On September 6 Yahoo News reported on, “‘Sluts vote’: the unlikeliest DNC flair”:

A member of the Illinois delegation has sold out of a batch of pins she made that say “Sluts vote.”

The pins, which cost 2 for $5, reference radio host Rush Limbaugh’s attack on women’s activist Sandra Fluke (he called her a “slut” for advocating that insurance plans fully cover contraceptives). We spotted several delegates on Thursday sporting the pins….

I think ‘slut’ is offensive, that’s why we’re trying to own it and make it ours,” said Debra Shore, an Illinois delegate from Chicago.

Makes total sense. Ok, done. Democrat feminists can own the term “sluts.”

In its piece, “Sluts and condoms for Obama,” The Examiner noted that Planned Parenthood reps were giving away slutty Democrat must-haves at the DNC:

As the crowds stroll by, they yell out “Get your ‘Protect yourself from Romney and Ryan condom,'” as they hand out pink condom packages with a single condom appropriately dyed blue….

Abortion is also a big topic with convention goers, especially those who supported Sandra Fluke….

Aspen, Colorado delegate Blanca O’Leary, for example, sported a “Sluts Vote,” button….

The website “A Is For” is another liberal feminist endeavor seeking to own a traditional slur as a badge of honor, explaining:

The scarlet letter “A” is an instantly recognizable symbol of excoriation and shame.

A is For is a campaign challenging the traditional meaning of the scarlet letter by encouraging women, and the men who support them, to wear the A proudly. We are taking back the A by re-appropriating its meaning to one of dignity, defiance, and autonomy.

We take our inspiration from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s fictional heroine of 17th century Puritan Boston, Hester Prynne, a woman branded by her fellows for daring to live a life according to her own conscience. We are refusing to be shamed into silence.

Hawthorne, of course, penned The Scarlet Letter, Prynne was forced to publicly wear the letter “A” for committing adultery.

As The Blaze notes, “A” in this context would obviously appear to stand for “a proud symbol for ‘abortion.'” But the site says not to assume the obvious:

We are taking back our A’s. The A is for Autonomy. It’s for Allegiance. It’s for Action.

Another suggestion via The Blaze:

Glee actress Jane Lynch also made a video in support of the campaign, saying:

“A” is for adamant…  utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, or urgings, or a**holes.  There’s another “A” word for ya!  A**holes.

The website asks:

What does your “A” mean to you?


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