Abortion activists “nervous” about SCOTUS review of abortion pill law
All of this is making abortion rights advocates nervous, because the restriction was struck down, and to revisit it brings into question what might be permissible around medication abortion restrictions.
~ Elizabeth Nash of the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute on the US Supreme Court’s decision to review an Oklahoma Supreme Court’s decision striking down a 2011 law (abortion pill law) requiring abortion clinics and abortionists to follow FDA guidelines for administering the abortion pill, otherwise known as mifepristone or RU486, as quoted by Mother Jones, July 19

I am a jumble of thoughts about the court case. Most of them scare me — No one has so much unrestrained power over life and death as the US Supreme Court.
I offer this thought as a side issue: Abortion is disturbing, and I have seen a lot of disturbing images on this site. And thus far, the most disturbing image is this high-res graphic of an actual mifepristone pill. So symmetrical. So deco. So perfect. So neat and tidy. So easy. So deadly.
If the decision focuses on the FDA guidelines, it may have some bearing on the administration of health care policies and guidelines pursuant to the new health care law.
Once again, we see Democrats chafing about abortion when it comes to living up to the regulations they force on everyone else. Apparently the only ox of theirs than can be gored are innocent unborn children. “Every other drug company, you better listen to the FDA and the Executive Branch, but if you are performing abortions, heck, we’ll pay you to break the laws!”