Stanek Sunday funnies 11-4-12
Here are my top five eight favorite political cartoons for the week (campaign cartoons will be no good this time next week – have to squeeze them all in), beginning with a friendly reminder…
by Steve Kelley at…
by Gary Varvel at…
by Chuck Asay at…
by Chip Bok at…
by Glenn Foden at…
by Henry Payne at…
by Mike Luckovich at…
by Robert Ariail at…

Just to clarify – is the Christie cartoon making fun of his weight?
Or is it making fun of the fact that when people were literally dying in his state, that he didn’t bash the President as they figured out how to help people?
Or is it making fun of both?
Stay classy.
The campaign ones are all good; I think that Foden’s “going classy” one is brilliant.
Ex-RINO, only people with principles would understand it.
I actually don’t have a problem with Christie saying Obama was great in reaching out to him. Are we soooo partisan that we can’t say when someone did a good job, that they did a good job? And I think considering all the people stranded in NYC with no food and water and all the looting going on in QUeens etc… that Obama hasn’t done any better than Bush in dealing with this hurricane. But if Christie praised Obama…so what?
Here’s the thing. I hate when Dems and Repubs stand around their own even when their own have clearly failed. In the same vein, I hate when Dems and Repubs attack each other even when they clearly did what was right. Lets stop being so bent on a 2 party system that we can’t see the ISSUES and say “You did great!” when someone does great and “you messed up!” when someone messes up.
Completely agree, Sydney. I think this has been handled well by everyone and I think that it is ridiculous to act like acknowledging that is traitorous or something.
#6 is kind of cute. :)
Yes, how dare Christie put the welfare of his state and politeness above petty politics. Sheesh.
I looooovvveeee the Star Wars one. But maybe Disney will destroy my favorite franchise less than Lucas did lol.
I agree with the three of you, Alexandra, Sydney M, and JackBorsch, BUT at the same time, it’s a sad state of affairs (pun originally not intended) when Obama not messing something up is a momentous occasion, worthy of emphatic praise. Sure, well done, thank you, President, for doing your job for a change.
I don’t have a problem with Christie acknowledging Obama, but I don’t think either of them did much after the cameras left. Where were the government resources? All I heard was people were without power, waiting in lines for gas, in dumpsters looking for food…
And the white house was telling people (without power) to check websites for where to find help! I am sure there was some help but obviously not enough. And Obama should have been on the phone with that idiot Bloomberg telling him he’s not having that marathon and diverting power and police from areas of need.
EGV, 8:34am
No, its making fun of his fanny-kissing.
Do a little research on the internet and you will find that residents of NewYork and New Jersey have little in the way of praise for Obama’s handling of this crisis. Compare the media coverage to Bush’s handling of Katrina. Definite double standard.
Obama hugs Christie but people are dumpster diving and without power.
Alexandra, you may think this has been handled well by everyone but I heard that the National Guard was told not to come and help in NYC. Why you may ask? Because Bloomberg didn’t want them bringing any guns in the city. wth??? Maybe he thought they would use them on the homeless or somebody would steal them… That guy is a first class loon. I wonder if he would allow the Red Cross to bring in 2 liter soda bottles.
I don’t believe that’s entirely correct, truthseeker. I’m having a hard time finding any direct sources on this so I’m just going off of the very few out-of-context things I’ve read, but I do know that the National Guard is in NYC. If I remember correctly, Bloomberg said that as far as police presence goes, the NYPD has Brooklyn covered and as far as not wasting resources there are other areas with smaller police forces that could use the intervention more. Which is quite honestly probably true. I live in NYC, my mom lives in a NY county that was declared a disaster area, my partner lives in another NY county that is also a disaster area, and I work in a disaster county in NJ – though by no means one of the hardest-hit – and from what I’ve seen NYC is better off than many other places, as far as recovery efforts go. I know that looting is a big story on the news but actually quite a bit less has occurred than during things like the blackout. It’s always a problem in these situations but the type and manageability of the looting in NYC right now is smaller than some of the problems elsewhere, at least in Bloomberg’s opinion, which is an opinion I’m ok entertaining. If I lived in some of the non-NYC areas declared disasters I’d probably be very thankful for his consideration.
That said, I know that Bloomberg did not stop the National Guard from coming in to help in any capacity at all, because I personally supplied them in some aspects during this past week. Things that I managed building/powering for an event that will take place in NYC have come in useful in some capacities (generators etc) for the guard during the emergency. So I know they are there and helping with rescue and relief efforts. I have also seen them with my own eyes. I don’t know the details of Bloomberg’s decision in Brooklyn but given that he has made rational decisions to accept help even from the Guard in some ways I would not jump to conclusions either way without knowing more. It sounds like he accepted some types of rescue/relief help and said that other types would be better used elsewhere, since the hardcore policing of some of the more dangerous neighborhoods is probably best handled by those already quite familiar with the job, and the Guard should be free to serve areas without the benefit of the massive police presence NYC already has. I don’t agree with either Bloomberg or Christie on everything but I do think that overall they have done a good job reacting to this disaster.
Bloomberg may have allowed the National Guard into parts of NYC but he did deny the National Guard into Brooklyn. And the reason he gave was that they carry guns. Does the National Guard even carry guns into rescue/relief efforts like this? Also, Bloomberg was going to go ahead and use scarce resources to hold the marathon until he realized people wouldn’t stand for it.
Also, do you know if it is true that electricians who came up from Tennessee to help restore power were turned away and told they couldn’t work in NJ cause they were non-union? If that is true then this would be a clear example of how rotten unions are for everybody.
Ah, I like the last one on Disney buying out Lucasfilm. Although I really like this one, as seen in this morning’s Indy Star newspaper.
Don’t know how I fell about the buyout & upcoming sequels though, mixed feelings here.
lol Ladybug
truthseeker, yes, I just discussed that he let the Guard into NYC but specifically said that they were not needed as a police presence in Brooklyn. He said that he didn’t need to turn Brooklyn into a police state but he accepted relief forms of aid form the Guard in other areas, so I believe that yes, they do carry guns for certain types of work. Also, the part about not needing extra police presence is only part of his quote – he specifically also mentioned that their resources would be more effective in other counties and states – which I think is a wise, fair, and conservative use of resources, quite honestly. The NYPD is huge, and NYC is recovering well. Other areas do not have those advantages.
Electricians were not turned away because they were non-union, although I have heard nothing at all about Tennessee crews with this story, just the Alabama one. The IBEW explicitly stated that in times of crisis, help is accepted from union and non-union members; working in a union industry myself I know that most labor unions have procedures in place for quickly coordinating with and accepting work from non-union professionals. There have been out-of-state crews helping in NJ and NY all this past week; I have met some of them myself. Seaside Heights, where the Alabama crew was trying to go help, is not even represented by the IBEW to my knowledge, and union crews in other counties are working just fine with non-affiliated electricians in this time of need.