Kim Kardashian: Pregnancy ain’t easy
I wouldn’t say that it’s been easy. When people say pregnancy is fun and they love it I would have to disagree. I think from this stage on it does become easier, but it’s adjusting….
Even my sister has made it look easy, but it’s not as easy as people think. It’s a little painful…. But I heard it’s all worth it, so I’m looking forward to that.
~ Reality TV star Kim Kardashian speaking about her pregnancy, via Huffington Post, January 1. The baby’s father is singer Kanye West.
[Photo via]
Disappointing that this story would he on hear. Considering i could take an educated guess kimk is prochoice.
Enough already with vain and vapid Kim Kardashian! Any woman who would make a baby with Kanye West ought to have her head examined, for starters. Now we have to listen to her whine about how difficult pregnancy is, that it’s not easy? Well, grow up, honey! My heart goes out to this poor child.
you know I think that their father (late) and step father (bruce) brings some more traditional values to the family. Lord knows they need it. I dont know her political affiliations but I doubt she considered abortion. she wanted babies badly.
I’m happy for them. Snooki matured a lot when she became a mother, so it might have a stablizing effect on Kim and Kanye. And, not to be a eugenist or anything but they will probably have a very beautiful child!
It’s gotta be tough when she’s trying to eat and then the baby’s all, “Chicken Parmesan, I’m happy for you, and I’ma let you finish-but THROWIN’ UP IS THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME. OF AL TIME!”
I agree. Anyone who would procreate with that clown needs serious help. And I say this as someone who’s been there. I wish someone would’ve slapped me and asked me what the crap I was thinking. Smacks of disaster.
I’m glad she’s having their baby and not choosing abortion.
X, I laughed so hard at your comment. Lol.
I am hoping the kid doesn’t take after Kanye in the brains department. Is that rude? Probably. I do wish them the best, though.
idiot + bigger idiot = doesn’t look promising
Well I never found my pregnancies any great fun either, so I hear where she’s coming from and I really see nothing negative about it.
As for the Kardashian clan, they are proof that money doesn’t buy class. And I still say Khloe had a different father!
Not a fan. But doesn’t sound all that whiney to me. I hear “it ain’t easy” as “wow, you moms rock.”
I can’t decide who I care about less, her or Snooki.
Of course, I still wish her and her baby the best.
What happens when their kid runs across Mom’s sex tape with Ray-J? Ewww…
The unfortunate part – Kris Humphries is actually the father of record based on California law because the divorce isn’t final. He’ll need to jump through hoops, spend money on DNA testing to present as evidence in a court, and get her (and probably Kanye) to agree with that. I definitely see why Moses got worn down by all the cases he judged – people are completely crazy! (And I’m surprised CA still had a law like that on the books considering the amoral lifestyles in so many of it’s cities.)
All that said, Kim K. is doing a wonderful job of convincing men to either never get married or go seek out a virgin for a wife, because no one wants to find himself in a situation like Kris Humphries. She’s probably having a greater positive impact on culture than most of us would like to admit, by destroying the notion a promiscuous woman can be trusted – as Amanda Marcotte, Jill Filipovec and the like want us to believe.
Promiscuous women can’t be trusted? How about promiscuous men? Personally I think some people can be trusted, and some people can’t be. Has little and less to do with how many sex partners they have.
PS. You can marry a virgin and they might still run around on you. My ex did! :)
Hi Chris,
Over 50 years ago, and I’m sure the laws have changed, my cousin’s estranged wife became pregnant, and though everyone and ”Bill” knew he wasn’t the father, still legally he was. He got off the hook for child support when she married the father, but not until then.
Some pregnancies are fairly easy and some aren’t. Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in a woman’s life. A woman who yearns for a baby and gets pregnant can glow with happiness when she is pregnant.
A married woman planning to place her baby for adoption said “the past few months have been sheer hell.” I asked, “Why?” She answered, “You’ve never had an unplanned pregnancy, have you? You feel like your body has been invaded.”
Abortion criminalizers should never use the word “inconvenience” when referring to the pregnancy that is carried to term because abortion is illegal. A telemarketing call is an inconvenience — and many people react negatively to such calls.
An unwanted pregnancy carried to term can be an ORDEAL. However, human beings survive ordeals. For example, someone wrote a book called “Tortured for Christ” about surviving religious persecution. Armando Valladeras wrote “Against All Hope” about surviving torture as a political prisoner in Cuba. There is Solzhenitzen’s famous “Gulag Archipelego.”
Closer to home, Linda Lovelace, who was really Linda Boreman Marchiano, wrote “Ordeal” about two years as a prisoner of her psychopathic husband Chuck Traynor who forced her into prostitution and pornography at gunpoint. People who want to criminalize abortion can point to these as examples of the truth that human beings can survive ordeals so it is not too much to demand human females endure ordeals to bring forth new life.
“Over 50 years ago, and I’m sure the laws have changed, my cousin’s estranged wife became pregnant, and though everyone and ”Bill” knew he wasn’t the father, still legally he was. He got off the hook for child support when she married the father, but not until then. ”
No, that’s still the law in Cali and a lot of other places. Even with DNA evidence to the contrary the children of a marriage are assumed to be the husband’s legally and it’s extremely difficult to change that even if both the husband and the wife and the bio father petition. It’s not very fair to some poor guy who got cheated on.
It can work in the dude’s favor sometimes though. Say my kids weren’t actually my bio kids (which honestly wouldn’t be the most surprising thing that has ever happened) and my wife had tried to pull that when I was trying to get full custody, that legal fatherhood presumption in marriage would definitely work in my favor.
Denise, that’s like saying that stealing from you is okay if it keeps you from buying cigarettes with that money or something. You can’t do something wrong even if it might not have the worst consequences ever and always. It’s seriously not cool to lie to some poor schmuck about who his kids are, even if he ends up loving the kid whether or not they are his own.
Hi Jack, 6:18PM
Very interesting. Thanks for the info.
JackBorsch says:
January 6, 2013 at 6:28 pm
Denise, that’s like saying that stealing from you is okay if it keeps you from buying cigarettes with that money or something. You can’t do something wrong even if it might not have the worst consequences ever and always. It’s seriously not cool to lie to some poor schmuck about who his kids are, even if he ends up loving the kid whether or not they are his own.
(Denise) It seems to me that many families throughout history have been started this way. Married men on average do MUCH better than single men. Men benefit a great deal from having wives. The bit of subterfuge that gets them wed may end up doing a world of good both for the man and for society as a whole because a family man does so much better than a bachelor.
I remember the original “Divorce Court” having an episode in which a man married because his panicked girlfriend called him up and told him she was pregnant. The baby was born 10 months after they married. He started asking, “If you were pregnant when we married, why was our kid born 10 months later?” The wife laughed and said, “I guess I can’t count.”
He was in the courtroom because he realized she had fibbed.
JackBorsch says:
January 6, 2013 at 6:28 pm
Denise, that’s like saying that stealing from you is okay if it keeps you from buying cigarettes with that money or something. You can’t do something wrong even if it might not have the worst consequences ever and always. It’s seriously not cool to lie to some poor schmuck about who his kids are, even if he ends up loving the kid whether or not they are his own.
(Denise) That woman was pregnant through incest. She couldn’t marry her brother. Obviously, her statement indicated that she was not going to have a baby outside marriage. Yes, there is adoption but very few women will give birth and sever the mother-child bond. As I’ve pointed out before, people easily see that it harms the birthmother to sever that bond since she is conscious. I believe it is likely that the reason adoptees are over-represented in horrible situations is that the baby is bonded and, although pre-conscious, is also harmed when that bond is severed.
In that situation, I can’t think of anything more moral, and more likely to have a happy ending, than for the woman to suggest to a man she can marry that he impregnated her, marry him, and go forward as a family.