by Hans Johnson

Dr. Nancy Snyderman recently took a shot at pro-lifers who oppose the morning after pill on Today, claiming “if you’re anti-abortion, you should be anti-pregnancy.”

From Newsbusters:

The sole critic of the new program was attorney [and former host of The View] Star Jones:

“I have problem with giving any medications to a child without a parent’s specific permission. I know that the school systems are not allowed to give out aspirins and Tylenols without their parent’s permission, so I’m questioning anything that could change the hormonal balance of a child.”

Snyderman dismissed such concerns: “But it doesn’t change the hormonal balance. This is with a nurse.”

Jones shot back: “Nancy, it does change your hormonal balance. You’re the doctor, but it changes the balance of a person.”

Snyderman acknowledged: “For 48 hours. The downside is it’s not an innocuous drug like you feel lousy for a day. You feel lousy for a couple of days. I mean, it is a medical preventative abortion.”

Jones pressed further: “You would want somebody to be able to do that to your kid? Or with your kid?”

Snyderman proclaimed: “I would like to know that my 13-year-old is having sex. The reality is, most 13, 14 and 15-year-olds are not having these conversations with their parents. Get real.”

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[HT: Jill]

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