committing adultery.
As The Blaze notes, “A” in this context would obviously appear to stand for “a proud symbol for ‘abortion.'” But the site says not to assume the obvious:
We are taking back our A’s. The A is for Autonomy. It’s for Allegiance. It’s for Action.
Another suggestion via The Blaze:
Glee actress Jane Lynch also made a video in support of the campaign, saying:
“A” is for adamant… utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, or urgings, or a**holes. There’s another “A” word for ya! A**holes.
The website asks:
What does your “A” mean to you?
Radical feminists often find heterosexual intercourse demeaning to women. Thus, if radical feminism were truly successful, women would shun this practice unless they wanted to get pregnant. That so many women are still having relations with men shows what an utter failure radical feminism has been.
A is for abomination. A is for abnormal. A is for appalling.
Liberal feminists are sluts and animals.
A is for Apostate, since many of these people are bitter former Catholics and Jews who now hate God because they didn’t get that new car they prayed for on their 18th birthday.
Why would lesbian Jane Lynch even care about birth control or the abortion issue?
Atrocity, as that’s what abortion is.
Liberal feminists are sluts and abwhorent?”
‘A’ is for analphabetic [It’s probably not what you are thinking.]
From the BBC production, ‘I, Claudius”
Menista [boy toy and royal consort]: Permit me to introduce myself. I am an actor. Most people have heard of me.
Celia [president of the guild of prostitutes]: My name is Celia. I’m a whore. Everybodies heard of me!
A for arrogant sluts.
I don’t call liberal feminists sluts or ******? I call them pro-choice or pro-abortion. Truthfully, there is nothing worse than that part of their identity.
With the truth of what they believe in mind, I appreciate it when they wear items that make their pro-choice position clear, because when they wear the buttons I know who to steer clear from.
May God bring compassion for the preborn into their hearts.
Why is it these aging unattractive feminist has beens, long past their prime, wear these ridiculous pins, boast of their abortions, think everyone is fixated on getting into their vaginas, and dance around in vagina suits? Are they remembering when or just living in fantasy land? Do they realize how laughable they are? Sorry if this sounds sexist folks but it is what it is.
Just when we thought liberal feminists couldn’t get any classier! LOL!
I think their “A’s” stand for absurdity. Because seeing an old woman with a “sluts” pin makes me SHUDDER. I don’t need a visual! BLECH.
I wouldn’t ever call a woman a slut either but when they go as far as wearing a button proudly claiming to be one, they will be called what they want to be called.
A is for “Ay yi yi!”
Isn’t that the woman who laughingly tried to egg Villaraigosa on to accepting defeat for the voice vote throwing God and Israel under the bus? She said something like, “Let them have their way.”
I can think of few things less appealing than an angry aging slut.
I wouldn’t call any woman a “slut”, even if that’s what she wants to be called. You can’t just change the meaning of a word just so you can “own” it.
It’s still a horrible word. Just like the word “bastard”. I don’t like it, I don’t want to “own” it, even if that’s what I’ve been called, because my parents were unmarried when I was born.
A horrible word is still a horrible word. To want to change its meaning, just so you can LIKE being called that is just stupid (IMO).
Pamela says:
September 15, 2012 at 1:22 pm
I wouldn’t call any woman a “slut”, even if that’s what she wants to be called. You can’t just change the meaning of a word just so you can “own” it.
(Denise) One of the most awful traditions has been that of men reducing women purely to their sexuality. Regardless of intention, encouraging use of words like “slut” actually reinforces and validates this tradition — a tradition that does terrible damage to women as a gender.
Human beings are filled with a variety of talents and interests. “Slut” reduces half the human race to sexual function. This is a tradition to be worked against rather than reinforced.
Just to show I’m not sexist, imagine Hugh Hefner with a pin that says: Studmuffins Vote.
Now you get my point. One must face up to the fact that after a certain point in life, its time to have some self respect.
Aging lothario who dodders around in his pajamas and takes lots of Viagra would be more accurate.
“Studmuffins vote”! I’m dying laughing! Yes, the adonis Hugh Hefner would really look the fool wearing such a button and it surely does make the point.
“A” is for audacity. That is in the title of the anointed one’s book and is exactly what most of his actions and decisions are full of. Well, I can think of other things that his decisions are full of but we won’t go there.
A is for AHHHHHHHH! Get her away from me.
No child ever had a choice/voice in the circumstances surrounding her/his conception.
For that reason I too have never cared for the term ‘bastard’.
Women or men who choose promiscuity is another matter entirely.
I frequently use the term ‘whore’, but I am careful to use it in a non-gender specific sense. The same way it is used most often in ‘the book’.
I do not use the word ‘slut’ in my casual conversations or commentary.
To me it carries an extra measure of caculation which I would reserve for only the most extreme cases.
Those who engage in indiscriminate sex with whomever, whenever and wherever the urge strikes have, in my estimation, make themselves ‘sluts’.
That kind of self demeaning behavior is not an accurate reflection of the image of GOD.
The ‘wages’ of sin are earned, unlike ‘eternal life’.
“You can’t just change the meaning of a word just so you can “own” it.”
Tho they may well want to ‘own’ it, who says their intent is to change the ‘meaning’?
They are like The Emperor’s wife, Messalina. Their licentiousness is a source of pride.
“To want to change its meaning, just so you can LIKE being called that is just stupid (IMO).”
We are agreed, humans are stupid.
Be careful, you might alienate the ‘studmuffin’ vote.
Hi Ken,
Is this in reference to yourself?? :)
LOLLLLLLLL. The above pictured lady DOES kind of look like Hugh Hefner in drag.
Hi Jerry,
Glad you got a good laugh. Far be it from me to be sexist. It is definitely a two lane street.
BTW, speaking of the Annointed One, did you catch Dick Morris’ video on Don Barack Corleone and Santino(Sonny)Axelrod making Gallup Polling an offer they couldn’t refuse?
Interesting that Don Barack’s Gallup favorability suddenly went up, not that I would ever suggest that a DOJ lawsuit would in any way intimidate someone.
No. You will have to do better/worse than that to lose my support.
Thanks Ken,
You don’t know what a load that is off my shoulders. :)
SEATTLE (CBS Seattle) – A recent study conducted at the University of Groningen has found that women experiencing sexual arousal are less likely to experience feelings of disgust.
[What if the reason for the self loathing is viewing themselves as whores for compensating with the therapeutic sex?]
SEATTLE (CBS Seattle) – A recent study conducted at the University of Groningen has found that women experiencing sexual arousal are less likely to experience feelings of disgust.
[What if the reason for the self loathing is viewing themselves as whores for engaging in the therapeutic sex?]
Mary says:
September 15, 2012 at 2:55 pm
Just to show I’m not sexist, imagine Hugh Hefner with a pin that says: Studmuffins Vote.
Now you get my point. One must face up to the fact that after a certain point in life, its time to have some self respect.
Aging lothario who dodders around in his pajamas and takes lots of Viagra would be more accurate.
(Denise) It might interest you to know that one of the things that inspired Arianna Huffington to write “On Becoming Fearless” was seeing Hugh Hefner and a trio of girlfriends at a function. She described him as “shuffling” and looking especially foolish with his flaunted girlfriends. She also said she was “horrified” by the appearance of the “Hefner-bots.” They had obviously had much cosmetic surgery and the sheer amount of it had transformed them into looking like plastic dolls.
You might want to check into “On Becoming Fearless.”
Arianna’s first book, “The Female Woman: An Argument Against Women’s Liberation, For Female Emancipation,” was a pointed rejoinder to Germaine Greer’s “The Female Eunuch.” In “The Female Woman,” she shredded the excesses of both Greer’s book and Kate Millett’s “Sexual Politics” as well as the anti-marriage, anti-family foundations of extremism in the women’s movement.
Her book “On Becoming Fearless” is about what women must do in order to further their “emancipation” (rather than “liberation”). She believes women can be and do anything they want but must preserve their relationships with men and children in marriage and family life.
Denise Noe says: September 15, 2012 at 1:50 pm
“One of the most awful traditions has been that of men reducing women purely to their sexuality. Regardless of intention, encouraging use of words like “slut” actually reinforces and validates this tradition — a tradition that does terrible damage to women as a gender.”
The generation gap between yesterday’s feminazis and today’s feminstas as illustrated by their own words.
“I would be happy to give him [Bill Clinton] a blow job just to thank him [Hillary’s old man] for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”
Time contributor and former reporter Nina Burleigh recalling what she told the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz about her feeling toward Bill Clinton, as recounted by Burleigh in the July 20, 1998 New York Observer
Their actions make total sense. At least, for people who shape their lives around the concept of fighting what they perceive to be obstacles to freedom and happiness. Look at the labels “Progressive”, “Pro-choice”, etc. that they are so proud of. Their identities are not fixed, because they are external. ”Slut” and “A” are just the flavor of the week, or campaign, or whatever. Is it distasteful, even ridiculous? You bet. But it is a natural outcome of their whole worldview, and so they are to be pitied and prayed for, rather than mocked. What would YOU do with all your passions, doubts, and sin, if your identity did not come from the dignity of being a created, redeemed creature in Christ?
I’ll pass on the name-calling. I don’t enjoy it, even when the strange women want to claim ”slut” and “A”-words for themselves.
I agree with Mary: “One must face up to the fact that after a certain point in life, its time to have some self respect.”
The Culture of Death has come to reject human dignity itself. These people seem to believe that we can’t be free until we have discarded our dignity and embraced every degradation. Which makes sense – when certain classes of humanity are deemed to be “discardable,” then our natural solidarity with them forces us to think less of ourselves.
LOL Mary.
luckymama, I pity them’ and I will pray for their repentance; but do I have to look at them?
A is for An empty chair. An empty heart, An empty soul. That’s AAA.
Backlash against Rush and the rhetoric coming from the conservative it seems. It’s all ridiculous.They would have made their point a lot better if they stopped trying to “reclaim” a word and argued their points with some class. Thats why I think it’s stupid people ever made the argument against the mandate about sex anyway, it was really about religious freedom and government intrusion, but people just had to focus on the sex. Apparently that makes for more exciting talk radio and slogans.
@kenthebirther: Slick Willie did not “keep abortion legal.” The Supreme Court did. He really had nothing to do with it.
Slick Willie belongs to that tradition that reduces women to sexuality rather than seeing them as persons with a rich array of talents.
Hi Denise Noe,
Sounds interesting, thank you.
Not surprisingly, Hefner was a supporter of abortion and other feminist issues. The Playboy Foundation was, as of the year 2000, a huge contributor to Planned Parenthood, the National Organization of Women, NARAL, Emily’s List, Voters for Choice, and Feminists for Free Expression.
Apparently feminists were only too willing to turn a blind eye to what they often criticized as Hefner’s objectification of women.
Much like what they did when Clinton treated women like ashtrays.
Re the amazing co-incidence of a Gallup 10 point swing on the heels of the threat from Holder. Yours truly was thinking the same thing. Nothing like an existential threat to the existence of the Gallup organization from the Attorney General to start getting one’s facts ”straight”. This is truly pathetic.
Here is a thought for your consideration. Should we now simply term the MSM as the MSMP (i.e. main stream media propagandists)? As far as I know not a single MSMP talking head raised the specter of a possible connection between the disappearing Romney lead and Holder’s threat.
Could you even begin to imagine the outcry if it had been a Republican Attorney General threatening Gallup at the same time their Republican president was behind 5 points in their polling, only to show a 5 point lead regained shortly thereafter? Had such a thing happened for the first time ever I think we would have seen a commentator actually explode on live TV (thinking Chris Matthews).
CJ says:
September 15, 2012 at 10:13 am
Why would lesbian Jane Lynch even care about birth control or the abortion issue?
(Denise) The question of why lesbians in general even care about these issues is an interesting one. After all, their romances may lead to battery and murder but not to abortions. Of course, lesbians can be raped and impregnated that way. In addition, many women who are primarily attracted to women may have sex with men. For example, when gayness was stigmatized, many women married even though they weren’t attracted to men.
However, it would actually make more sense for lesbians to have little interest in this issue — or to strongly support outlawing abortion. The more risks are attached to one form of sex, the more a discerning person will choose (to the extent choice is possible in this area) another form of sex.
Mary says:
September 16, 2012 at 10:55 am
Hi Denise Noe,
Sounds interesting, thank you.Not surprisingly, Hefner was a supporter of abortion and other feminist issues. The Playboy Foundation was, as of the year 2000, a huge contributor to Planned Parenthood, the National Organization of Women, NARAL, Emily’s List, Voters for Choice, and Feminists for Free Expression. feminists were only too willing to turn a blind eye to what they often criticized as Hefner’s objectification of women
(Denise) “Women’s libbers” and “feminists” of varying stripes have always had a schizophrenic relationship with Hefner and his ilk. OTOH, they are inevitably outraged by the way he showcases women’s physical attributes while ignoring or downplaying the richness of their humanity and the fact that women, like, have a multitude of talents and interests. One of Gloria Steinem’s first well-known articles was an article about going undercover as a Playboy Bunny. The article was a scathing indictment of Playboy.
OTOH, conservatives tend to be the ones who have historically most strongly supported suppressing porn and sexually oriented material generally. For this reason, Hef & Co. side with liberals and, since most contemporary forms of “feminism” are thought of as liberal, Hef and others officially support feminist causes.
Their support of “feminist” causes is largely a matter of political expediency.
Jerry says:
September 15, 2012 at 3:18 pm
“Studmuffins vote”! I’m dying laughing! Yes, the adonis Hugh Hefner would really look the fool wearing such a button and it surely does make the point.
(Denise) He doesn’t have to wear such a button to look the fool. He already does.
Hi Jerry,
So help me, when I first read about it, I could just hear the theme from “The Godfather” and the sound of Marlon Brando’s cotton filled jowls inviting Gallup CEOs to the WH to explain themselves. Then there’s the video of “journalists” plotting to trip up Romney. I honestly never thought I would miss Sam Donaldson.
Am I surprised? Not at all. From the time I first stated on this blog that Obama is a sociopath, everything I have said would happen has come to pass. No great gift of prophecy on my part, just knowing the personality and what to expect.
My take on this? We have a thugocracy that passes for a presidential administration because we have people who put loyalty to the Democrat Party above all else and a compliant media that is little more than a WH stenography pool. At least “journalists” in dictatorships have the excuse of truly having no choice. Our so called media is willingly in the tank. That is even more despicable.
I can only tell you Jerry its going to get worse. This Gallup incident is just a small sample of what we can expect from Obama as he feels more and more threatened. This man does not want to let go of power and that had better scare us all.
Hi Denise Noe 5:21PM
Indeed he does! Good point.
I remember one interview with Hefner where he commented about beautiful women being attracted to him. After I stopped laughing I could only say out loud “you laughable pathetic old fool, do you really think these women would find you so “attractive” if you sold washing machines at Sears? Without the good life and money you provide them with they wouldn’t give you the time of day”.
Come to think of it Denise, I wonder how many young handsome men would find me irresistable if I gave them a thousand dollar weekly allowance, along with maid, butler, room and board and masseuse service.
Mary says:
September 16, 2012 at 9:43 pm
Hi Denise Noe 5:21PM
Indeed he does! Good point.
I remember one interview with Hefner where he commented about beautiful women being attracted to him. After I stopped laughing I could only say out loud “you laughable pathetic old fool, do you really think these women would find you so “attractive” if you sold washing machines at Sears? Without the good life and money you provide them with they wouldn’t give you the time of day”.
(Denise) Phyllis Schlafly said, “It’s a fact of life. A man fat and fifty may still think he’s attractive to women. A woman fat and fifty is not attractive to men.”
It has always been, and may always be, the case that young women will sometimes improve their economic station in life through sexual, and sometimes either marital and/or reproductive relations with men.
Women have the power to pretend to be attracted to someone. If they are adequate actresses, they may pretend to be actually in love with and enthralled by someone. This is why the doddering and foolish looking Hefner is fooled into thinking young women positively adore him. The truth is that “Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend” is probably a job to them. I think it’s probably a pretty distasteful job — but Hefner himself does not have a clue as to how distasteful a woman may find it. He believes he is utterly irresistible to the young women around him and that they are nothing short of entranced by him.
He is a walking — make that wobbling — human joke.
Denise Noe says:
September 16, 2012 at 6:42 am
@kenthebirther: Slick Willie did not “keep abortion legal.” The Supreme Court did. He really had nothing to do with it.
Your argument is with Nina Burleigh, not me.
But, iif my ’random excess memory’ serves me corredtly, slick willy appointed two justices to the SCOTUS and I don’t even need a brain to know they were members of the ‘dead babies r us’ mob.
Mary says September 16, 2012 at 9:43 pm
“Come to think of it Denise, I wonder how many young handsome men would find me irresistable if I gave them a thousand dollar weekly allowance, along with maid, butler, room and board and masseuse service.”
Money can’t buy what my graying, short for her weight, wife does for me, her graying short for my weight husband.
I woke up one morning to discover I was sharing my bed with a grandmother!
Her hair is turning white and my hair is turning loose.
I wouldn’t call any woman a “slut”, even if that’s what she wants to be called. You can’t just change the meaning of a word just so you can “own” it.
I guess they are trying to reclaim this word the way the gays did queer and what black people (supposedly) are doing when they call each other “n*gga” (as opposed to “n*gger), but I absolutely HATE both words. Yes, I’ve been called the latter many times, including here in Philadelphia. As for “n*gga” I never use it, nor do I allow anyone to use it around me. Both words to me symbolize shame, hatred, and degradation. I hate walking down the street and hearing someone blaring rap music with “n*gga this, n*gga that” (usually its some white kid). It makes me cringe. I’m not for censorship, but why can’t we let some words die?
The other day I was walking down the street and these teenage Caucasian girls walked by. One was dressed rather skimpily, in a tight tank and short shorts. I wouldn’t have let my teenage daughter dress that way, but it wasn’t as if it she were walking around naked. Well anyway, some young girl passed by in a car and hollered out “whore!” I was absolutely shocked. So I guess we have to have buttons with “whore” or W’s on them to “normalize” this word, too? I don’t call women whores or sluts (although I might use the word “skank” once in awhile, but there’s skanky men, too).
I’ve never liked name-calling either. Except maybe for “Cowboys fan”. ;)
Hi Ken,
Your bald head is really a solar panel for a sex machine.
“Criticize ideas, not people.”
Create one original moniker and stick with it.
Please use a unique name.
Be civil and considerate.
Read fully and consider carefully before responding.
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No swearing or slandering of others.
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It is obvious by reading the comments, that these rules are not being followed.
Cowboys fan!