by Kelli

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  • Live Action News discusses the Supreme Court’s decision this week to allow a lower court’s ruling to stand, requiring Texas abortionists to have admitting privileges with local hospitals.
  • Pro-life Action League has a detailed account of yet another Texas abortion clinic that failed its inspections. Among the violations of NARAL member Alamo Women’s Reproductive Services Clinic were the lack of a medical director and the lack of sterilization of hands and instruments.
  • Despite the recent hubbub claiming China was relaxing its One-Child Policy, Reggie Littlejohn at Women’s Rights Without Frontiers points out that even the country’s deputy director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission says the changes are largely insignificant.


  • At The Leading Edge, Brendan Malone shares how a new report on child abuse prevention in New Zealand has become a “Trojan horse” in which abortion, contraception, and family planning proposals have been slipped in as recommendations for the country’s children:

    Remember, this is a report that, according to the Government press release, was supposed to have a primary focus on preventing child abuse. With this in mind, the one question I have is: how the heck is mandatory sex education, more liberalized NZ abortion laws and more taxpayer funding of contraceptive schemes that have shown to be abject failures going to do anything at all to prevent child abuse in this country?!

  • At the FRC Blog, Rob Schwarzwalder discusses the very proudly pro-abortion Gloria Steinem and her recent Medal of Freedom award from the also proudly pro-abortion President Obama.
  • Life Training Institute’s Scott Klusendorf has several suggestions for young pro-lifers on how to become more effective in their pro-life efforts.
  • Pro-Life Wisconsin says the state assembly has passed a bill establishing a “Choose Life” license plate. Sales will go to pregnancy care centers throughout the state.
  • At RealChoice, Christina Dunigan shares several excerpts from New York Magazine’s abortion stories. Far from being the heralders of abortion’s greatness, many of these stories point to serious grief and internal conflict.
  • Right to Life of Michigan shares the Heritage Foundation’s information on how abortion will be covered under Obamacare.


  • At The Guiding Star Project, Mallory Severson discusses what it means to be pro-life “in the trenches,” as opposed to those who are on the “front lines” of the movement:

    Being in trenches isn’t necessarily easier than on the frontlines. These might be women and families in your own community that you live next to, work with, or see at your child’s school. The intimacy can make it more challenging, and can blur the lines of what is appropriately Pro-Life.

    In the trenches, the lines of what is Pro-Life and what is not, is not about what you do, but equally what you don’t do….

    You can be Pro-Life in your community by showing support, love, and encouragement to pregnant women and new mothers in all things. Always.

    And when we do this, when we show women the kindness and respect their bodies, babies, and children deserve, little by little a culture of life can be transformed from the inside out.

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