Pro-life news brief 5-6-13
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Kermit Gosnell’s attorney Jack McMahon is upset with Fox News for airing a special on Gosnell:
“It’s outrageous,” McMahon told reporters who had gathered to await a verdict Monday. “I’ve never seen anything so irresponsible in journalism.”After McMahon aired his complaints to Judge Jeffrey P. Minehart, the judge instructed jurors to notify his staff if any of them had seen or heard details of the show during the weekend. He also told them it should not factor into their decision-making.
- Kirsten Powers (pictured left) says abortion rights groups have become the NRA of the left:
Speaking as a liberal who endorses more government regulation of practically everything — banks, water, air, food, oil drilling, animal safety — I am eternally perplexed by the fury the abortion rights contingent displays at the suggestion that the government might have a serious role to play in the issue of abortion, especially later-term abortion. More and more, the abortion rights community has become the NRA of the left: unleashing their armies of supporters and lobbyists in opposition to regulations or restrictions that the majority of Americans support. In the same way the NRA believes background checks will lead to the government busting down your door to confiscate your guns, the abortion rights movement conjures a straight line from parental consent to a complete ban on abortion.Such an attitude makes having an honest conversation about abortion almost impossible. That is just one of the many reasons I hate talking about it. Additionally, there is no upside in our media culture to challenging this sacred cow. More likely, there is a price to be paid, which is why so few people take it on. However, I cannot legitimately say I am a person who cherishes human rights — the animating issue of my life and a frequent topic of my writing — and remain silent about our country’s legally endorsing infanticide.
- Chris Evert (pictured right) is not happy with Jimmy Connors claiming she had an abortion and that it played a role in the end of their relationship:
“In his book, Jimmy Connors has written about a time in our relationship that was very personal and emotionally painful,” Evert said in a statement released Saturday to Reuters through her agent Lawrence Frankopan at StarWing Sports.“I am extremely disappointed that he used the book to misrepresent a private matter that took place 40 years ago and made it public, without my knowledge. I hope everyone can understand that I have no further comment.”
- In a devastating letter to the editor, Richard Doerflinger notes the Washington Post’s editorial against Virginia’s abortion clinic regulations and how if those regulations were enforced in Pennsylvania, they might have saved Karnamaya Mongar’s life:
The Post complains that the new Virginia regulations have “claimed their first victim.” The “victim” The Post grieves for is a Norfolk abortion clinic that closed because it couldn’t meet the new safety standards. Perhaps the paper could shed a tear for the dead babies and women who are abortionists’ real victims. Some of us think they have even more rights than buildings do.
[Powers photo via; Evert photo via]
You know, some trials are so famous that jurors have to be sequestered during all their deliberations. How darling of the Lamestream Media to sequester themselves. And how arrogant of Gosnell’s lawyer to expect self-sequestering to encompass ALL media outlets. It’s pretty sad when Snopes has to put in an entry on their website to prove Gosnell isn’t a pro-lifers’ urban legend.
It’s not enough that they don’t talk about abortion. They would also have everybody be silent on the fearless leader of the pro-choice cause…Kermit Gosnell.
Did you want the case to be ‘famous’, thereby requiring sequester, or not?
A devastating letter – oh well gotta give you points for optimism.
Kirsten Powers is my favorite liberal. So honest, so consistent, so gracious. Of course, the fact she’s pro-life is the biggest reason. She’s a rare breed on the left.
I swear that Kirsten Powers wants me to give her a hug. I just know it.
Right when I was becoming cynical that there are so few good people left in the world – she comes bursting onto the prolife scene like a kitten.
How refreshing.
Tall Tenor you nailed it…
I appreciate Powers’ honesty here as well, but to say she’s pro-life? How do you figure that when she still favors legal abortion?
Point taken. She’s not perfect. But anyone who favors restrictions, believes life begins at conception, is willing to speak this frankly and consistently about this subject, especially on the left, gets at least a nod of appreciation from me.
I was also under the impression that she’s pro-life. What makes you say that she favours legal abortion?
Why hasn’t anyone made anything of the truth that Dr. Gosnell failed to act responsibly as a cat owner? The cat that had the run of the clinic and defecated everywhere had fleas.
Re: Denise
Are you punking us?
Maybe i’ll get to meet Ashton!
Of course McMahon is upset with the FOX News report. The truth is devastating to a lawyer whose defense is based on lies.
Is Kirsten Powers pro-life? She is a work in progress, as are we all. For a liberal, she is remarkably and refreshingly pro-life. She is pro-life enough to know that she must, at the expense of being ostracized by her liberal media community, speak up about the evils of abortion and how it leads to infanticide. Also her comparison of the abortion rights community and the NRA is priceless, even if you don’t agree with her about the NRA.