Intel: Liberals plan anti-Mormon lit drop at mega-churches weekend before election
I was on a conference call yesterday regarding intelligence gathered from a highly placed source that liberal Obama surrogates are planning to target Evangelical mega-church parking lots with bigoted anti-Mormon flyers the final weekend before the election in key battleground states like Ohio, Iowa, and Wisconsin.
Mega-church pastors are being notified to have parking lot attendants be on the lookout for such a lit drop. But please forward this post to all pastors of both Protestant and Catholic churches, particularly in battleground states.
It may surprise you to learn that most of anti-Mormonism is on the LEFT, not the Right. From The American Spectator, April 18:
And a Pew poll found that 31% of Democrats and 23% Republicans said they would be less likely to support a candidate if he were Mormon. The poll also found that the more liberal the respondent, the more anti-Mormon they were. Forty-one percent of liberal Democrats said they would be less likely to support a Mormon candidate.
From Fox News, June 15:
The GOP’s all-important social conservatives may be getting more comfortable with Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith – but liberals are increasingly wary about the candidate’s religion in the run-up to November, according to a new study.
The study found anti-Mormon attitudes have increased since Romney’s 2008 presidential bid and are highest among liberal and non-religious voters….
The study found attitudes about Mormonism among Evangelicals has largely remained unchanged since 2007 – when 37% said they were “less likely to vote for a Mormon candidate for president,” compared with 33% this year.
However, that sentiment among non-religious voters increased from 21% to 41% over roughly the same period.
Among liberal voters, 43% said they were less likely to vote for a Mormon presidential candidate in 2012, compared with 28% in 2007.
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The insult here is not in the least to Mormons. It’s to the evangelicals, whom the Obama campaign apparently believes are stupid enough to be demagogued in this way.
And Fox draws the wrong conclusion: “The GOP’s all-important social conservatives may be getting more comfortable with Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith.” No, they’re just smart enough to understand that his Mormonism — lamentable though evangelical social conservatives continue to consider it — is not a priority factor in this election. It (Romney’s Mormon faith) is merely relatively unimportant. Such evangelicals are more uncomfortable with Obama on the substance of statecraft than they are with Romney’s personal faith. For all that, Obama’s brand of faith doesn’t settle in all that well with evangelical social conservatives either.
Seriously, how desperate can the Obama campaign possibly be? And how insulting?
This is what evangelicals should be doing now internally…..REALLY looking into and studying the tenants of Joseph Smith and Mormon “Church” fathers afterwards.
So what that Liberals have a higher percentage negative against Mormons…..THEY ALL HAVE A NEGATIVE RESPONSE AGAINST ALL RELIGIONS….PARTICULARLY THE ONES THAT SMELL OF BS AND MAGIC. Granted….the only BS that Liberals seemed to be immune to are their OWN BS….but as Conservatives we should all know that by now and move onto the legitimacy of their claims.
Mormonism is a occultic organization….(occultic….meaning hidden…to block from view). NOT ONE OF YOU CHRISTIANS OUT THERE SHOULD BE IGNORANT OF MORMON OCCULTISM WITH THE PLETHORA OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES…..AMAZON AND THE BIG BOX BOOK RETAILERS AND NOT TO MENTION THE INTERNET. Within 5 minutes it becomes EXCEEDINGLY CLEAR that Mormonism is a cult.
AAHHHH !!! RUN !!!
Man Up !!! Meet these Liberal Flyer droppers in the parking lot and invite them in to church. If they refuse….at least greet them with flyers of your own promoting your church and Christ Jesus …..have tables set up with food and drink to refresh them on their way. Then again….why not have church outdoors that day? Let the Liberal Flyer Droppers see a thousand or so people praising Christ as soon as they drive up and then WELCOME THEM WITH OPEN ARMS. HERE’S A RADICAL THOUGHT…..LET THEM HAVE THE LECTERN….THE PULPIT AND LET THEM EXPLAIN THEIR ANTI-MORMON VIEWS IN FROM OF THE ENTIRE CONGREGATION.
At least, if you are not going to judge the quality of the information on the flyer….then you can certainly represent Christ to them in love, boldness and courage…….not hunting down the Boogy Man Liberal and his Flyer of Doom and preventing him or her from exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech. Use your Constitutionally guaranteed right of Freedom of Religion and preach and more importantly BE CHRIST to these Liberals if and when they show up in your parking lots.
After four lackluster debate performances and defeat staring them in the face, it’s time for the Obama Campaign to move on to plan B: go down swinging!
There probably aren’t too many people who agree with Obama on all of his policies etc., but will not vote for him because of his race. However, there are quite a few people who largely agree with Romney yet will not vote for him because of his religion.
This question essentially boils down to “Would you vote for someone whose religion is not your own?” The answer, as always being, it depends on the particular politician. I don’t see this as that surprising.
I think what is also richly ironic is the number of Christians (or so called Christians) who will shut their doors to Mormon Missionaries when they come to call for obvious reasons.
But will run to the ballot box and reward someone with that same warped viewpoint on the nature of God, Jesus and the Cosmos with the Office of the most important and powerful position in the world.
So Mormons are not welcome into your HOUSE but are welcome in the WHITE HOUSE. Their thought processes, decision making skills concerning God and Christ and beliefs are so ALIEN to you that you will not allow them into your HOUSE in order for them NOT to LEAD you astray concerning your religious life….but you WILL allow them into the WHITE HOUSE to LEAD YOU AND THE COUNTRY.
Curious. Curious indeed.
So who are you talking to here, Danny? You refer vaguely to “the number of Christians” who will shut their doors to Mormons, then you switch to using second person pronouns in your last paragraph (“you”).
Seriously, who are you talking to?
As for Obama, he refers to “the prophet” Muhammad. He’s a Christian, putatively. How does that square with deeming a fellow who denied the death and resurrection of Christ a “prophet?”
In short, if this comes down to a pissing contest between the two contestants’ religions, both lose.
Having dispensed with that pointless exercise in comparative religion, we can thankfully return to our regularly scheduled political programming…
Danny, we are well aware of your extreme anti-Mormon bigotry. There is no need for you to keep reminding us of it.
I’m sure you would also appreciate it if Mitt were Catholic and the left littered Protestant church parking lots with flyers calling us Jesus-cracker-eating, wannabe cannibal, Mary worshipping, pedophile protecting, papal cabalists who are not “really” Christians.
By the way, I have never met a Mormon who wasn’t polite. I would gladly talk theology with them at any time. But I am not interested in engaging hateful liberals in debate, which would be casting pearls before swine.
It is amusing to see how desperate the Obamabots are getting.
“So who are you talking to here, Danny? You refer vaguely to “the number of Christians” who will shut their doors to Mormons, then you switch to using second person pronouns in your last paragraph (“you”).”
Should be clear enough. I used the third person to set the stage and to frame the overall point from the broad view….(which of course is true….most people will politely or impolitely close their doors to Mormons missionaries on their doorstep.)
I then brought that point home and made it more personal….to address the majority audience…(at least the majority who post comments on this site) the curious fact that many of them….perhaps the majority… have already or would refuse the entreaty of a Mormon missionary into their homes in order not to be proselytized to concerning the false teachings of a false prophet….but are hell-bent on electing someone so deluded by a false prophet and led his family into that delusion as well. To me it speaks VOLUMES about Mitt’s ability to make good decisions based on data, intuition and faith.
“Having dispensed with that pointless exercise in comparative religion, we can thankfully return to our regularly scheduled political programming… ”
ROTFLMBO !!!! AIN’T THAT THE TRUTH !!!!.… LOL!!! And that’s the issue….for both Liberals and Conservatives……you all are SO programmed by the various wings of the political media, namely the Church of MSNBC and the Temple of
Fox News……
Hi Danny. No need to yell. Why the hate?
I engage them on my porch. I fire more questions at them then they can fire at me.
I invite them in. They refuse. Nor will they tell me their first names.
What does that have to do with the price of cheap Chinese tires?
JDC said….
It is amusing to see how desperate the Obamabots are getting.
LOL !! I am also amused at your Romneybot quip. I wonder if the Secret Service is working on bulletproof magic underwear for Romney?
Can you imagine the uproar if a conservative group decided to drop anti-Muslim literature into parking lots? Yikes.
I find it amazing that the so-called “tolerant Left” really can’t stomach anyone who hasn’t sworn complete and total allegiance to secular humanism.
Actually I like talking to the Mormon missionaries. It is not so much the content as it is the warm fuzzy feeling you get from being with calm, kind, confident people who wish you well.
Carla said…..
Hi Danny. No need to yell. Why the hate?
Really ? Now all caps is hate? Who came up with that? Measure the truth and the veracity of the words….not the caps.
LOL !!!
“What does that have to do with the price of cheap Chinese tires?”
LOL !!! GOOD QUESTION !! Ask Romney…..he wanted to let those cheap Chinese tires in….but now on DAY ONE he is going to take …and I quote….”I wll take China to the mat ! “ and this doozy…”ON DAY ONE I WILL LABEL CHINA A CURRENCY MANIPULATOR !!”
LOL !!….really ? So Mitt is going to call China NAMES !! ?? Are we so stupid in this country (wait don’t answer that) not to realize that China pegs its currency…with…(wait for it….wait for it.…)…. THE US DOLLAR !!
So when when we devalue OUR CURRENCY…..we by default devalue CHINA’S CURRENCY.
Bad China….BAD…BAD…China !
LOL !!!!
Kel, it seems like a basic divide and conquer strategy of sowing distrust between communities so they can swoop down as the blessed saving do gooders who will unite us around a grand trough of second rate government largess.
I have welcomed Mormon missionaries into my home. I am not a big fan of Mitt Romney. I can’t believe we have a President who endorses infanticide. I will vote for Mitt Romney, who will be a good civil authority and will not vote for a man who believe something fashioned in the divine image was sent into this world to be tortured and torn to pieces because we didn’t want to go down into the well on our way to self-fulfillment.
Desperation smells really bad.
PS Danny, take a clue: if you use the caps key all the time, they lose its effectiveness. Most folks are glossing over your posts because the whole shouting into the wilderness thing is getting old. If you truly want to communicate, you might want to tone it down. Maybe you can’t. Then this is not the blog for you.
I am skeptical. This sounds a little too ‘spy vs spy’ to me.
Too much logistics involved in printing and distributing the leaflets when the internet provides a hassle proof alternative.
If this rumored leaflet bliltz actually materializes, then the pastors of the targeted congregations ought to at the same time inform their congregants they had nothing to do with it’s production and accordingly they cannot reject or endorse the message.
They should encourage their congregants to read it and draw their own conclusions.
I am confident GOD’s kids will have already made the right choice and this bit of oooompah will not fool them.
John L says:
But I am not interested in engaging hateful liberals in debate, which would be casting pearls before swine.
We do alot of that here I fear. There is also a matter of “invincible ignorance”. At some point when engaging in fruitless dialog a person simply has to write off any chance of penetrating through the layers of ignorance that were built up over a lifetime of consuming lies made to look like truth.
In engaging in discourse with the libs one cannot unwind say 50 years of untruths in two or three paragraphs. There has to be some willingness on the part of the other party to be brutally honest with themselves and acknowledge that they have swallowed whole the pack of lies from the earliest days in their development. This is a gift of grace and truth does indeed set one free.
Wisdom is the pearl of great price. We ought to pray every day to be given this gift.
Ooo! Making fun of Mormon undergarments! Maybe we can go mock Jews for those dumb little hats next. /sarcasm
“Ooo! Making fun of Mormon undergarments! Maybe we can go mock Jews for those dumb little hats next. /sarcasm”
He said therefore to the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him, “You
brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 Bear fruits that befit
repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father’; for
I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham. 9 Even now
the ax is laid to the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is
cut down and thrown into the fire.”
John the Baptist
You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say.
Thanks for playing….try again.
Ooh, Danny’s back!
Re: Poe’s Law. I found this the other day:
Fitting, no? (Yes, this one is indeed satire).
The alternative to a mormon in the white house is to return a GOD hating anti-christ to the white house.
A vote for Romney is no more a vote for mormonism than a vote for JFK was a vote for catholicism
Throw another pig on the altar and we will all have ham sandwiches for lunch.
Looks like GOD has pulled a fast one on us amercians or more accuratelly, we have outwitted ourselves.
“I honor those who honor me; those who scorn me I demean.” 1 Sam 2:30
“For he who finds me finds life And obtains favor from the Lord. “But he who sins against me injures himself; All those who hate me love death.” Proverbs 8:35-36
If you reject GOD, there is only one alternative.
Jan said….
I’m sure you would also appreciate it if Mitt were Catholic and the left littered Protestant church parking lots with flyers calling us Jesus-cracker-eating, wannabe cannibal, Mary worshipping, pedophile protecting, papal cabalists who are not “really” Christians.
LOL….I actually believe that right now about many Catholics. So what part of the historical and theological record is untrue about what you just stated?
The left can do what they want to do. I do not care in the least. If Jesus did not hop off the cross and destroy the entire lot humanity just as His Father did in the Flood….but said….”Father forgive them…for they know no what they do.” what could I possibly care about a man…or a woman passing out a leaflet offensive to me in my church parking lot?
Hoping the propaganda drop comes to my church parking lot!!
Although I will be left with a flyer while they run away.
John said….
Danny, we are well aware of your extreme anti-Mormon bigotry. There is no need for you to keep reminding us of it.
Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot, defined by Merriam-Webster as “a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance”
The origin of the word bigot and bigoterie (bigotry) in English dates back to at least 1598, via Middle French, and started with the sense of “religious hypocrite”
Uh Oh…..”religious hypocrite”. Isn’t that the REAL malady that is the underlying root of ALL of America’s ills. Wasn’t that the MAIN REASON cited by Christ Jesus Himself when confronting the Jewish Religious authority of His day?
Then we are all bigots….aren’t we? But I’m honest enough to say that that has been true in my life far too much….and ask forgiveness every time I catch myself or the Holy Spirit convicts me of it……
… about you?
And concerning my so called bigotry against Mormons…..please inform me where I have spoken a falsehood against the cult?
It is not bigotry to call out a cult or a cult member.
Kenthebirther said….
The alternative to a mormon in the white house is to return a GOD hating anti-christ to the white house.
When you believe in….teach others…and lead your family into the delusion of false teachings from a false prophet…. you HATE God.
Ergo….if you hate God the Father….by default of the Holy Trinity….you Hate Christ and the Holy Spirit as well.
Ergo….if you Hate Christ….you are a type of Anti-Christ.
So…..what truly would be the difference?
“I’d rather be ruled by a smart Turk than a stupid Christian” – Martin Luther, 16th century
“I’d rather be ruled by a smart Turk than a stupid Christian”
Give me the stupid Christian anyday. I wouldn’t do well under a caliphate or with sharia law…
Besides, plenty of smart people can be evil and plenty of less intelligent folks are wise. Intelligence is a good gift, but not a virtue.
I’m voting for the Mormon because the ‘evangelical’ is a deranged, but supposedly intelligent, anti-life socialist.
Danny, I can’t follow your posts. Between the overuse of !!!!!!! CAPS and bolded bits, you’ve lost me, brother in Christ.
Danny, October 23, 2012 at 10:26 am:
“the curious fact that many of them….perhaps the majority… have already or would refuse the entreaty of a Mormon missionary into their homes”
Bullsh, Danny. Name one. If you can’t name at least one, you’re not citing a curious fact.
Start with one, Danny. Or be subscribed an irrational loon.
“And that’s the issue….for both Liberals and Conservatives……you all are SO programmed by the various wings of the political media, namely the Church of MSNBC and the Temple of Fox News…… ”
Irrational loon. “You all” would include me, especially since you’re quoting me. But I don’t listen to MSNBC or Fox News. I watch television as rarely as possible — meaning never (the debates have been my sole exception in the past several months).
So “you all” is merely a conceit you indulge, neither an observation nor an arguable proposition.
Danny, you’re ranting mindlessly. Apply some mind to your remarks.
mary ann….
i’m not surprised you can’t follow the facts… matter how they are presented. it’s the same reason you will blindly, ignorantly vote for romney….even when the facts show that before there was obamacare….there was romney care.
before the anti-life socialist became president….the anti-life vulture...ahem...venture capitalist was governor of massachusetts.
there….is that better ….no caps.
rasqual angrily croaked out…….
“the curious fact that many of them….perhaps the majority… have already or would refuse the entreaty of a Mormon missionary into their homes”
Bullsh, Danny. Name one. If you can’t name at least one, you’re not citing a curious fact.
Start with one, Danny. Or be subscribed an irrational loon.
There….that’s one.
My mother and father…..two and three.
Most of my neighbors when after failing entry at our house they walked or hopped on their bikes to go to the next house on the block.
When I lived in an apt. complex once graduating college and moving to another town……
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 , 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,,,,
shall I go on……
Oh….and BULLY for you for not watching the propaganda on MSNBC and FOX. But you statement……
Danny, you’re ranting mindlessly. Apply some mind to your remarks……
proves you do not read my remarks any more carefully than anyone else. Or you know….but are too scared to admit it…..that I am right.
Not a SINGLE ONE of you….who have ever responded in the negative towards…..NOT ONE….NOT EVER….have ever refuted any of my allegations….facts…..evidence…..with any of your own. You just regurgitate the same knee-jerk responses that are so typical with the Liberals.
You can do better than that.
So….go back and find all of my remarks…….Google my first name and Jill Stanek….and even find the the things I said about Santorum YEARS ago…..and you will find that all that I said was true and factual.
But you won’t…..because you can’t. That’s a dare by the way.
Just so that you know my words are true……and to help you guys out with the heavy lifting of research…..(which seems to be too much for most of you)…..I’ve gone ahead and done it for you……
From 2006……
Danny S. says:
June 15, 2006 at 7:43 am
Good morning Jill.
I came across your column today while at World Net Daily. I have seen your name mentioned from time to time but this is the first time I have read your column. In 1964 my birth mother made the decision to put me up for adoption. I do not know anything about her and I was indeed adopted a few weeks later on St. Patrick’s Day.
I say this as a piece of background information concerning my pro-life stance. I also have 4 sons and a daughter. There is nothing more precious to me in all the earth than these children.
I have read your bio and read some of your previous columns. You are indeed doing not only yeoman’s work here but God’s work. Blessings to you are absolutely in order.
However… are wrong on this issue of Santorum and other Republicans. Barring insufficiently accurate data before 1973, 40 million + babies have been slaughtered….not aborted….not killed…not murdered…but slaughtered. They have been slaughtered in ways that would make terrorist beheadings seem mild and humane. And you know how we in American, both in the media and the public, have the stomach to see the real face of our Islamic enemy…well…we don’t. We even yell, “Too soon, Too soon!” in theatres showing the film Flight 93, much less actual footage of the planes impacting the Twin Towers or the bloodied, burned people jumping to their deaths.
So…my question to you is…who is the real enemy here? At last count we have had a Republican Majority in Congress for close to a decade and a totally Republican Federal Government from the President on down since 2000. Add to these facts that the majority of states are being run by the Republicans and supposedly a majority of Americans professing to be Christians…well…we should have seen abortion banned a while ago. But it hasn’t…not at the Federal level nor at the state level. To wit I ask….
Sorry…I have two questions piling up here. First…Who is the real enemy here? You as well as Hugh Hewitt and many others seem to think it is a combination of those VILE liberals and their ACTIVIST judges. To a point you are correct. No one has cheered along and has actively supported the right of a woman to slaughter her child in the womb ala Al-Zarqwari, as the the Democrats have, supported by activist judges. However, those Democrats did not magically or by alien space invasion take over their seats of power…they were elected…BY THE PEOPLE. And although most activist judges are not elected, they were appointed by Democrats who were in turn elected…BY THE PEOPLE. Even after these activist judges have been shown to be unrepentant radicals, THE PEOPLE have not revolted by throwing THEIR elected bums out and replacing them with politicians of like mind on abortion who would appoint new less radical judges.
Now…let’s give the Democrats a bit of a break here. Remember my stats from above….Republican Congress for a decade…Republican President for 6 years running…majority of states run by Republicans. And 2 new ostensibly conservative Judges on the Supreme Court.
And still babies are being slaughtered even as I type.
And now you and others bemoan the fact that many Republicans and/or Pro-Life Christians are claiming that they will not support Rick Santorum for re-election because of his support of Arlen Specter. You as well as others claim that Specter and Santorum were instrumental in getting Roberts on the Supreme Court. All true.
Doesn’t matter.
I’ve asked this one word question now three times. Here’s the answer…because WE THE PEOPLE…want abortion. WE THE PEOPLE elected all these guys into power…who in turn appoint the judges. WE THE PEOPLE elect Democrats in power who make it legal for women to slaughter their babies and not face the death penalty. And it is also WE THE PEOPLE who have elected ALL THESE REPUBLICANS from the Federal level all the way down to the states and even the local level…who have stated one thing about abortion but who have either acted another way, not acted at all, or have been powerless or totally ineffective to do anything about it.
The reason we have abortion in this country as a legal right for 33 years with not one person getting the chair, the gas, the needle, a life sentence or even a parking ticket….is because WE THE PEOPLE want it that way.
Even if you and Hugh and Rush and the others are correct and that we NEED Santorum in Congress to get yet ONE MORE supposedly conservative judge on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs Wade, this issue will still come back to the STATES for ratification as a constitutional amendment. And all this hand-wringing over Santorum will have been for naught because once this issue gets in the hands of WE THE PEOPLE, you will see the true face of America….that being… WE THE PEOPLE…want our abortions.
Not true you say? Really? Then how come have the states who have had the power to pass their own anti-abortion laws not done so in 33 years? WE THE PEOPLE. Yes, I know what’s going on in Soth Dakota and Mississippi (my birth state) and in other states. But it has been 33 years and even South Dakota is not a sure thing.
No…Jill…the enemy is not Democrats or Judges or Liberals or Mad, Frustrated Republicans/Pro-Life Christians. All these groups share one commonality…they are all PEOPLE…..WE THE PEOPLE.
Which is why Santorum has to go. Because he helped Specter get elected.
And if and when the abortion issue becomes a constitutional issue then Specter will be the first to vote it down in the Senate as representative of Pennsylvania. Because WE THE PEOPLE voted him in and WE THE PEOPLE did not take a stand and punish Santorum for his short sighted political expediency over the lives of unborn children.
WE THE PEOPLE have been the enemy of unborn children, Jill. And the only thing to change that, barring a miracle from God in the changing of people’s hearts en masse, is civil war or Judgement from God. Not one more judge on the Supreme court or the re-election of Rick Santorum.
Even in dissagreement on this issue, I still commend you from the bottom of my heart for what you are doing and the sacrifices you have made on behalf of the ones who have no voice, no legal protection and no representation in this country. God bless you Jill…God bless you indeed.
I told Jill that Santorum would go on and be defeated. That no one should vote for a man that help re-elect a Pro-Abort….like Arlen Specter..(who went on to become a Democrat….) just because it would put one more Republican into the Senate.
I was right then…..I am right about Romney now.
This election has gotten my friends and neighbors talking about Mormons…talking about how polite their young people are, talking about how they take care of each other, talking about how they even take care of non-Mormons when they can. A friend went through a terrible personal crisis a few years ago and when her Mormon neighbors heard about it, they were there! The young Mormon missionaries that come around are good listeners and don’t just spout some script like certain other door to door people. Certain other door-to-doorers won’t deviate from their script AND they don’t vote!
So what if their beliefs are different; I respect people who actually have beliefs rather than a slick politician who pretends to be of a certain faith in order to trick people of that faith into voting for him. Heck, I’d vote for a tambourine-waving airport moonie over the current amateur in the White House! (Does that date me? I haven’t seen a tambourine in the airport for YEARS!)
Oh…did you catch these two things I said in my post in 2006……
And now you and others bemoan the fact that many Republicans and/or Pro-Life Christians are claiming that they will not support Rick Santorum for re-election because of his support of Arlen Specter. You as well as others claim that Specter and Santorum were instrumental in getting Roberts on the Supreme Court. All true.
Even if you and Hugh and Rush and the others are correct and that we NEED Santorum in Congress to get yet ONE MORE supposedly conservative judge on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs Wade, this issue will still come back to the STATES for ratification as a constitutional amendment. And all this hand-wringing over Santorum will have been for naught because once this issue gets in the hands of WE THE PEOPLE, you will see the true face of America….that being… WE THE PEOPLE…want our abortions.
So there you go….with the help of Rick Santorum by supporting the Pro-Abort Arlen Specter, George W. got his SCOTUS nominee in….Chief Justice John Roberts……
……who went on to save Obamacare…….which will make it even easier and cheaper to murder babies.
And you think Romney will do any better…..?
Now that I’ve shown you my facts and evidence from even 6 years ago…..I challenge you all once again to prove I am wrong now…..with your own evidence.
ninek says…..
Heck, I’d vote for a tambourine-waving airport moonie over the current amateur in the White House! (Does that date me? I haven’t seen a tambourine in the airport for YEARS!)
Yes it does…..but it dates me as well.
And by the way….they were not Moonies….they were Hare Krishnas,r:10,s:0,i:167&tx=77&ty=66
And BTW….
It’s because of your very attitude and fear….that this country is doomed.
Not engaging Danny until he stops sounding like a clanging gong, but I will be praying for him.
I trust evangelicals with real faith will not fall for liberal leafleting.
An evangelical who supports Obama is as foolish as a Catholic who supports Biden. Both men are false to critical elements of Christianity, regardless of their claim of religious affiliation.
I admit I do have some problems with Mormons. I find their beliefs bizarre and unbiblical. I am not even sure they are Christians.
What bothers me most, however, is their history of racism. For many years they taught that black people were cursed, with dark skin and kinky hair representing the “mark of Cain” mentioned in the Old Testament. The Christian Bible, of course, has been used to justify racism. People that support this sort of thing, however, ignore the verse where Miriam was struck by leprosy for opposing her brother Moses’ marriage to an African woman. Hmmm.
Anyway, it wasn’t until the seventies when some Mormon leader claimed he received a revelation stating that black people weren’t cursed anymore and could even be priests in the church. Some people say that this was less a revelation than a recognition of the fact that the church could be sued for racial discrimination.
Most black people despise Mitt Romney. I keep on hearing he is “racist,” but I can’t think of anything he has said or done to be construed as racist (the same with Paul Ryan). However, Romney’s membership in a church that for years taught racism as biblical “truth” is very disturbing and yes, it makes me not want to vote for him.
Anyway, here’s a question: If Obama was prolife, would you vote for him?
Ooh whee, it looks like this thread was hit by a tornado.
Moonies, Krishnas, it doesn’t matter. Obama is a dangerous amateur and shouldn’t be *gasp* commander in chief. If he were pro-life would I vote for him? No. We’re under attack by known enemies and he tries to blame an unknown, obscure, non-American filmmaker?! We need that overgrown child out of the White House ASAP. If he’d been passionately pro-life 4 years ago would I have voted for him? No. He’s inexperienced to a dangerous degree which has shown itself in every bad decision he’s made.
If Romney disappoints, we vote him out in 4 years, too.
Danny: “Sure….me. There….that’s one. My mother and father…..two and three. Most of my neighbors when after failing entry at our house they walked or hopped on their bikes to go to the next house on the block. Hmmmm….. 4,5,6,7,8,9,10……. When I lived in an apt. complex once graduating college and moving to another town…… 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 , 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,,,, shall I go on……”
Yeah. You’re not talking to your family or neighbors. You’re talking to people in this forum as if THEY are like your family and neighbors. You’re just presuming of folks here, what you deem bad about people closer to home. And that’s weird, Danny. Transferring your frustration from people around you to anonymous folk at a distance is kind of pathetic.
“Not a SINGLE ONE of you….who have ever responded in the negative towards…..NOT ONE….NOT EVER….have ever refuted any of my allegations….facts…..evidence…..with any of your own. You just regurgitate the same knee-jerk responses that are so typical with the Liberals. You can do better than that. So….go back and find all of my remarks…….Google my first name and Jill Stanek….and even find the the things I said about Santorum YEARS ago…..and you will find that all that I said was true and factual.”
Dude. You come into the thread out of the blue, apparently obsessed with some kind of ancient history, and lump everyone here together as if, in some aggregate fashion, folks here uniformly are responsible for giving a rip about whatever the deuce it is you’re obsessively going bonkers about.
You’re not ranting — you’re raving.
Danny – You certainly are certain of yourself and your facts. I pray for you – pray against your pride. . .you are loved by God and there is no need to be hating on others. God Bless -
I think a few single-term presidents in a row might send a little message to future politicians: it’s the will of the people, or pack your bags. You don’t have 8 years to get your act together. Or, as I see on many bumper stickers: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. LOL!
“Meet these Liberal Flyer droppers in the parking lot and invite them in to church.”
It was apparently Brigham Young who instituted the teaching banning blacks from the priesthood. Mitt’s father had unsuccessfully tried to get some Civil Rights laws supported in the 1964 GOP convention, and was a major champion of the cause that decade.
Here’s a relevant article:
Mary Ann said……
Not engaging Danny until he stops sounding like a clanging gong, but I will be praying for him.
Lee said…..
Danny – You certainly are certain of yourself and your facts. I pray for you – pray against your pride. . .you are loved by God and there is no need to be hating on others.
Thanks to all for your prayers.
As I am STILL praying for any of you to show the evidence that Mitt Romney is…..
NOT a serial liar…..
Has NOT made claims that he will do this and that on Day ONE when he knows or should know he does not have the power to do based on the Constitution that he is supposedly supporting…
That he is NOT a member of a Cult…..
That he has NOT stood aside and allow hundreds of thousands of babies to be murdered in Massachusetts…..
That he did NOT institute socialized medicine in Massachusetts and that Obama used Romney Care as a DIRECT TEMPLATE FOR OBAMACARE nationally
That he did NOT institute gun control in Massachusetts….
That he is NOT lying to you now about being a Conservative Pro-Lifer when he has an ABUNDANT and EASILY PROVEN RECORD IN MASSACHUSETTS that he was NOT.
That he IS going to defund Planned Parenthood…..when that is Congress’s sole job and not in his power to do.
That he IS going to force China to play fairly and stop manipulating their currency….when China holds more of our debt than anyone else in order for us to function as a country and to buy their stuff….as well as the fact that they have pegged their currency to ours….so when we manipulate the Dollar…so goes the Yuan.
That he IS going to jump start the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians when there has been no peace between them since 1917 and EVERY president both Democrat and Republican has failed at that.
That he IS going to create 12 million new jobs in 4 years….when the country is going through a EPOCHAL change not only in terms of the economy….but Demographics and Culturally too. (This is part of his serial lying)
So…..that’s enough for now. I dare any of you….ANY…OF….YOU...including you rasqual….if you can get off the X-Box and stop raving about my supposed raving….to supply ANY evidence….historical evidence….Constitutional evidence….political evidence….that backs up your belief that Mitt Romney will be better than Obama….will keep his promises better than Obama…will NOT be such a dissapointment as EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT has been since Richard Nixon……
….any evidence….other than Mitt is not Obama….that Mitt is not a socialist….that Mitt is not a black man….that Mitt is not Marxist….that Mitt is actually going to repeal Obamacare….even though it is HIS plan…plus as President, he Constitutionally does not have the power to do (more of that serial lying)
You guys want me to go away… the evidence.
Otherwise…..I make this promise now. If you fearful, deluded people help elect Romney to the presidency I will come on this site every single day and keep a running count of the number of babies murdered that day….the amount that the deficit went up….the amount the debt went up…..the number of promises Mitt has broken or not accomplished yet….the number of jobs he HAS NOT created…..etc.
It will be like the Dateline Nightly Count of the number of days the Iranian Hostages were held during the Carter Administration.
None of you will be able to look away and not be confronted with the fact that you elected yet another Republican lier and failure….thus negating any argument you have against the Liberal hoard. EVERY….SINGLE…..DAY !!!!
But….why wait….let me show you the lie that Romney made when he said he….HE…not Congress…but HE was going to defund Planned Parenthood.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana stepped between women and their physicians when it enacted a law that blocked Medicaid funds for Planned Parenthood just because the organization provides abortions, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.
The ruling by the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago effectively upheld decisions by a district judge and a Medicaid review panel that found the 2011 law denied patients the right to choose their own health care provider.
“This is not about an abortion case. This is a case about Medicaid services — non-abortion-related services — and the attempt by the state of Indiana to punish Planned Parenthood and its clients from receiving non-abortion health services merely because Planned Parenthood, without any sort of state or federal money or any Medicaid funds, also provides abortions,” Ken Falk, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, said at a news conference in Indianapolis following Tuesday’s decision. The ACLU argued the case on behalf of Planned Parenthood.
The ruling will likely have little impact on Planned Parenthood’s operations in Indiana as funding to its clinics has been largely uninterrupted since Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels signed a law attempting to cut the organization off in May 2011. Gov. Daniels‘ spokeswoman did not respond to phone requests for comment Tuesday
Read more: Court blocks Indiana from defunding Planned Parenthood – Washington Times
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I’m not surprised that Gov. Daniels spokes mouth had nothing to say. You can’t say much when you got OWNED.
Just as Mitt got OWNED before he even gets into office because this is now legal precedent.
There you go… promise shot to hell…..and I didn’t even have to wait until DAY ONE of his presidency…..LOL !!!
Well….well….look-ee here. I don’t even have to wait until Day ONE of Mitt’s presidency to prove one of his promises is false…namely that HE is going to defund Planned Parenthood…….
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana stepped between women and their physicians when it enacted a law that blocked Medicaid funds for Planned Parenthood just because the organization provides abortions, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.
The ruling by the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago effectively upheld decisions by a district judge and a Medicaid review panel that found the 2011 law denied patients the right to choose their own health care provider.
“This is not about an abortion case. This is a case about Medicaid services — non-abortion-related services — and the attempt by the state of Indiana to punish Planned Parenthood and its clients from receiving non-abortion health services merely because Planned Parenthood, without any sort of state or federal money or any Medicaid funds, also provides abortions,” Ken Falk, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, said at a news conference in Indianapolis following Tuesday’s decision. The ACLU argued the case on behalf of Planned Parenthood.
The ruling will likely have little impact on Planned Parenthood’s operations in Indiana as funding to its clinics has been largely uninterrupted since Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels signed a law attempting to cut the organization off in May 2011. Gov. Daniels‘ spokeswoman did not respond to phone requests for comment Tuesday
By the way….the above case….is what is called in jurisprudence as…..
Danny: “I make this promise now. If you fearful, deluded people help elect Romney to the presidency I will come on this site every single day and keep a running count of the number of babies murdered that day….the amount that the deficit went up….the amount the debt went up…..the number of promises Mitt has broken or not accomplished yet….the number of jobs he HAS NOT created…..etc.”
Why stop there? Do the same if Obama is elected.
Well, I belong to a mega church. I read this headline about people passing out anti-Mormon hate literature at Evangelical mega churches to get votes away from Romney. My first thought was that they were not going to get far with it if they try this nonsense at my church. Then I found out they were planning it for the battleground states. Since I live in Texas, they won’t be coming to my church. Oh well, no hate literature passed out at my church. Good riddence!
rasqual weakly retorts……..
Why stop there? Do the same if Obama is elected.
Nope…..we all know that Liberals are for the most part psychopaths. We should all know their playbook by now.
But you Romney-bots are just like those pitiful women who are serially abused by men who always come back to them saying……
“But….but….he apologized to me….he “says” he’s sorry and that he’s “changed”. Besides I love him……what else can I do?”
LOL !!! Typical Republicans and Conservatives. You talk a good game….but you end up acting just like those pathetic Liberals. Election after election… all have the same reason……
“I know he stinks….but at least he is better than (INSERT NAME OF LIBERAL HERE)”
Oh….BTW…..thanks for proving my point…..that I have stated TIME and TIME again…...NONE OF YOU…..can do anything but come back with empty snark at any of my allegations about Romney with proof and evidence of your own that Romney is a NOT a serial lier and at the very least a wishy-washy moderate or a liberal at worse and WILL DO NOTHING to correct and reverse the TERMINAL decline of this country.
Thanks for playing……try again.
Danny, get a grip. We vote for the candidates that are there, not the ideal savior we imagine in our brain. There are a third of a billion brains in the U.S., and one person’s ideal savior would be the next guy’s meh also-ran (or worse). The last time we had folks thinking the messiah had come, we got Obama.
No one here, to my shallow knowledge, is celebrating Romney without qualification. My credo this election as in the last election is that I’d vote for someone having daily sex with dead weasels before I’d vote for Obama. Needless to say, your protracted manic episode doesn’t exactly get ahead of my curve. You’re lagging badly in the point-establishing department.
It’d’ve been interesting had you been there in the first century when Paul penned his letter to the Roman church. I wonder what you’d have said when he concluded his remarks in what we call chapter 13. “WHAT? That’s all? You pathetic Caesar-bot! That’s right… subject to the authorities….EVERY SINGLE CAESAR has been the SAME. You can do better than that.”
Dude. Whatever point you think you have, your apparent issue is that you don’t weigh it in life’s pans with practical reality. There’s nothing wrong with having ideals and principles. But those ideals and principles have to be applied in an external world that actually exists — and it’s a messy world. Your approach — febrile rants issuing, apparently, from dissociative obsessions — is neither wise, prophetic, nor persuasive of any valuable point.
Chesterton comes to mind, alas: “If you argue with a madman, it is extremely probable that you will get the worst of it; for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not being delayed by the things that go with good judgment.”
Maybe adding underlines and italics to your bold text and UPERCASING…..not to mention ellipses….would help you get your point across better. Whatever it is.
no proof to counter my claims against Romney nor the proof that convinces you he will be successful at anything in his doomed from the start Presidency.
BLAH BLAH BLAH…..big words…..Chesterton quote….which ironically explains rasqual and the Romney-bots actions in the polling booth.
Proof please….based on Romney’s only political history as Governor of Massachusetts……
oh…..and you’re automatically disqualified if you mention anything Romney has stated. All politicians lie…..and Romney is a proven serial lier….which also makes him a psychopath…..which we knew from his choice of cults.
But your point in saying all this is . . . what?
I mean, your opinion is registered. Understood. Tallied. Chalked up. Archived. Presented for consideration.
So . . . what’s next? Where’s the value added factor for either you or your interlocutors?
Ok, I just gotta know: Danny, for whom will you be casting your presidential vote? For Obama? For yourself? For Zaphod Beeblebrox?
Are you using a folding machine for your handouts, or creasing them by hand? Did Obama send you the copy for the handouts, or are you writing it yourself? Remember: bold type will use up more ink and cost more money! Finally, I hope you and your friends will use paper with at least 30% post consumer recycled content.
Nearly all of Danny’s comments have exactly one like on them. I’m not accusing him of liking his own comments, but then again you never know…
I hear DenseGnome and Ex-RINO calling your name.
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference? I could not respect you more! :)
LOL, judging by the likes, I’m not the only one who knows where my towel is!
Wow rasqual…..interlocutors….nice 50 cent word.
you said……
But your point in saying all this is . . . what?
I mean, your opinion is registered. Understood. Tallied. Chalked up. Archived. Presented for consideration.
So . . . what’s next? Where’s the value added factor for either you or your interlocutors?
The “value added” factor is simply this…..
Namely, proving that you and the Romney-bots absolutely know when you go into the voting booth you are voting in a serial lier….a cult member….a pro-abortionist….a gun contoller…..and someone who forced all in Massachusetts into socialized medicine.
All because he isn’t Obama……which is the same as saying….just because he isn’t black. Because Romney lies like Obama….is an apostate like Obama…..has the blood of innocent babies on his hands like Obama…..has supported gun control like Obama…..has instituted socialized medicine like Obama.
The only thing Romney IS NOT….. is black like Obama.
Not saying any of you are racist. But you leave little choice for all those who come here and read your posts….particularly your posts against me…..and see that if you do have any evidence I am wrong, it is pitifully weak and not well thought out…..with the BULK of it coming down to simply this….Romney is not Obama.
It also proves that most of you worship the idol of man made politics as a means of doing anything useful…particularly in the long term…for human society and culture….,much less the evil human heart. How else can it explain your mindless support for a man who is simply a white Obama….with a political track record to prove it?
Romney is simply taking a page from Obama’s play book to get elected…..namely lying. It worked SO WELL for Obama….that Romney is convinced that if he can constantly lie and run away from his record in Massachusetts….THE ONLY POLITICAL RECORD HE HAS…..then just like Obama he can lie straight to the White House on the backs of ignorant, mind numbed, idol worshiping Christians.
And so far ……it is working BRILLIANTLY ! LOL !!!!!!
Oof! Back we go with the LOLs. Why do I get the impression you actually are laughing out loud - in a Snidley Whiplash sort of way?
I don’t agree with some of the teachings of the Mormon faith, but I have found that most Mormons Ive met are family oriented lovely people. I think its intolerant what the liberals are saying about Romney’s faith, and Danny I don’t even have the patience to read your posts. Obama is radically pro abortion and Romney is not. Obama is a threat to my religious freedom and Romney is not. I think my choice on November 6th is clear. The underwear you speak of? Its not magic, it is a chapel garment worn under the clothes during services to inspire modesty.
Hans laughingly said…..(LOL !!)
Oof! Back we go with the LOLs. Why do I get the impression you actually are laughing out loud - in a Snidley Whiplash sort of way?
This makes 1,349 retorts to my posts with no proof to disprove that Romney is a serial lier, a cultist, a pro abort, a gun contoller and a supporter of socialized medicine.
But hey….as a new contributor to this site (congratulations by the way) he does have a way with the empty snark.
Doesn’t matter who wins…..this is the America that Mitt Romney is inheriting…..
God’s judgement will continue with the election of Mitt Romney. But none of you have the discerning eyes to know it.
But hey….Romney is better than Obama….. right?
Musicbringsjoy says…..
Danny I don’t even have the patience to read your posts. Obama is radically pro abortion and Romney is not. Obama is a threat to my religious freedom and Romney is not.
Romney’s serial lying including his pro abort stance….
Romney’s pro abortion stance,,,,,
Romney’s pro abortion stance again…..
Mitt Romney as abortion profiteer from a liberal news organization…..
Mitt Romney exposed for the lier he is from a CONSERVATIVE organization…..–CuzBtBw&feature=related
Hopefully….Musicbringsjoy….that if you fail to have the patience to READ….you will be like most American…..patient enough to WATCH A VIDEO OR TWO.
Danny, you really haven’t established the value of what you’re posting.
Let’s say you’re 100% right about what you’ve said so far.
Having dispensed with that for purposes of discussion — what’s your advice to people here on election day? There are two realistic candidates. No others have a chance of winning. The two horses are neck and neck.
What do you advise? Be straight. Your readers are entering the voting booth. What should they do?
Don’t vote at all.
Straight enough for you ?
I’ve already made that my clear choice in my previous posts as to what I am doing this year and have done since after the 2000 election.
We all have the right NOT to vote. When BOTH candidates are serial liers…..when BOTH candidates have for DECADES supported abortion and have let babies be murdered under their regime…..when BOTH candidates have supported and passed gun control laws….when BOTH candidates have passed socialized medicine….when BOTH candidates have made promises they knew they could not keep….(Stop the off shoring of jobs…..make America energy independent… the peace process in the Middle East….strengthen our economy……crack down on China….reduce the deficit…reduce the debt…..)
Forced to admit the truth of these facts….based on OVERWHELMING and MULTITUDINOUS amounts of written, oral and video recorded evidence concerning BOTH candidates……
… should be compelled to exercise your Constitutionally protected right to vote….NONE OF THE ABOVE. No matter the consequence. Just like the Founding Fathers and the Patriots said…”No matter the consequences….even to death….we will fight for freedom.” They fought and bled for my right to vote…NONE OF THE ABOVE...with the same bravery to face the consequences.
They could face the possible consequences because of their bravery and their strong principles. I exercise my right to not participate in a utterly corrupt and broken human system called American Democracy in the spirit and in honor of those same Patriots. I will not be herded like ignorant sheep into the stall we called the voting booth because the other “Sheeple” on both the Left and the Right….in the news media….both Left and Right….and in Academia….both Left and Right….just because they tell me it’s what I am supposed to do.
To H&ll with the Sheeple….to H&ll with the media….to H&ll with Academia….to H&ll with America. It has become MUCH MORE corrupt and MUCH MORE tyrannical and dangerous not only to the population but to unborn babies as well….than King George III was to the early colonists.
Do I NOW make myself perfectly clear to you and the others on this site? Am I STRAIGHT enough for you now ?
Do you now know what YOU should be doing….or actually NOT doing ?
But you will not because you are a coward like all the others. You will do what you are told….what you have been programed to do….because you and all the others may talk a good game about principles but you have none. You will go into that booth and sacrifice your principles to the Goddess of Liberty and delude yourself yet again that you did something useful or that you actually affected a change when 250 years of American history prove you all to be liers and self deluded. Even when faced with evidence going back to 1994 that Mitt Romney is a White Obama and has been lying to you all since becoming a Presidential candidate after he stepped down as governor of Massachusetts in 2007…..simply because he knows he can get away with it…..
…..because he knows how to market himself to you “Sheeple”…...I AM NOT OBAMA.
Good grief, Danny. Get a grip. People differ with you on whether one candidate is worse than the other. You deem them identically vile, others prefer one or the other for a host of reasons which you don’t happen to share. For that crime you tar everyone around you with the brush of idiocy regardless of your own ignorance of their thinking — which is remarkable because doing so requires omniscience on your part, both regarding the candidates and others’ judgments of them.
You are talking like an arrogant fool, Danny. You are incapable of knowing everything your judgments would require to be valid. Your judgments are so large, so sweeping, and so unmitigated by the slightest humility or self-doubt.
If you were capable of being even slightly wrong, then one candidate might be slightly better than the other, even by your own standards. So because you’re deeming them to be identically vile, you’re implicitly denying that you are capable of being even slightly wrong.
If you were capable of being even slightly wrong in the standards by which you judge the candidates, then by others’ standards (which might then be superior to your own) one candidate could be better than the other, however little. But because you’re deeming the candidates to be identically vile, you’ve also elevated your own standards to an absolute and utterly non-provisional status, and discounting the possibility that others’ standards and judgments might have any merit at all.
In short, if one of the candidates were even SLIGHTLY better, voting for that candidate would not be the pathetic hypocrisy you seem to be alleging. Yet you are arrogant enough to assume “identical vileness,” discounting others’ perceptions entirely. The key word is “entirely.” Most people disagree on some things, and on those things most folks are absolutely convinced of their position. But for you to assume that neither candidate is better in any respect is to pose a stunningly comprehensive privilege for your own judgment of all possible aspects of the candidates’ positions, views, record and potential.
In short, Danny, you’re way out of line. Your triumphalism about this kind of breathtaking arrogance only makes it worse.
“But hey….Romney is better than Obama….. right?”
Proof please…..other than what comes out of Mitt’s lying mouth……..
Republicans call Mitt a lier…..
And he’s better than Obama…..other than the fact that he is NOT Obama……
OK, I get it. This is one of those PalaDANNY things… ;-D
BTW, you just misspelled “liar.” So obviously you suck as much as anyone else on the Internet who misspells things. You are identically vile.
Danny must be a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses because they don’t vote either. When they come to my house or stop me in public, I let them know. I tell them, “You may give lip service to being pro-life but you are not helping us or mothers. You are silently letting the pro-choicers have their way.”
If you don’t vote, I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ANY OF YOUR WHINING OR COMPLAINING. VOTE OR SHUT UP. You’ve been given a chance to make your case: Epic fail. Not going to address you ever again online after this comment. Good day, sir.
PS readers: let’s remember to recycle those racist pamplets. What’s sad about the proudly-non-voting is that people in other parts of the world would die for a chance to participate in a democracy. People who don’t appreciate democracy deserve to live under a dictator. But will they move? No, they sit here taking up American resources and whine like little entitled babies. (Sorry babies, didn’t mean to compare the slacktivists to you).
Honestly, we need mandatory citizen service (martial or civil) whose prerequisite is a high school diploma. Voting eligibility comes after successful completion. Failures may try again if they wish, any time.
Folks eligible for voting are allowed to pillory, at will, ineligible citizens who whine about elected officials. ;-D
Your posts grate on my nerves. Chillax with the over emphatic pride, dude. Chill.
Listen, I agree that Romney is little better than pro-abortion. And he lies. And on a host of other issues, I find him reprehensible (supports NDAA, for example…) And therefore, I am abstaining from casting a presidential vote this time around. (gasps!!) I’m not holding out for a perfect candidate, because no perfect candidate exists. I already voted for President in the primaries, my voice was ignored. I’m not obligated by the establishment to vote for their candidates. I will be voting for Senate and House and local officials.
But dude, you give a horrifyingly awful name to free-thinking, non-voting, principled American citizens.
There. Your points about Romney have been validated. Tone down the posts, pretty please? They’re really starting to get annoying…. :)
Thanks, rasqual. Never caught that I was misspelling liar. Used to be top notch in spelling bees in school. Getting close to 50, things are falling apart now I guess….just like the Country.
No ninek I am not a Jehovah Witness. I have already stated a few times I am Anglican (Conservative) but was born and raised Southern Baptist.
I never complain about the Country…only the ignorant people in it. Because I do not vote I am not responsible for anything any of the lying candidates do to screw it up. And if dictatorship comes….then let it come. The American people will have chosen it…either by directly choosing it….or in your case being so ignorant and with such lack of convictions and critical thinking skills….you will fail to make the case each and every time at the polling place for the case of freedom because people don’t believe ignorant people with so little critical thinking skills that the only case that can be made for freedom and the candidate that supposedly supports freedom is that …..HE’S BETTER THAN X.
So I don’t want to hear a word from you and you need to shut up when Romney fails at everything you think he may or may not do. Because you will be responsible for the continuing decline of America by electing him.
And you Libertybell…..
I do not abide laziness. Where have you been to support your non voting stance? Where have you been to educate these ignorant, scared little people who know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are voting for a complete fraud…..yet delude themselves every moment with the unsubstantiated claim that Romney is better than Obama…..even after being confronted by decades of political history detailing that Romney…until the very moment he began running for the Presidency in 2007…was a liberal every bit as bad as Obama….and still is.
You don’t like my strident tone. Groovy. I don’t care. The truth doesn’t care either. The truth is impolite…..politically incorrect…..maddening to those that resist it.
Get over it.
It’s LibertyBELLE – as in a Southern Belle…
Hon, I’ve been a) working (oh yeah… that. How lazy of me) and b) talking to my friends and family about Romney and anyone who will listen. But you see, I’ve been able to change hearts and minds about Romney by talking to people I know and people who can see me (in person, vs spewing at them online) in a kind, voice. I calmly present the facts. They speak for themselves. The truth doesn’t need anyone’s angry delivery. I think you’ll find that people respond to differing opinions better when those opinions are presented in a nice, reasonable manner.
You calling anyone who doesn’t agree with you scared, ignorant little people is repulsive. But you don’t care. I just wanted to let everyone else know that there are people who choose not to vote for reasonable reasons who are not viciously vitriolic.
Also, The Truth can be presented in a way that is far more attractive than the warbled and mangled facts you’ve thrust at us.
PS How many minds have you changed for all your hollering and name calling and belittling?
Rasqual at 4:05pm.
He’s behind all this somehow I’m sure. . . . .
Well, there’s been plenty of “-din”, but no sign of “Pala-.” ;)
Danny, since you’ve basically declared a scorched-earth “to hell with you all” point of view, you realize that everything further you might say is utterly superfluous, right?
That is, having made your pitch so vociferously and exhaustively, there’s nothing you can add. Each additional post will be mere reiteration — you’ll have become boilerplate incarnate in madly typing human flesh.
Is this really where you want to be?
To all….I am not trying to change anyone’s mind.
The National Delusion has been in place for decades. God has abandoned America. There is no going back.
Somebody just needs to slap you in the face to awake you all to that fact. There is no chance for National Salvation. Only for yourself. Even if you are personally saved by faith in Christ Jesus you still operate under the delusion that your precious country can be saved through the corrupt institution of governance.
Someone needs to slap you all in the face and wake you up to fact that even as Christians you all are idol worshippers to the Idea of Freedom….as represented by Lady Liberty….
The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World; French: La Liberté éclairant le monde) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886. The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.
That’s right….Christians….a pagan Roman goddess greats the Sun….the very Sun that Yaweh created for us…every single day. She is the first image and impression for millions of immigrants coming across the Alantic.
The Goddess Libertas can be…without much historical sweat…..traced to the Greek Goddess Aphrodite (Venus)…which can be traced to Astarte (Palestine and Israel)….which can be traced to the Sumerian Inanna who was also called Ishtar…..the Divine Prostitute….the Mother of Harlots… guessed it…..The Whore of Babylon.
So….as I’ve said before….EVERY….SINGLE….MORNING….when the Sun comes up over the horizon….the very Sun which God created…not just for the daylight…but to represent Life returning from Death….a symbolic representation of the Ressurection of Christ Jesus Himself and the Promise that we will defeat Death through Him as well….
…..that very symbol of the Blessed Hope shines down on a Pagan Goddess who holds in her hand a tablet containing the date of the Declaration of Independence.
On her head is a crown with seven points…representing the seven seas and the seven continents (seven heads of the beast…..perhaps…hhmmmm)
And her original name was…..Liberty Enlightening the World. Really? I thought Christ Jesus was the Light of the World.
And you buffoons….**snicker**….think that by simply voting for a long known….confirmed liar…..a liberal Republican cult member….when if America was a ship and her bow was the East Coast then on very prow was the Goddess of Liberty to greet every morning the Sun arising from the East to sweep away the darkeness…..a new day in which thousand of babies are murdered in cold blood…..
you think that somehow by doing that come November that somehow you are going to save America or at least stem the tide of her destruction?
LOL !!!
And yet you’re an Anglican who celebrates Easter? There are also connections there with Astarte and sunrises.
If you’re going to withdraw from this constitutional Republic, the best government on Earth to consider and hold in check human nature, perhaps you ought to be withdrawing from most mainline churches as well.
Hans….seriously….if you are going to be a contributor to this site…..please, at least for Jill’s sake… a better job at answering my facts and truth rather than trying vainly to undercut me.
I celebrate the Ressurection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…..which just so happens to be around the time of the celebration of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre. Unlike Christmas…..Easter celebration as done by the Church was not simply made up to have something to celebrate during a pagan celebration that had long ago been established at that time.
As far as the fertility egg and rabbit symbolism, somtimes attributed to the goddess Astarte….we don’t do that stuff….some individuals do…but that is their business….they can account for themselves at the appropriate time.
Now…to what you said at the end of your reply……
If you’re going to withdraw from this constitutional Republic, the best government on Earth to consider and hold in check human nature, perhaps you ought to be withdrawing from most mainline churches as well.
First of all… church just so happens to be Anglican. But it as well as the Episcopal Church left us. As I stated before…..the Africans have opened their arms to us and given us sanctuary. Therefore there is no need to withdraw…..that was done for us.
Secondly….you are correct that the American Republic is…(or more correctly was) the best type of government to hold check human nature. But it was doomed to fail before it was even a dream in men’s minds. For although Jesus paid for our sins and took our punishment on the Cross….He did not erase our sins from our lives. We are born into, live and commit them…and die with them.
Therefore….even Republicanism….which was not a Christian construct….as good as it is…was doomed to fail…and is in fact failing as we speak. No human derived “ism”….Republican-“ism”, Capital-“ism”, Social-“ism”, Commun-“ism”….Libertarian-“ism” etc…etc….is doomed to fail…was always doomed to fail sooner or later…due to man’s sin.
It was a good ride….but unfortunately we are the generation to see if all come crashing down. We just have accelerated that inevitable process by spitting in God’s face by erecting Goddess’s of Liberty….by worshiping our system of governance…by installing infanticide as state sponsored law.
I am not…as some have said….triumphant about this…..only 100% metaphysically sure that it is happening as we speak. I and my family will suffer along with the rest. But I will no longer be a party to it….at least in the State sponsored charade called voting. It has become simply the American version of Bread and Circuses….(like we don’t have enough of those with our college and professional sports). It is simply there to keep you all from picking up the gun and having the 2nd American Revolution… if that would even change things in the long run. Meet The New Boss….Same As The Old Boss.….either by the Ballot or the Bullet.
Danny, you and I most likely agree on who the god of this world is. But I for one am not going to facilitate him by committing sins of omission. It’s better to light candles than the curse the Darkness.
Moses’ tabernacle was secretive as well. Access to certain areas was restricted to priesthood holders. Even the prophet could only go into the holy of holies once a year. If you have a question about the religion, ask a member. Don’t go to a Ford Dealer to ask about the Chevys. What is so bad about knowing more about God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. Jesus’s ways were considered a cult when first introduced. I’m grew up Catholic & joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as an adult. I have a college degree, and as an engineer, 2 + 2 better = 4, or i don’t buy what you’re selling. It makes sense, in my head, heart and spirit. You toss up something as a question, and I can show you how it fits in the puzzle. Don’t let fear and doubt of the great destroyer, Satan, keep you from knowing more about your literal Father in Heaven, your literal Brother Jesus Christ, and God’s plan for you. There is power in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ…power unto salvation, through works as commanded by Christ, and relying upon His Grace after all we can do. Ask the Ford guys about their Fords. Contact the missionaries to teach you. If 19 year old young men can’t screw up the church, then it must be inspired.