New campaign warns abortion clinic workers: “Don’t let your job put you in prison”
Delaware Right to Life has erected six billboards this autumn, one directly across the street from the Wilmington Planned Parenthood (in photo above).
The billboards give a simple but sobering message to abortion clinic workers: “Don’t let your job put you in prison.”
This message is ripe in a state where two former Planned Parenthood employees testified earlier this year about health violations and inappropriate behavior by an abortionist they observed at their clinics.
The billboards are part of a larger campaign that includes posters, postcards, a radio ad, the website, and a Facebook page – all the brainchild of Life Dynamics President Mark Crutcher.
Crutcher has assembled this array of materials so pro-lifers can reach out to abortion clinic workers however they can to try to help them avoid the same fate as several of Kermit Gosnell’s employees: prison.
One doesn’t have to participate in post-birth murder, as Gosnell’s workers did, to land behind bars. There is a multitude of nefarious activities known to go on in abortion clinics, including Medicaid fraud, insurance fraud, consumer fraud, income tax evasion, money laundering, health and safety code violations, and child rape cover-up.
On all literature clinic workers are encouraged to go to to learn more about illegalities they may have seen or participated in – even without knowing it.
Not for the first time Life Dynamics recently sent Clinic Worker postcards to over 600 U.S. abortion clinics. Click to enlarge…
Three days ago Drudge featured a Washington Times story on the project…
Abortion industry management denies efforts such as this have any impact on staff. From the Washington Times:
Abortion clinic directors counter that their staffs are extraordinarily loyal to abortion care and can’t be “enticed” to leave.
“I’ve said for all these 40 years: This is not a job. This is a calling,” said Ms. Taft, whose network represents more than 70 independent abortion clinics….
“People aren’t leaving. I know if you ask any of our [45-member] staff, they’ll say, ‘We love the work that we do,’” said Ms. France, who runs the largest independent clinic in Ohio.
I say hogwash. A job that involves low wages and grisly work can only be made less attractive by fear of prosecution. The WT piece corroborates life as an abortion clinic worker is bleak:
According to recent research, however, stigma and harassment commonly come with the job.
Ironically, a major reason people work in abortion clinics is that they want to “help people.” But many of those staff members face stress, isolation, rejection and “an intense fear of violence” as part of their jobs, Dr. Lisa Harris of the University of Michigan Health System said….
Some of the project’s early findings were that 89% of clinic workers said they felt “unappreciated by society” and half experienced “verbal or physical harassment.”
I asked a former PP clinic worker whether she observed a high turnover rate among staff or the staying power of job satisfaction, and she responded, “Stay? That should be part of a standup routine. It’s a revolving door. The ones who stay are the ones who need the money and have nowhere else to go – although corporate level people stay forever. They get paid very well and don’t deal with the emotional stuff we have to every day.”
Back to the billboards. A constant reminder that abortion work may equal prison can only further stigmatize abortion in the eyes of the general public, a side benefit.
Order clinic worker materials here.

Brilliant and beautiful!
It is difficult to reach out and show our love and concern for the workers who are trapped in the abortion industry. We know that the Industry does not care about their employees or their families, but the Industry well-maintains their walls of silence and isolation. Look what they did to Abby Johnson….
This outreach — as well as Abby Johnson’s And Then There Were None — are bold outreach efforts to help people escape from the grip of the abortion industry.
“89% of clinic workers said they felt “unappreciated by society”
Pro-tip: If you want to feel appreciated by society, do something that is actually worthy of appreciation.
I think if there’s such an issue with law breaking in your industry that you need to have billboards warning people about it… you might be in the wrong industry.
Oh look, an expansion of intimidation tactics.
You left out the “verbal or physical harassment” part JDC.
It’s not the industry itself which is putting up the billboards Jack. It’s propaganda by another group.
There are plenty of other industries and organisations which could genuinely warrant similar billboards.
I love the fact that there’s an ad for a kid-friendly place right underneath it. Ah, the irony…
There are plenty of other industries and organisations which could genuinely warrant similar billboards.
You know “reality” – propaganda it would be if there was misinformation provided to PP employees but the billboard is supported by facts. Perhaps other groups will take a page from this PRO-LIFE campaign and target those other organizations.
In the last four years I’ve seen Planned Parenthood employees come and go, Only the office manager is still there. She looks depressed whenever I see her. It’s got to be a tough job, and I feel sorry for them. We’re falsely accused of harassment (police report to prove it) just for praying on the sidewalk, saying “Good Afternoon” to the workers, or offering them information to report wrongdoing and assistance to leave that job.