Pro-life news brief 2-7-13
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Slate’s William Saletan (a pro-choice writer) argues pro-lifers get legislation passed because they care more than pro-choicers:
To cancel out that advantage, pro-choicers have to raise the intensity level. When the percentage of respondents who call abortion critical, very important, or a deal-breaker rises toward 30 percent or more, the balance of power begins to shift.Think about that when you see pro-lifers winning elections, passing laws, and marching in the cold. They don’t win because they’re a majority. They win because they care enough to fight.
- At National Review, Michael New demonstrates how a no-exceptions, pro-life candidate can make an effective political case for protecting all unborn children – even those conceived in rape.
- The Detroit News did a story regarding the medical privacy angle of the 35-week abortion botched by abortionist Shelley Sella.
- El Paso Times notes the death of infamous abortionist Raymond Showery (obituary photo at left). Though Showery’s obituary lacks any mention of his career as an abortionist, the Times picks up the slack:
In 1981, Showery was accused of trying to run an El Paso Times reporter off the road while the doctor was being investigated on a number of allegations made by his patients.
In 1983, Showery was found guilty of the 1979 murder of a 5- to 7-month-old fetus he had attempted to abort. Showery’s employees testified they saw the baby girl attempting to breathe and claimed that Showery smothered and drowned her, though a corpse was never found, according to El Paso Times archives. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
While free on bail pending an appeal on the murder charge, Showery was charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of a 28-year-old mother of four who died from hemorrhaging after an abortion he performed at his Southside Medical Center in 1984. The woman’s uterus and a uterine artery were perforated during the procedure.
Prosecutors charged that Showery used inadequately trained staff, failed to properly treat the tear, delayed treatment and delayed transferring her to a hospital, news archives show.
- At Public Discourse, Matthew Franck writes on the latest HHS mandate “accommodation”:
The government has decided that religious freedom is at its maximum in houses of worship, is attenuated in charities, colleges, and other institutions, and is nonexistent elsewhere in the productive economy.This in fact has been its argument in courts of law—that for-profit employers have no religious freedom that the government is bound to respect. The administration has conceded that religious freedom is at stake in the struggle over its mandate, but it has dictated for whom that freedom exists, when it is truly the common possession of all.

Only a fool could look at the government’s arguments in court cases regarding the HHS mandate and not believe religious freedom is in jeopardy.
“Think about that when you see pro-lifers winning elections, passing laws, and marching in the cold. They don’t win because they’re a majority. They win because they care enough to fight.”
Why, yes … that’s because life itself is more important than a convenient life. Everyone knows it.
William Saletan has got to rank in the top ten weirdest pro-aborts. It’s like the logical part of his brain knows it makes more sense to be pro-life, so he decided that rather than do the sensible thing and listen to his logical side he was going to pluck his brain out of his head, examine it, and then write a whole bunch of navel-gazing articles about the results.
From Saletan’s article:
“[The pro-choice majority] don’t vote on abortion unless they’re scared. When the debate is quiet, it’s pro-lifers who hold the upper hand.”
Mr. Saletan, whose fault is it that the debate is quiet? The Pro-Life Movement would love to see more open and frank discussion about the reality of abortion! Do you have any friends in the mainsteam media who could help us accomplish this?