March for Life 2013: A picture is worth 650,000 words
UPDATE 1/27, 12p: St. Blogustine has more good photos.
1/26, 11:58a: (Title credit, Right Links Blog)
Daughter Daena, son-in-law Andy, and I marched with an estimated 400-650,000 like-minded pro-life souls yesterday at the 40th annual March for Life. Here was our view while in the thick of it (click all photos to enlarge)…
The March always ends at the Supreme Court Building, where the infamous Roe v. Wade decision was made on January 22, 1973. There is always a small band of abortion supporters waiting there to greet the pro-life throng. Here’s a shot capturing the competing signs and chants (bullhorn held by Kristan Hawkins, executive director for Students for Life of America)…
Other photos, the first via Right Links Blog…
UPDATE 4:25p:: New York Times photo of the March, going on to claim in the article only “tens of thousands” attended?
[Top photo via Daena Moore]

Wish I were there!
the march received an 8 second slot on CNN this morning, the Dolphin stuck in a canal somewhere rated a good 30 second slot.
Hey Jill! I don’t think the aerial pic is from the D.C. March for Life yesterday. Lots of pics are going around the internet that are not from yesterday’s march. I am a big pro-lifer! Just want to protect the integrity of the awesome March yesterday! Go Jill! Someone told me it’s from the Paris march? Doesn’t look like D.C. Not sure… check on it.
Hey Cindy, thanks! You’re right. On closer inspection it didn’t look like the DC mall. Deleted.
Took some good photos of the March For Life yesterday. Brrrrrrr!
God bless the memory of Nellie Grey. And God bless the works of Jeanne Monahan with success in her role as the newly appointed president of the March for Life.
Looks a great crowd! I really wish i could have been there!
Did the Old Gray Lady finally break its streak of ignoring the March for Life?
Actually pretty fair coverage. Though “tens of thousands” is of course a severe understatement when half a million people show up.
Does anyone know if any overhead shots were taken? Were there any helicopters flying?
Temple and UPenn had buses leaving at 6:00 am but I just couldnt get up that early. Plus I would feel weird being the only old person on a bus full of college kids!
Further evidence that where you stand depends on where you sit:
“Canon City, Colorado – Life begins at conception, according to the Catholic Church, but in a wrongful death suit in Colorado, a Catholic health care company has argued just the opposite.
A fetus is not legally a person until it is born, the hospital’s lawyers have claimed in its defense. And now it may be up to the state’s Supreme Court to decide.”
Hal says: “Life begins at conception, according to the Catholic Church, but in a wrongful death suit in Colorado, a Catholic health care company has argued just the opposite.”
Nope. The lawsuit has nothing to do with when life begins. The lawsuit has to do with the CO wrongful death statute only applying to born persons.
…they are arguing state law protects doctors from liability concerning unborn fetuses on grounds that those fetuses are not persons with legal rights.
As Jason Langley, an attorney with Denver-based Kennedy Childs, argued in one of the briefs he filed for the defense, the court “should not overturn the long-standing rule in Colorado that the term ‘person,’ as is used in the Wrongful Death Act, encompasses only individuals born alive. Colorado state courts define ‘person’ under the Act to include only those born alive. Therefore Plaintiffs cannot maintain wrongful death claims based on two unborn fetuses.”
Lyrning! I’m sure the Pope would embrace that distinction. Note, the hospital itrying to avoid paying compensation to the father, not because they weren’t atfault, but because, legally, they weren’t persons? It’s a proper legal argument, but is it a proper moral one?
Is it immoral to only pay the compensation the law demands? I don’t know. But the lawsuit isn’t about whether life begins at conception, as your first post indicated.
Not sure what the Pope would say. Maybe he would say don’t sue over loss of life because it forces a monetary value to be placed on life, which is priceless.
Let me try to help. Yes, it is immoral to avoid paying compensation based on a law you think is unjust if it were applied to anyone else. The Church doesn’t have to raise every possible defense, or even require this poor man to file suit. Pay the claim and say you’re sorry.
So apparently the term “person” is not actually defined in the CO wrongful death statute:
In that case, no, I don’t think CHI should be fighting to prove that “person” in the statute doesn’t apply to the fetuses. Apparently the area Bishops have now been made aware of the lawsuit and are reviewing the situation. It’s a very sad case.
I think with the kind of weather conditions we marched under yesterday – and many thousands donning Northface winter weather gear – they should thank us for the free advertising! :-)
It’s not just March for Life they’re ignoring. There’s West Coast Walk for Life. And I think easily a dozen other cities have rallies. Nationwide there are probably a million people participating in a pro-life event for the Roe anniversary.
They can’t get that the “If we ignore them, maybe they’ll go away” just isn’t working!
Stealth pro-lifers; the media will never notice until we become the majority. :-)
Hi Jill, I had the same picture up and removed it from my site, also.
@Barb: We’re all ninjas! Ninjas for life!
…Hey! I think we’ve finally settled a long-standing debate. Because, of our two sides, the pro-abortion one are definitely the pirates. So, finally, we know: ninjas beat pirates! :P
“Hey Jill! I don’t think the aerial pic is from the D.C. March for Life yesterday”
“Someone told me it’s from the Paris march? Doesn’t look like D.C. Not sure… check on it.”
Well Cindy, I don’t see any signs in French. All the signs, and I mean all of them, are in English. Plus some background scenes in the photos show buildings known to be in Washington DC. I don’t see the Eifel Tower in the background. Just sayin’
we always knew that. As my brothers used to tease me when I joined the Pirate guild on the online game we used to play: “Pirates are just hobos of the sea.”
Disappointed at NBC’s 5 second mention of march. Christians need to keep this issue out of the closet, and influence young people about family, value of babies.
Hi Linda,
A 5 second mention? Believe me, NBC outdid themselves. I can only imagine the amount of bile they were forced to swallow to allow even that minimal mention.
The March was so great, cold but inspiring!
Nice try Hal.
Changing the subject. Derailing the thread.
It must be hard to try ignore half a million passionate prolifers marching in solidarity!!
All, as for aerial photos, I don’t know if that’s possible? I think there is a law against planes/helicopters flying over the Mall area now. Even planes to DCA were rerouted after 9/11. Also, the Washington Monument, which would have provided another great vantage point, has been closed since the August 2011 earthquake.
Hi Carla!
I didn’t mean to derail the thread. Sometimes I see something of possible interest to you guys and I post it in a recent thread where it might have some relevance.
Maybe I should become a Mod and I can start my own threads…
Hope you’re well and happy.
Hi Hal,
Any thoughts on the half a million prolife ANTI ABORTION folks that marched in D.C. and didn’t make the news??
Wonderful pictures Jill! The internet is a blessing from God when our media chooses not to report this historic march! May God bless you abundanty for your efforts to stand up for the unborn! I hope you don’t mind but I posted a couple of your photos on and and linked back to you.
I have to agree about the media. I was there. It was huge. I never imagined so many people of all ages. Yes there were a lot of youth, but there were a lot of older people (like me). How can so many people be ignored? And when I googled it, its saying “why the anti-abortion rally was an epic failure”. What are they talking about? A half million people and so few noticed. Our local paper did run a small article. The next day when thousands showed up for the march for gun control, the same paper published a large picture and article that was over half a page. Guns are a problem, but so many more babies are murdered by abortion!!!
Been wanting to go for a long time. My daughter and I plan to be present next year. We probably cannot convince everyone, but we can convince a lot. May Christ strengthen us to be ever vigilant.
I was wondering if anyone can produce a verifiable source for the 650,000 attendance number. That number is being mentioned around the internet but I can’t find any way to confirm. Some have even mentioned that EWTN commissioned an outside firm to do a count. Any reliable source would be greatly appreciated. I created a meme with this number in mind and need confirmation. It has been shared almost 3,800 times.
“Any thoughts on the half a million prolife ANTI ABORTION folks that marched in D.C. and didn’t make the news??”
Must be real frustrating for you guys. Did Fox cover it? I guess I would chalk it up to no one cares, except the half million who were there.
I came from Chicago for the march. To put it in perspective, Soldier Field would have been filled over ten and a half times with those attending the march. Amazing that it is so ignored by the media. The lead story on Fox News in DC Friday night was the cold-coldest day, not going over freezing. 650,000 people marching on the coldest day in DC and barely a mention.
I am Pro-Life! And a convert from false Protestant to true Catholic, God Bless… I am Conservative Republican from Liberal Democrate!