Pro-life vid of day: Radio host has spent $45k on abortions; cool with abortion contracts
VladTV has posted video of radio personality Star, sharing his thoughts on NBA basketball star J.J. Redick’s abortion contract with former girlfriend Vanessa Lopez.
Star is cool with all that. In the video he says he has spent $45,000 himself on abortions, which he considers a great investment as opposed to paying child support for a “little f***er rugrat.”
WARNING: Profanity…
Who is “star” and how much ”star power” does he have to affect young men? This clip may actually have the opposite effect for some.
Are you hearing what you and children are to him pro-choice ladies??!
“Who is “star” and how much ”star power” does he have to affect young men? This clip may actually have the opposite effect for some. ”
I’ve never even heard of him. Sounds like a lovely guy though.
(sarcasm in case anyone wants to jump on me)
I’ve never heard of this guy before now. I now wish I could return to that state.
I can hear it: “There ain’t know way that I’m gonna pay and help you raise no child. But I’ll pay for your abortion and here’s an extra $8,000 for your trouble. That’s the deal, baby.”
Legal abortion enables these rich playboys to keep on using and abusing women.
Is he going to pay for his ex girl friends’ therapy as well? plus any other health issues that might arise from the abortions?
Legal abortion enables these rich playboys to keep on using and abusing women. – so would illegal abortion.
He is definitely a dirtbag though. Just like the supposedly anti-choice men who have done the same thing.
He is a creep but what about the women hes paid off? Is their child’s life only wortn $8,000?
” He is definitely a dirtbag though. Just like the supposedly anti-choice men who have done the same thing.”
Honestly, explain what he did wrong from a pro-choice perspective. If you don’t think there is anything wrong with abortion, then why would paying for an abortion be wrong? Is it paying her MORE than the abortion you have an issue with?
Ain’t never heard of him, either.
Calling Andy Warhol….
Yes Jack, in this instance it would appear to be indicative of his attitude towards women.
Andy Warhol’s dead Doug.
Aye, Reality, but the concept of the “15 minutes of fame” lives on, methinks.
Yes, I’m afraid you’re right Doug. I don’t bemoan the concept of 15 minutes of fame, it just seems to be happening more and more for reasons which are less and less worthwhile.
Avast Doug me matie. Long time no blog.
He laughs about killing his children with such callousness.
One day he will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ.
If he repents, his sin will be washed away.
If not, he won’t be laughing then.
Ahoy, Truthseeker.
Reality: “I don’t bemoan the concept of 15 minutes of fame, it just seems to be happening more and more for reasons which are less and less worthwhile.”
Not sure how this will render – it’s my first use of Google ‘Chrome’ as Jill’s site tells me you can’t copy and paste with Firefox and something else…
I don’t disagree – we’ve rapidly passed into the “text” generation, and now people think it’s not cool to call somebody on the phone; rather, much more acceptable to text them. This “Twitter” deal – never used it myself. Is someone who uses Twitter a “Twit”? : P
I think the US is increasingly an overfed mass of people who yearn for distraction, them not having their energy consumed by the struggle for food, clothing and shelter. Also think that this social trend will eventually give rise to its opposite, as with Marx’s ‘thesis’ and ‘antithesis.’ ”Reality” shows, etc. – people will tire of them, and we’ll see a more considered approach to things.
O’ course, easy for me to say that, being well into my 50s.
I’m sure he’s very concerned about that Ed H.
As someone who chooses not to participate in ‘social media’ (oxymoron anyone?), I do think a lot of twiitter users are twits. Or as the english might say, twats.
It does appear to have had some positives though, the Iranian uprising a few years back and that sort of thing.
‘Reality’ shows – groan. What a waste of resources they are.
O’ course, easy for me to say that, being well into my 50s. – ditto.
You guys are old fogeys (fogies? don’t know how to spell that). Twitter can be fun. Facebook was cool except I had to delete mine because of stalking and harassment. Social media can be a great thing if you like having acquaintances and talking to people all over the world, or if you don’t live near your friends and family.
Now listen here you young whippersnapper!
I was on faceplant for a while but quit because of its utter banality. And from what I’ve seen twitter is even worse.
Ever heard the term pen-pal? Email? The telephone?
I much prefer not talking on the telephone, and I don’t even know if anyone does that whole “pen-friend” thing (how does that even work? how do you find these people?). And how do you find someone to email you if not on Twitter or Facebook or whatever? Literally the only people who email me semi-regularly are Carla and Hans because no one else loves me. :'(
I think you’re just afraid of the future Reality!
Fogey/fogies is right, Jack. And of course the generational-change thing is at work, as it always is, and nothing is new under the sun (so to speak). Heck, the ancient Egyptians looked around in dismay at “the younger generation.” : P As did Plato, I think…. (Or was is Socrates?)
Nothing against social media, per se – I spend untold hours and days with my gaming buddies, around the world, 8 to 80. What feels foreign to me is the short time duration of tweets and the “can’t wait for a short time (until I’m done driving)” deal of all the young people who text continuously while driving.
In the course of my work, I drive a tractor-trailer probably 20% of the time, and allow me a generalization here – if you’re between 15 and 25, and you’re behind the wheel, you’re texting! Now, I know that is not 100% true. In fact, it is only 88% true for boys, and 99% true for girls. Heh.
Ah well, for all the ups and downs, I expect that one day the pendulum will swing back the other way – that is the way markets work (they are, after all, studies in human emotion themselves) – and we will move toward longer focus.
Lol I am 25 and I’ve never texted while driving. I do agree that’s a problem though, I see people do it a lot. I don’t get it. Text at the stoplight or something if you can’t wait until you’re done driving all together.
I don’t like talking on the phone either Jack, but I do talk to my mother and my son that way because it is pleasurable to hear their voices. My brother and I text each other and my friends and I email each other.
Type ‘find me a pen-pal’ into google.
because no one else loves me – I’m confident there are those who love you from afar Jack. And then there are those who profess to ‘love’ you while they criticise and denigrate you over your lifestyle and beliefs. Dunno if you want to count them.
I seek the future Jack. I embrace it. If we don’t move forward we fall down.
In fact, it is only 88% true for boys, and 99% true for girls. – argh, playing fast and loose with the stats eh. It’s 87.5% true for boys and 107% true for girls.
and we will move toward longer focus – hey, I had my eyes built for that! I must be a trendsetter!
Yeah never heard of him but if he’s spent that much $ on abortions then he ought to keep his fly up. Also didn’t care for the effing rugrat comment n I’m sure once he pays the women off he tells them goodbye as well. Pray for him.
Hahaha, I killed a human being, parents should kill children because they are expensive, haahahaha! Evil.
I so appreciate his brutal honesty!! BROCHOICE ladies!! This is your guy!! This is what you have fought so hard for! Embrace him!! He will use you and abuse you and pay to kill your children! Come on feminists!! Clap and cheer!!
His attitude is that of ALL men who think it. Who beat their girlfriends, who force/coerce their wives and lovers to abort and of course the men that kill because they don’t want to be saddled with rugrats.
He at least has the cajones to SAY IT!!! So glad THE TRUTH comes out.
Where is Cecile Richards??
This guy should be headlining the next PP banquet!!
And saying, “God bless Planned Parenthood!!”
wait…..didn’t someone else just do that??!!
Carla, you are so right. THIS is PP’s dream poster-boy!
This is abortion’s reality, and if you are “pro-choice”, there is nothing wrong with ANYTHING this guy says or stands for. He’s just helping these women into their true, full liberated state.
God Bless America!
Amen Courtnay!
Gosh he has supplied PP with $45,000!!!
Put him in charge of FUND RAISING!!
I don’t have your e-mail, Jack, or I would. :(