Pro-life video of the day: “Against abortion? Be against pregnancy”
Dr. Nancy Snyderman recently took a shot at pro-lifers who oppose the morning after pill on Today, claiming “if you’re anti-abortion, you should be anti-pregnancy.”
From Newsbusters:
The sole critic of the new program was attorney [and former host of The View] Star Jones:
“I have problem with giving any medications to a child without a parent’s specific permission. I know that the school systems are not allowed to give out aspirins and Tylenols without their parent’s permission, so I’m questioning anything that could change the hormonal balance of a child.”
Snyderman dismissed such concerns: “But it doesn’t change the hormonal balance. This is with a nurse.”
Jones shot back: “Nancy, it does change your hormonal balance. You’re the doctor, but it changes the balance of a person.”
Snyderman acknowledged: “For 48 hours. The downside is it’s not an innocuous drug like you feel lousy for a day. You feel lousy for a couple of days. I mean, it is a medical preventative abortion.”
Jones pressed further: “You would want somebody to be able to do that to your kid? Or with your kid?”
Snyderman proclaimed: “I would like to know that my 13-year-old is having sex. The reality is, most 13, 14 and 15-year-olds are not having these conversations with their parents. Get real.”
Email with your video suggestions.
[HT: Jill]

I actually posted this earlier today under one of the other articles…and then here is an example of the crux of the problem. With all due respect, Dr. Snyderman has had botox poisoning of her mind. Please read below regarding one of my patients who “benefited” from Planned Parenthood’s advice to take the morning after pill. I challenge Dr. Snyderman to come into this girl’s ICU room, where she is vented, with a central line, continuous blood products running,…and repeat her stance on the morning after pill.
Ok, I need to vent to my fellow prolifers…
I work on the trauma unit at a hospital. I have seen many teen girls come in with DVT’s & PE’s (blood clots in legs and lungs) due to oral contraceptive pills—you know the same ones that our government mandates all employers purchase for women’s “health”. But, now I have a 17yro beautiful young lady who got the morning after pill (now provided over the counter in case you didn’t hear that wonderful “accomplishment” by PP) and has now had a severe stroke where she most likely will be extremely mentally altered if she survives.
Some days I just have to SCREAM because I can’t stand how young women are exploited under the false promises of “reproductive choice” & “taking control over their bodies”—this young girl is breathing through a vent and wearing a diaper, is this “control” over her body? Teens are being lied to about the dangers and consequences and the American public is being billed for these lies under the assurance that its for “women’s health”.
I sincerely doubt anyone from Planned Parenthood will be coming in to visit this young girl in the ICU after their stellar advice has landed her with the threat of impending brain death. SHAME on them, and Shame on all of us for not shouting louder to drown out their lies that these impressionable teens are hearing.
“I would like to know that my 13-year-old is having sex. The reality is, most 13, 14 and 15-year-olds are not having these conversations with their parents. Get real.”
And you and other proaborts are not encouraging them to either, are you?!
Pregnancy shaming. Yep. It’s rampant. So much so, that this crone is willing to harm teenage girls who oftentimes AREN’T EVEN PREGNANT. Why do abortion advocates hate pregnancy and babies so very, very much? They’ve decided that since conversations with their children are “icky” they would just prefer their daughters keep their sexual activity a secret, get dosed behind their parent’s back and let’s just all pretend it’s not happening. Yep. Way to foster health among teens and communication among families. Go you.
I would like to know when schools hand out the morning after pill without parental permission, who is liable if there are complications, such as the stroke mentioned in the first post?
I knew my 13yo was not having sex because I was being a responsible parent.
The truth is that these modern, progressive people believe that kids at the age of 13yo or 14yo are entitled to have a full, satisfying sex life, whether solo, single partner, or multiple-sequential, or multiple simultaneous. This is what they believe.
They do not belive that a middle-schooler should “wait” until at least 16yo, let alone marriage.
This gets phrased as “healthy” sexuality, yet there is no evidence of humans suffering mental or physical damage from not having sex – across years and years of human life.
These progressives believe we are no different from animals. A 13yo that is sexually active, for them, doesn’t need some guidance and intervention – they need birth control and morning-after pills. That’s it.
When we raise kids to believe that way, they will think it is normal, and will fail to appreciate the benefits known across time and cultures of watching what you do with your sexual organs.
Dr. Snyderman says pro-lifers are “anti-pregnancy”? Say what? It’s the pro-aborts who want to terminate the pregnancy even though it means killing a child. They are the ones who are anti-pregnancy.
Anti-baby, also, come to think of it.
Dr. Snyderman is a joke of a “doctor”. First do no harm, Nancy, first do no harm.
TheLastDemocrat Says:
October 2, 2012 at 2:13pm
“this gets phrased as ‘healthy sexuality’, yet there is no evidence of humans suffering mental or physical damage from not having sex- ”
‘mental damage from not having sex’…hmmm.
I waited until I got married- at 40.
Ohhh…so THAT explains why I’m “nuts”. ;)
TheLastDemocrat Says:
October 2, 2012 at 2:13pm
“…there is no evidence of humans suffering mental or physical damage from not having sex…”
Here’s the mental damage: people such as myself and Pamela are constantly subjected to “virgin-shaming,” called weird, nuts, lesbians, asexual…basically told that it’s not okay to wait.
Today we are told not to engage in “slut-shaming,” which apparently means affirming and embracing any and all types of sexual behavior (other than abstinence). There are movements afoot trying to make pedophilia into just another way of expressing oneself. No one is even allowed to suggest that homosexuality is deviant.
This is the culture my daughter has to grow up in. Sometimes I just want to weep for the future of our world.
I appreciate the support, and I agree with you, but Iwas just being facetious. ;)
Snyderman acknowledged:”…I mean, it is a medical preventative abortion.”
Finally, they actually admit that Plan B is abortifacient, at least.
I love when abortion advocates tell us how to be good little pro-lifers,
as much as I love when atheists tell us how to be good little Christians.
Maybe I need to ask some meat lovers how to be a good little vegetarian.
Remember: there is only one sin left: being judgemental! LOL.
I’d like to teach my children that there are certain decisions we make in life that alter our course forever. Sometimes that’s a wonderful thing, like when you get married, have a child, receive an education, embrace a faith. Those decisions, once made, cause us to open one door, and close all others! I would like them to put sexuality in that category. No room for buyers remorse here! Oh sure, we make mistakes. Mistakes don’t always END our lives (let’s hope) but they certainly alter them in a very permanent way. I think that, should my child choose early sexuality, against everything I’ve taught her, the least of her problems would be pregnancy. She has lost something forever: her virginity. Again, not a scourge for life, but certainly a good thing lost. She has wounded herself morally and emotionally and in some degree has crippled herself love-wise. Having seen this go down a number of times in my own family, I would think that following through with the pregnancy, whether the child is raised or placed with a loving family, would be the kind of resolution that would heal, teach, and encourage truly healthy attitudes toward sex. Maybe that view is naive, but I know for sure that striking the Easy Button of Plan B will do NONE of those things, and WILL harm baby and mother, physically and emotionally.
And of course, once you do something once, it’s easier to do it again. How many fall into the trap of thinking that sex is no big deal once they lose their virginity?
Thanks, Pamela.
The truth is: we all know a person who has had very little or no interpersonal sex life for years.
The serpent did not do that much; he just told Eve something she wanted to hear.
If only we parents will buy these ideas for our children, with ‘rescue’ by ‘medicine,’ then we can buy them for ourselves.
This doesn’t mean that the progessive parents are being unfaithful to their marital partner; it means that they are ‘proving’ that they are not ‘judgmental,’ like those ‘religious’ people – the parents ‘accept’ the concepts of 1. we have a sexual aspect to our humanity (as noted throughout the OT incl. Song of Solomon) and 2. since we have a desire for this, and no moral reason to not follow through, we have to accept certain behavior in others, lest we be ‘judgmental.’
I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about “virgin-shaming”. I did not have sexual intecourse until I was married (at age 24, many moons ago). In high school people couldn’t FATHOM waiting–I mean there were others like me who were waiting, but I don’t know what their experience was. For me, I was considered and “odditiy” for waiting…or some sort of Science Experiment where they asked me all sorts of questions about hormones and the like. On some level it was funny because people were genuinely shocked, on another level it was like “I’m still a human being!”
Nowadays (and even in part in my 20’s) I can’t tell you how many of my friends and people I come across who are suffering in their adult years from “buyers’ remorse” of having had sexual activity and/or sexual intercourse BEFORE getting married. One guy told me if he could go back in time he would change things so his wife was his first (to me that was one of the most romantic things I’ve ever heard a guy say–and I’ve met his wife, she’s an absolute doll).
People don’t realize there ARE folks out there who DO regret things that are considered “normal” and “healthy”. But the thing is, premarital sex and sex outside of marriage and sexual activity outside of marriage is NOT healthy and there ARE regrets. Same with abortion. Abortion isn’t healthy–it has so many negative side effects. And there ARE people who DO regret their abortions DEEPLY and they’re treated like some sort of pariah by the pro-choice community–like because they regret their abortions something’s wrong with them, when in fact, that’s not true.