Megan Fox totally in love with her baby boy
The whole thing has been overwhelming because I didn’t realize you could love something so much, and I know people always say that but I love him so much it hurts…and it’s an interesting feeling to have because I never felt that before.
He’s getting to that place where he’s smiling and he’s almost ready to laugh, and I can’t wait for that baby laugh that almost makes you feel like you can fly, like your heart’s going to explode…
It changes your perspective about being overly sexual in a film when you have a baby…I’m going to be more cautious about choosing films because I’m already thinking about when he’s in school and his friends are going to be showing him my photo shoots with me in a bikini and he’s going to be horrified.
~ Actress Megan Fox describing the positive effect her son, Noah, has had on her life, as quoted by US Magazine, December 10
[HT: Laura Loo]
He’s getting to that place where he’s smiling and he’s almost ready to laugh
That is the best time. His first full laughs are full of the purest, most incredible joy.
Apparently, Megan has also been a very active parent with Green’s son from a previous relationship.
I’m glad she seems to have finally found something she’s good at that’s actually worthwhile. Good for her.
Terrible actress, great mom. I’m happy that she’s enjoying parenthood so much, that really is awesome.
Andrew I agree with you, when they first start gurgling and laughing that’s the best, it’s just too darn cute.
This is good to hear.
Funny how we begin to worry about protecting children’s innocence after we have our own, eh Megan?
In a way, I feel sorry for all the children of celebrities because they will find some disturbing stuff when they learn to use google.
“In a way, I feel sorry for all the children of celebrities because they will find some disturbing stuff when they learn to use google.”
Lol, I feel bad for the kids and the celebs themselves sometimes. Especially for people like Drew Barrymore and other child actors and actresses who grew up in the spotlight and had all the stupid stuff they did in the tabloids. I would die if somehow my kids saw videos of the terrible dumb things I did as a teenager! I honestly do feel bad for some celebs and their kids.
I guess my son was just weird. Seems to me, he’s been laughing ever since forever. He would giggle and laugh in his sleep as soon as I brought him back from the hospital. I want to say I vividly remember him doing it on the drive back home. Granted, that week was a bit blurry for me, but I could swear he did. I know for a fact he did it really early. I still remember my friend’s grandma making a remark about it, though. She said they used to say when babies laughed early in their sleep like that, they were dreaming of angels. J’s angel must be Andy Kaufman, because he’s been LOL’ing for a looong time now. And it’s funny, because even now he’s always trying to be the comedian. His day isn’t complete until he gets a laugh out of us. (Sometimes it gets him into trouble…)
xalisae, Maybe my son was different from most, but he didn’t give a good laugh – the kind that let you hear his voice – for a few months.
How is your son, BTW, X? I don’t hear you talk much about him lately.
It’s wonderful. Children change you, and I’m very happy that Megan and others look at like differently than before children. Children help people to grow and be less self-centered. Good! ;)
He’s doing great. Learning to read by recognizing words and letters. I’m actually amazed at how quickly he’s picking it up, and although I encourage him and help him when needed, he’s mostly chosen to teach himself on his own. It’s incredible!
I’m trying to keep him out of the world, so I try not to bring him into conversations online. My girl is big and strong-she’s ready for this stuff. I want J to get to live without this stuff since it has/had less of an impact on him directly. Such is the easy life of the “Wanted Child”, eh?
I love it when they laugh so hard they look like they’re about to fall over. It’s so cute and funny.
Andrew, you’re not alone:
My daughter didn’t laugh until she was 4 months old…
Maybe she just didn’t think anything was funny ’til then. ;)
I’m enjoying the “belly laugh” stage right now. My youngest little stinker is a chubby 9 month old with two little teeth on the bottom and when I talk to him in a low voice and then a high voice he laughs so hard that I can’t help but laugh too. :-)
I totally know what she means when she says she loves him so much it hurts. When I had my first it literally hurt, and I do mean literally in the true sense of the word, when I would leave her. I hated every second I was away from her and felt pain.
Another perfect example of one giant reason why humans were made to reproduce. Some need to have their own children in order to understand how to live.
… And by “some” I mean ME.