Rev. Matthew WestfoxMany times in my ministry, a conversation with abortion clinic staffers that began with talking about the spiritual needs of patients ends on a far more personal note….

An office manager told a colleague of mine that she braces herself every time she checks the mail, wondering how many hate letters she’ll come across, and wants a sacred community to turn to for support. One clinic counselor said she misses the rituals and music of her faith community, and often thinks about trying to find a church, but worries about being judged or shunned when small talk leads to questions about where she works…

Given that the domestic terrorists who threaten clinic workers so often coach their actions in the garb of faith, it seems imperative to me that faith communities welcome clinic workers with open arms, and lead the charge in helping to break down the stigma around this needed work.

~ Reverend Matthew Westfox (pictured) of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, describing the spiritual needs of abortion clinic workers to whom he has ministered, via MSNBC, January 31

Click the link for the MSNBC interview with Melissa Harris-Perry.

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