6k citizen complaints against late-term abortionist Carhart submitted
Lest we forget, Kermit Gosnell isn’t the only late-term abortionist hack in the news.
There are several others, including Maryland’s LeRoy Carhart, whose patient, Jennifer Morbelli, died February 7, the day after Carhart completed the abortion of her 33-wk-old daughter Madison Leigh and then booked the state.
Later in February I joined Live Action, Operation Rescue, and Students for Life of America to launch a petition driven citizens’ complaint at StopCarhart.com.
The complaint asked the Maryland Board of Physicians for an immediate emergency suspension of Carhart’s Maryland medical license, followed by a permanent license revocation.
But when SFLA attempted to submit 5,000 complaints on March 18, they were stopped at the door. The complaints weren’t in official form, SFLA was told.
Furthermore, Board members Carole Catalfo and Christine Farrelly dismissed petition signers as “unlikely [to know]… the details of the situation and merely affected by a biased media,” according to SFLA.
Now I’m happy to report SFLA was successful on April 23 delivering the original 5,000 complaints, plus 1,000 more.
This time SFLA members were met by enhanced security measures and four MBOP members.
And this time they submitted an approved complaint form along with the 6,000 petitions.
I wrote earlier this month that Carhart may have a friend on the inside of MBOP – its pro-abortion secretary, Joshua Sharstein.
It was the Sharstein-led board that decided to issue licenses to all abortion clinics in the state, including Carhart’s Germantown mill, before inspecting them to ensure they were following newly enacted regulations. Planned Parenthood of Maryland CEO John Nugent also said he preferred that MBOP create the regs rather than the state legislature, which says a lot.
Sure enough, the MBOP has already reinstated three licenses it suspended last month when feeling the pressure of the Carhart debacle.
So continued pro-life vigilance is needed, as always.
And yet another reason to leave MD for my family, checking out in T-minus 6 months.
Even though I believe that abortion = killing my taxes still go towards it, no choice about it in MD.
So Sharstein is guilty too. Jennifer’s and Madison’s blood is on his hands as well, along with the blood of every baby killed by abortion in that state.
I have a serious question for the females on this site. One thing I have noticed that is fairly common in female behaviour is the ability “to get things done.” Women, more than men it seems, have this ability to do many things men would find gross (i.e. changing diapers) and just get the job done without being all that bothered by the grossness of the task. My question is where does this ability “not to get grossed out” come from? Is it nature or nurture?
For example, I have seen the smallest and cutest women doing the most disgusting things without batting their eyelashes. While men twice the size of these women would complain like little boys, or simply ignore the task altogether. Sure things are changing a little, but it does seem women are less grossed out than most men. Do you think this is part of the reason women are able to get abortions? I know that too many men push women to get abortions, but I suspect if the situation was reversed and these men were pregnant I doubt these same men would have the stomach to actually have an abortion.
Do women have to consciously not think about the grossness of certain activities or are they just naturally not grossed out and unphased by many of these bodily activities?
(This is not to deny that when men get into gross things, they do really gross things – like Gosnell gross.)
Answer to Tylers question. You need to rethink what you have written. Men are just as able to deal with grossness as women and maybe better. Think obout law enforcement and car accidents, shootings, childbirth in cars, think about Fire fighters and rescue operations related to fire, accidents and other recue operation such as drowning, recovering those who have been dead for a long time, Think about farmers caring for their farm animals including birthing. Think of nurses and doctors in operating rooms and caring for incontinent patients. Think about undertakers caring for the dead. Think about the anatomy labs in medical schools. Think about forensic specialists……the majority of these occupations are held by men.
Tyler, I don’t know that women don’t have the ability to get grossed out. I am plenty grossed out when I eat out or when I was house hunting a few months back. Changing my baby’s diaper? Yeah, doesn’t gross me out in the least while my husband practically faints. But then again he runs a club/music venue and he will mop up PUDDLES of sweat on the stage from bands and not bat an eye and it would make me faint.
Hi Janet, I was thinking of bodily matters – save male doctors and nurses – most men seem more phased when some bodily matter needs attention.
Believe me – I am not beholden to any of this – this is just an observation – I am not making a commandment. I am not saying being one way is better than another or that it is always the case…this is most definitely a generalization….It is just something I have noticed over the years. It has made me question the appropriateness of calling women the “weaker” sex. Most men aspire/escape to get out of the gross aspect of their jobs, whether it be a fireman or forensic scientist, while women seem to be better “troopers” and have better “stick-to-it-ness.”
I know men have the ability, but they seem to lack the desire. Most firemen would rather sit in the firehall. Firewomen, on the otherhand, seem to be more eager to get into the fire.
Sydney, I would agree that it seems men and women do get grossed out at different things but on the whole women seem to deal better with gross things than most men.
Tyler you sure know how to hijack a post buddy, please don’t start down the same vein as the last post that had to be closed by Carla. ;)
Being female doesn’t automatically mean one doesn’t get grossed out. When I was 12, my baby brother pooped his diaper. I was so grossed out by the idea of changing a diaper with poopee that I let him sit in his diaper even though he was SCREAMING because of the irritation to his bottom. I feel terribly guilty about this now but our mom had to come home before the poor baby could get his diaper changed.
However, it does seem that, in general, women may be less easily grossed out than men since so many women do these sorts of tasks. This is ironic but the physically stronger sex may be the more psychologically delicate.
“but it does seem women are less grossed out than most men. Do you think this is part of the reason women are able to get abortions?”
There is no way changing a diarrhea diaper is as gross as scraping a motorcycle accident victim off the pavement. Or removing body parts from the scene of a bombing. Or removing a bloated corpse from the body of water where they drowned. Gross is in the eye of the beholder and I don’t think your theory holds water.
I am not trying to hijack the post…it is somewhat on topic. When men and women ”get into” gross things bad things happen – men become victimizers like Gosnell and Carhart and women become victims. The only abortion business seems like some weird, violent and deadly sexless S&M fantasy. I just don’t understand how all women could not get a bad case of the heebeegeebees when thinking about getting an abortion.
Lrning, it is not a theory. Men who do the jobs you have referred to – do it because it is their job…. perhaps that is partly what it is…the particular “jobs” assigned to men and women.
By the way Jamie I don’t if was me who changed the topic on the last post… I think some other people took it off topic.
Denise, it is weird but I agree with you. It does appear that men are “more psychologically delicate.”
I think it’s an individual thing, not a gender thing, Tyler. And I do believe this is the weirdest theory you have come up with yet lol.
I did cloth diapers with all 3 kids. Nothing grosses me out any more.
Except those Sara McLaughlan save the puppies commercials.
My two cents worth:
If you are grossed out by your own children’s diapers, you probably haven’t changed enough of them.
If you are grossed out when little people smear their runny noses into your shoulders, you haven’t held them enough.
You become immune to things after awhile. Like our country is to abortion.
Jack says:
April 25, 2013 at 12:29 pm
I think it’s an individual thing, not a gender thing, Tyler.
(Denise) It makes sense that females are, in general, less easily grossed-out because they have traditionally been the ones assigned to infant and child care.
Praxedes, I would agree with you but I know that this is just not true. I have changed more than enough diapers, wiped noses, etc…
But my real question has to do with abortion (sorry for taking the long road to get to it) and to express my shock at the fact that some women are willing to go under the abortionist’s knife or aspirator. I am truly surprised and shocked and horrified by the ability of women to do this. I don’t think their ability to have an abortion can be attributed to shame, or fear – these do not account for the complete disgusting horror of the act. There has to be something else that allows these women to get past the pure disgusting aspect of having your own child murdered inside you. It can’t be complete ignorance either. There has to be something else – something we all don’t want to say.
From my perspective, Gosnell is bad but not 1 in 3 men are Gosnell-types but 1 in 3 women abort their children. How the heck did we get to this point?????
Most women who get abortions don’t see the procedure, many are sedated with valium, some go under general anesthesia. They don’t have the same, ahem, perspective as the abortionist.
Gee, men used to do most of the hunting and dressing, ya think that’s why Carhart is so immune to blood? *<- sarcasm alert!*
@ Tyler: There may be cases of women getting pregnant deliberately in order to abort. “U.S. News & World Report” did a round-up of stories of women who had had abortions. One said she had undergone 11 abortions. She had been treated so nicely at the clinic after the first one that she deliberately got pregnant 10 more times so she’d have a reason to go back there.
A woman wrote a book called something like “Impossible Motherhood” about getting a “high” out of getting pregnant so she kept getting pregnant and aborting.
I’ve heard that some Olympic level female athletes deliberately get pregnant so they will have the hormonal boost offered by the chemical changes of early pregnancy and then abort.
Tyler… good lord man. You realize men commit something like 90% of murders, right? And the majority of sexual abuse? I don’t think aborting your own child is more disgusting then, I don’t know, knifing your girlfriend to death or beating and raping your son. Men and women each do disgusting things, I don’t think you can point out abortion as the only disgusting act and act like women are inherently less disgusted by this horror. And in a lot of countries there are more pro-life women then men, as well.
And like ninek pointed out, most women aren’t awake and eagerly watching the suction.
And I am pretty sure that if men were the ones pregnant the abortion rate would be about the same. People are people, people get scared, people do horrible things out of fear or selfishness.
” It makes sense that females are, in general, less easily grossed-out because they have traditionally been the ones assigned to infant and child care. ”
Maybe true, I just don’t think it’s inherent. I used to gag at the very thought at changing my son’s diaper when he was first born, because I had never been around babies and found the whole thing rather disgusting. Now anything my kids do, I’m basically immune to it. The more time you spend being the caretaker of children, whatever gender you are, you eventually get over the grossness. And I’m such a germophobe that my four-year-old makes fun of me, lol. If I can get over it I’m sure most men can, if they did the majority of the child care.
I agree Jack, good points, but abortion is the only gross act of violence that has gained widespread social acceptance. Why do you think that is the case?
Jack, stay focused, I am talking about our culture.
Um, no it’s not. Different forms of violence have been acceptable in different cultures throughout time, abortion is just one of them. Infanticide used to be popular and practiced in several cultures, wife-beating was accepted for a lot of history in many cultures. Rape was seen as perfectly normal after conquering a nation during several times (and is even accepted in some parts of Africa now today). I would even argue that our culture today is accepting of domestic violence against men committed by women, since people seem to see it as a joke and blame the dude.
You’re looking through a narrow lens here.
Jack says:
April 25, 2013 at 2:29 pm
” It makes sense that females are, in general, less easily grossed-out because they have traditionally been the ones assigned to infant and child care. ” Maybe true, I just don’t think it’s inherent.
(Denise) It might not be inherent. I was a very feminine 12-year-old girl but utterly grossed out by poopee diapers. My poor little brother paid the price with a very irritated bottom.
OTOH, a woman told me she used to leave her baby with his 13-year-old brother who would do everything for the little baby — including changing poopee diapers.
When my brother Dave was a teenager, he also would never change a poopee diaper. Now that he is an adult man, he says it would be less of a problem. In fact, he said caring for an infant might be preferable to the job he currently has as a cook in an expensive steak restaurant. “For the last decade I’ve been mashing lambs’ testicles into sandwiches,” he commented. “I’d just as soon stay at home and change a few poopee diapers!”
Denise did you just make a joke????
Fine, if we’re talking about our culture I would say in addition to abortion, domestic violence against men is “accepted” in that no one sees it as a big deal, I believe young men are all but encouraged to be violent towards each other and people see this as “boys will be boys” and don’t condemn it. I don’t think abortion is unique in the violence. I do think abortion is unique in that there are organizations promoting abortion, when you can’t say that about much violence, but I believe that has much more to do with money and propaganda than anything inherent about women’s “lack of disgust”.
Jack, in your opinion do women have any responsibility for the prevalence of abortion?
Well, aren’t women people? People are responsible for abortion being prevalent. Some women and men are more responsible than others.
But what about all of the patients? At the end of the day, abortions is in business because there is a demand for it. Aren’t women responsible for the demand in abortion? Ultimately, they are the people who have to consent to the procedure.
Well yeah, we’re all responsible for the demand, though. It doesn’t fall all on women, unless you think women get knocked up all on their own and abandon or coerce themselves like half the time.
Don’t you think if you or I got some woman pregnant, and either took off or threatened her, and she ended up getting an abortion, that the man in that situation is just as much if not more responsible for the “demand” for abortion?
Tyler says:
April 25, 2013 at 2:59 pm
But what about all of the patients? At the end of the day, abortions is in business because there is a demand for it. Aren’t women responsible for the demand in abortion? Ultimately, they are the people who have to consent to the procedure.
(Denise) This is why I place such a strong emphasis on PREVENTING PROBLEM PREGNANCIES as the key to decreasing abortion. Criminalizing abortion basically seeks to cut off supply. However, if the only women getting pregnant are those who want to have babies, the demand stops. Thus, nothing is more apt to decrease this horrible practice than preventing problem pregnancies in the first place.
As I’ve said before, there will never be adoption-to-the-rescue. Women will not have babies and then, in massive numbers, turn them over to someone else to raise.
There will always be a need for adoption since mothers will die in childbirth or while babies or young. There may also be a need for a kind of “guardianship” in which very young and impoverished moms and their babies are taken into the homes of affluent childless couples who will help raise the baby.
Yes to a point….but when she walks into the clinic or is home alone - without the boyfriend – this is when it becomes her decision… we prolifers need to remind women about this….that they have choices. This is what the pro-choice side is supposed to be doing but is, obviously, failing at…greatly. These women should be losing these boyfriends not their babies. Another aspect, is why are these women sleeping with these bad men. Perhaps, if some of these women practiced more self-restraint in this area there would be less abortions.
It goes without saying that these men should not be doing what they are doing.
Jack, how did this secular ideology go wrong when secularism is supposed to be based on reason?
“There has to be something else that allows these women to get past the pure disgusting aspect of having your own child murdered inside you. It can’t be complete ignorance either. There has to be something else – something we all don’t want to say.”
It probably varies Tyler. Desperation, fear, or even raw selfishness in some cases. I’m totally confused as to what you’re trying to get at.
@ Tyler: I’ve made the point many times that if women would only put themselves and their pleasure FIRST, we would see a drastic decrease in both the sort of sexual activity that leads to pregnancy and a very welcome drastic decrease in abortions.
Alice Paul denounced abortion as “the ultimate exploitation of women.”
“Yes to a point….but when she walks into the clinic or is home alone - without the boyfriend – this is when it becomes her decision… we prolifers need to remind women about this….that they have choices. This is what the pro-choice side is supposed to be doing but is, obviously, failing at…greatly. These women should be losing these boyfriends not their babies. Another aspect, is why are these women sleeping with these bad men. Perhaps, if some of these women practiced more self-restraint in this area there would be less abortions. ”
Well if all humans practiced self-restraint we’d barely have abortion, and we’d also have no drug addiction (which more men fall victim to than women), promiscuity (again, something that men tend towards more than women), aggravated assault (again something men do much more than women) etc etc etc. All humans need to practice more self-restraint. Unfortunately, our hormones and mentality sometimes overrides what’s smart, and we end up with a lot of ills in the world. It’s not unique to women, and I’m not sure what your point is. I don’t think abortion is a unique event, it’s violence and a bad decision like millions of other things.
“Jack, how did this secular ideology go wrong when secularism is supposed to be based on reason?”
Abortion isn’t a “secular ideology” no more than any other murder, I’m not sure how this comment is relevant. Abortion has been practiced for thousands of years in all kinds of cultures, along with infanticide.
Tyler, stop. There are post-abortive women that read this and it almost seems like you’re trying to find some monster factor in women that allows them to undergo abortions.
Plenty of medical procedures have a huge gross factor, yet patients undergo them all the time in search of a solution to their problem. I don’t see women undergoing abortion as any different. When I was pro-choice, I didn’t think about the baby at all, only the woman! When a woman is facing an unexpected/unwanted pregnancy and she only wants her life to return to “normal”, the desperate desire for a solution can drive her to abortion. Why is this such a mystery to you? You have read a lot of testimony about the mindset of women concerning abortion here on this blog, haven’t you?
CT says:
April 25, 2013 at 3:29 pm
“There has to be something else that allows these women to get past the pure disgusting aspect of having your own child murdered inside you. It can’t be complete ignorance either. There has to be something else – something we all don’t want to say.” It probably varies Tyler. Desperation, fear, or even raw selfishness in some cases. I’m totally confused as to what you’re trying to get at.
(Denise) A woman I know who had an abortion believe there is a kind of bio-chemical disconnect. She believes that, in most pregnancies, certain brain chemicals activate so that the pregnant woman calmly accepts the fact that her body will swell and swell and swell and that she will endure the pains of labor and childbirth. In some unwanted pregnancies, those brain chemicals don’t activate so the inevitable physical conditions of pregnancy are automatically rejected — and the woman seeks abortion.
Jack, no other type of murder produced a business. Abortion is different from every other murder. And abortion, although practiced in various cultures, has largely only been popularized and promoted by secular governments (China) or secular movements (secular femininism). What went wrong? What made these people think eugenics and killing the innocent was morally acceptable?
“No other type of murder has produced a business”… Have you seriously never heard of hitmen? Organized crime?
I do agree that abortion is different than most types of murder because it appears, from the testimony of women who have undergone them, that their intent isn’t always or even often about killing anyone (even though someone dies, most women aren’t sitting around wanting to kill people).
“And abortion, although practiced in various cultures, has largely only been popularized and promoted by secular governments (China) or secular movements (secular femininism). ”
That’s just a flat-out uneducated statement. The truth is that since surgical and medical abortion was quite unhealthy and risky for centuries, infanticide was much more popular and accepted instead, in many cultures, whether religion was a big presence or not. I hope you won’t argue that abortion is worse than killing a born baby, I don’t think it’s different morally.
And we can get in a back and forth about what cultures support human life all day, and never come closer to agreeing. I will say that any ideology or religion has the ability to become corrupt and damaging, whether it’s Christian or secular, or Buddhist or Muslim.
The medical industry considers the abortion industry medical and thus part of itself. There is a conflict of interest whenever any industry or organization polices itself.
Lrning, there is some dark force that is corrupting these women – allowing the propaganda to seize their heart, turning them against their own children. It is unnatural. Women need to rise up against this dark force, and reclaim the light that belongs to them. Women defend their young, they don’t kill them. Who does PP think they are manipulating women like this? It is disgusting.
Tyler, aren’t you a Christian? Wouldn’t that “dark force” be the same temptation that gets all of us, AKA Satan and all that?
That’s just a flat-out uneducated statement. The truth is that since surgical and medical abortion was quite unhealthy and risky for centuries, infanticide was much more popular and accepted instead, in many cultures, whether religion was a big presence or not. I hope you won’t argue that abortion is worse than killing a born baby, I don’t think it’s different morally.
Jack that is a flat out lie put out by the secular pro-abortion propagandists that you have bought. In no way can you say that infanticide is similar to abortion. In the twentieth century in America there is no need for a mother to kill her child. In countries where starvation is common, infacticide sometimes occurs but it is not deliberately sought out. Moreover, this practice was not the result of mass movement in support of it. If there was a religion that promoted infanticide it wasn’t Catholicism.
Tyler, aren’t you a Christian? Wouldn’t that “dark force” be the same temptation that gets all of us, AKA Satan and all that?
Yes. Do you have an explanation that can adequately explain what happened? I am open to hear it.
Infanticide is extremely similar to abortion, in that in prior times it was often used instead of abortion, and today (as we can see from Gosnell and prom moms) is that it’s still used for similar reasons if abortion isn’t used. You can’t pretend it’s not related, people have dehumanized newborns and fetuses for centuries to make them easier to kill.
http://www.infanticide.org/history.htm Some reading for you Tyler. This link should make you happy, it also talks about how religious Jews and Christians have been historically anti-infanticide.
Jack, I am not sure what I said that got you to defend abortion but this is strange. Justifying the horror of abortion because infanticide has existed is just plain wrong Jack. There is similarity in the kind of killing occurring but not in the coordinated effort to support the practice.
I’m not defending abortion, at all, in no way.
The abortion lobby is preying on the vulnerability and strength of women – it is truly horrifying.
The abortion lobby appeals to a woman’s sense of pride.
The abortion industry cashes in on women’s FEAR. FEAR. FEAR. Not strength, not pride, F.E.A.R. Women like Gloria Steinem erect a false facade of strength and pride as a coping mechanism AFTER abortion.
Totally agree Ninek.
Gloria Steinem has that abortion pride that comes from deny her grief.
Why do you women let Ms. Steinem speak for you and have such a loud platform. As a man, who is a son, I would like all Mom’s to stand-up to these mean-spirited women – they frighten me and my son.
Some of you prolifers are so afraid of these women and what they do to children you don’t even want pictures of their activities shown in public!!
“Jack, no other type of murder produced a business.”
Not a legal business, but there is plenty of murder for hire.
Tyler you’re a jerk and a bit of a misogynist. “Men’s Rights Activists” don’t speak for me as a man and liberal feminists don’t speak for pro-life and conservative (and a whole lot more) women.
You’re posting on a female pro-lifer’s blog, who’s done a hell of a lot for the movement, talking to women who do a lot for the movement. You should sit down and listen instead of berating them.
Jack I am not a men’s right activist or misogynist.
Why the extreme reaction Jack?
Jack I think Jill has done lots for the prolife movement. She is a leader and the prolife movement needs more women like her. Nice try Jack, trying to cause controversy where there is none – second time in this thread (and I am being generous).
Jack, I have faith in the prolife women. I think they have more strength than you give them credit for.
This is the kind of women the prolife movement needs:
Yes, go ahead and scold the ladies for not doing enough for the movement (when it’s largely made up by women). I’m getting perilously close to White Knighting so I’m out for a while.
CT doesn’t your conscience bite you when you find yourself defending the abortion business?
Scold would imply I am angry Jack. I am not angry.
Tyler, do you really have no idea how offensive you sound? Reading support for abortion in the words of solid prolifers? Assuming we “let” Steinem speak for us and acting like we’re in charge of how large or loud her platform is? Get a grip.
“CT doesn’t your conscience bite you when you find yourself defending the abortion business?”
I never defend the abortion business and I’m one of the subgroup of people here who advocate for women to be held legally responsible with the doctors. So my conscience is entirely clear. Your thinking and arguments on the other hand could definitely use some clarity.
I don’t need to morph abortion into some mystery to oppose it. It is murder. Many many people in this world are capable of great evil and they commit it for all kinds of reasons. Desperate and/or selfish women are certainly not exempt from that. I find it incredible that you can’t fathom such a simple concept without drumming up hypotheses about women being better able to handle gore. Id’ say you’re missing the forest for the trees, but frankly you’re nowhere near the woods.
If fathers WERE murdering/KILLING/aborting their children at the same rate that mothers are murdering their children you would not be so complacent. (Jack’s accusation that I was an MRA made me alert to this fact.) None of you/us would. A few reasons all of us are not shocked as much any longer is because we have become desensitized to the killing. We need to remember how odd it is to have an abortion. The location of the murder of our children, or the person who arranges for it, should not stop of us from being horrified by this situation. IT IS OUR MOMS WHO ARE DOING THIS TO OUR CHILDREN.
“Not a legal business, but there is plenty of murder for hire.”
Excuse me if I don’t laugh at this.
Moms, the people who who kiss a bruised knee.
CT it is not simply some mystery that causes women, mothers, to do this – it is the Lord of the Dark World who does this, and causes women to cower in fear. Since we have to hope there is a chance that the Steinem’s of the world will and can change their ways, we need to fear the power who motivates the Steinem’s of the world more than the scary picture that the Steinem’s present for young mothers. If we don’t believe in Satan, we believe Steinem et al is Satan – and I can’t do that. Once we recognize who we need to fear, then we pray to God for the strength and courage to fight…then we battle.
@ Tyler: When Gloria Steinem had her abortion, there was widespread discrimination against unmarried mothers. Unwed mothers’ homes were common. “Day care center” wasn’t part of the usual vocabulary.
People have say “abortion as murder” — but it is NEVER prosecuted as murder. Even when it was illegal, women who got abortions were never prosecuted as murderers and usually weren’t prosecuted at all.
At any rate, I believe abortion will someday be relegated to the dustbin of history. Girls and women will not have the possibility of unwanted pregnancies hanging over their heads. We will conquer this problem completely.
Steinem, and her ilk, should be charged with hate speech. I am for free speech but when the target of the speech can’t even voice its dissent it is horribly unfair. Ms. Steinem should pick on someone her own size. It is pathetic. Given their age, no person in human history has had so little chance to hear their voice heard as those who are preborn. Lack of daycare, or being unwed, does not justify promoting the eradication of human beings in the womb – for sanity’s sake, promote daycare and weddings, not abortion.
@ Tyler: I do not promote abortion. I am pointing to societal problems that have always led to abortion. I believe very strongly in a guaranteed annual income and a family allowance system. I also advocate abstaining from the type of sex that can lead to pregnancy unless a pregnancy is either desired or impossible (for example, a woman who is post-menopausal sterile).
I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something….That there’s some good in this world and it’s worth fighting for.
I rest my case….
Tyler you hijacked the post here:
April 25, 2013 at 10:30 am
As in the third comment made in the entire post.
#1 comment was me talking about leaving MD, etc.
#2 comment was Sydney talking about Sharstein
and then you….talking about how women do gross, bad things more than men do without blinking an eye…IYO of course. LOL smh.
Buddy you have some dark things, strange thoughts running around in your head. You might want to take them before Christ and ask for help. Talking about weird stuff, in a weird way, does nothing for the Pro-life cause (not to mention Christ’s message of love to everyone regardless of what they do/have done…ahem).
Said a prayer for you.
@ Jamie Garcia: He pointed out that women do GROSS things that are GOOD AND NECESSARY much more than men. Women are usually the ones who change diapers. This does suggest that the female sex is less easily grossed out and that the male sex may be more emotionally and psychologically delicate.
Jamie I never said women do more bad things than men do…other people suggested that is what I said…but I never said that. Go back and take a look. If you want to take it that way feel free. But, in any event, women are not pristine and innocent. Perhaps, part of the reason the problem of abortion persists is because society characterizes women as being innocent and non-violent when that is completely an inaccuratge characterization of women.
Both men and women do evil things. I was trying to understand the evil women do, the evil of abortion. I didn’t want to stick my head in the sand and deny that it is women, our MOMS, who are seeking out abortions.
Abortion is so prevalent I can’t look at female friend without wondering if she had an abortion. If we knew 1 in 3 men killed their 2 years-old and younger children we would be upset. In fact we would probably gather our family, load up the donkey, and get out of town.
By the way Jamie, I really appreciated the prayer. And it was appropriate to do so.
Can we please not get Denise Noe started on all of the other sexual activities that do not lead to pregnancy???
Since that is the direction her comments usually go……
Hi Tyler,
My two cents.
With my four children I did gross things BEYOND my imagination. It is what it is. Clean it up. Clean the child up. Move on.
When you are a SAHM who else is gonna do it?? :)
And I am not an evil woman even though I paid someone to end the life of my child in the evil of abortion. I am forgiven.
Come on. Post abortive women who have found healing in Christ are free. I was unrepentant before I was repentant!!
Those that haven’t found that healing? We need to pray them out of the darkness.
Don’t stick your head in the sand and pretend that women are not forced or coerced or desperate enough to see abortion as their only “choice.”
Be ready to lead your friends to help when/if they ever come to you full of shame, regret and guilt over a past abortion.
Carla says:
April 26, 2013 at 11:02 am
Can we please not get Denise Noe started on all of the other sexual activities that do not lead to pregnancy???
Since that is the direction her comments usually go……
(Denise) I was not going to specify them. I just pointed out that people should not engage in the sort of sex that can lead to pregnancy unless:
1) a pregnancy is desired or
2) impossible.
That would pretty much put the abortionists out of business.
“The location of the murder of our children, or the person who arranges for it, should not stop of us from being horrified by this situation. IT IS OUR MOMS WHO ARE DOING THIS TO OUR CHILDREN. ”
It’s weird… you’re scolding us all and acting like we aren’t horrified by abortion. I have no idea what’s up with you man.
And I have no idea why you keep emphasizing MOMS.
“It’s weird… you’re scolding us all and acting like we aren’t horrified by abortion. I have no idea what’s up with you man.”
“And I have no idea why you keep emphasizing MOMS.”
Right. It’s moms who kill their kids via abortion b/c it’s the moms who are in the position to. If the dads were pregnant the dads would be seeking out the killer (I totally disagree with you that men would not seek abortions). But b/c of nature and biology this a murder that will always have a the mother as a participant (and sometimes a father and/or other complicit parties as well).
“I totally disagree with you that men would not seek abortions”
Is this to me or Tyler? I think the abortion rate would stay about the same if dudes got pregnant, even if nothing else (the bulk of childcare responsibilities, other gender roles) was different.
Abortion is so prevalent I can’t look at female friend without wondering if she had an abortion.
Abortion is so prevalent I can’t look at a male friend without wondering if he coerced, threatened, bullied, pleaded with and/or fully/partially paid for an abortion.
Oh, and I can’t help but notice what gender make and enforce the majority of laws in our country.
Praxedes says:
April 26, 2013 at 11:54 pm
Abortion is so prevalent I can’t look at female friend without wondering if she had an abortion. Abortion is so prevalent I can’t look at a male friend without wondering if he coerced, threatened, bullied, pleaded with and/or fully/partially paid for an abortion.
(Denise) I’ve already written about this but it is germane to this thread. I asked a handsome friend what would have happened if he had impregnated a woman when he was younger and quite “socially active.” He answered, “She would have aborted.” I said, “You can’t legally force a woman to abort.” He said, “No, but I would have made her life so miserable she would have had to abort just to get some peace.”
Saying “if men could get pregnant” is like saying, “if men were women.”
At any rate, that friend now has a girlfriend. She has said, “I’m not having a baby at 47.” Their relationship includes the type of sex that can lead to pregnancy so any embryo conceived in her womb is doomed to get suctioned out of her through abortion.
Wow, I just really hope Carhart finally loses his license soon.
(Was that enough to get this back on topic?)
I hope he does too. Maybe Tyler could gather a group of about a thousand concerned prolife men to go and demand that this get done. You know all those guys in the group called I regret coercing her and paying for her abortion?
Unfortunately, I have found that both men and women more often listen to outspoken men. Women tend to be just pushed aside as PMSing and/or crazy. C’mon prolife men — get your hands dirty!
“I totally disagree with you that men would not seek abortions”
Is this to me or Tyler?
Sorry, Jack – that was to Tyler. The way I wrote it wasn’t clear.