Pro-life blog buzz 10-9-12
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Newly added to our Top Sites, Cradle My Heart, a website and radio program dedicated to post-abortion healing, features a podcast interview with our own Jill Stanek. Jill describes her introduction to the horror of live birth abortions, what she learned as a result of that incident, and how it changed the course of her life. Please share with people who are still unaware of this issue and how Jill came to have personal firsthand knowledge of Barack Obama’s position and votes against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
- Generations for Life reminds pro-lifers to register and participate in the upcoming Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity:
It’s just under two weeks away, and already, students from over 800 schools — along with over 80 home schools, more than 120 businesses & ministries, and over 400 individuals/non-students — in 33 countries have registered to participate!
- At the FRC Blog, Jessica Prol lists “a few brief questions” she would have asked President Obama on the life issue at the first Presidential debate:
Mr. President, in 2007, you told the moving story of an unborn child who was tragically shot by a stray bullet. In light of your admission that this specific pre-born being was both a child and a victim, would you please explain why you voted — 4 times — to deny Constitutional protection to children who are at a similar developmental stage, but have survived a failed abortion?
- Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life re-posts a timely article from last year, written by Notre Dame’s O. Carter Snead on the importance of protecting the weak and vulnerable in society:
[T]he “life issues” — including especially the conflicts over abortion and embryo-destructive research — involve the deepest and most fundamental public questions for a nation committed to liberty, equality, and justice.
- At Live Action, Angela Kim of the Teenage Life Club writes on how teenagers can make a difference in the pro-life movement.
- At Ethika Politika, Jacqueline Harvey takes apart a deceptive “report” from Guttmacher on women’s reasons for using contraception:
The authors also gloss over the fact that while they state the importance of giving women control over their lives (via contraception), 31% of women cite that their partner’s desire for them to use contraception is a “very important” reason for using contraception. Since only 51% of women sampled indicate having a partner, it seems that a majority (over 63%) of women with partners abdicate the control that they supposedly gain to their male partner. Some could consider this antithetical, and I wonder if the supposedly “free consumers” of contraception are free at all and not coerced by their partners.
Furthermore, if the thesis that the authors offer is that contraception provides women with greater control over their lives, allowing them to finish school and endure their economic hardships, this thesis is discredited by the fact that in nearly 50% of women, it fails to do so.
[Bottom photo via Time]

Regarding the reasons: sure, there is coercion – but coercion is not the same as ‘force’ – the women still have a choice; there are studies with decent methods showing that women opting for abortion end up with somewhat higher average pay, and completing degrees a bit more; there are studies demonstrating a decreased state-govt payout when birth control is pushed and in these analyses, abortion is likely in the mix.
None of tese things make it OK to kill an unborn person.
In the history of abortion, abortion came to be favored by liberal educated white elitist intellectuals as a way to reduce the burden of those who would interfere with wonderful society. This includes the lazy, the disabled, the thieving, and the genetically inferior. This is clear back to the Poor Laws in England.
Once “science” became popular, and the Darwinian theory became recognized, and the idea of heritability emerged, this solution was applied to the old problem of the lazy, the disabled, the thieving, and the genetically inferior. This was eugenics, justified by “science:” let’s kill these people before they weaken our gene pool.
With that whole Hitler thing, eugenics became less politically savorable. Eugenics continued to be discussed in college textbooks as late as the 1970s, although it greatly dropped off post-WWII.
So, we white elitist intellectuals needed new rhetoric for getting rid of the bothersome lower classes, or at least controlling their reproduction rates. The “rights” rhetoric was cooked up. Bernard Nathanson reported in an interview how he and fellow abortion activist Lawrence Lader (a self-avowed socialist) came up with a good handful of slogans.
They are just slogans. “Reproductive Freedom,” etc. Just slogans. We liberals have to adhere to them, and to demonizing our enemies, lest we get cognitive dissonance. The slogans help fill in the gap so we don’t have to think.
As a mother of 5 soon to be 6 I often have women confide in me that they wish they could have as many children, or at least more than they have. Almost always, especially with older married women who long to have had more years of a full nest will tell me they would have had more, if only their husbands would have let them. Very often it seems the case that with the advance of birth control, the man now calls the shots with regards to family size, as opposed to children being a natural part of marriage.
My husband and I are going through this same thing. We just had our fourth child and he is DONE! I still want more but I feel that I should respect his feelings after all we already have 4 which is more than he originally wanted. I told him I was not going to get on birth control he could use condoms or get a vasectomy.
Very often it seems the case that with the advance of birth control, the man now calls the shots with regards to family size, as opposed to children being a natural part of marriage.
Agreed. I see this, even in a great number of Christian families.
So honored to be part of the pro-life blog buzz!! Even more so to have the chance to host Jill and hear her heart.