Abortion clinic TV pilot shops for financing
When I worked at an abortion clinic, my friends would always say there should be a TV show about it; at the time I couldn’t imagine any aspect of my life being interesting enough to be on TV, but given the growing interest in what other people’s jobs are like, and the ever-polarizing “debate” around abortion, a nuanced view of an abortion clinic could be just what the public needs to see.
So if that is something that interests you, I recommend you support this pilot for such a show….
~ The Pedgehog, encouraging readers to support a TV pilot titled Plan b, which “sweeps us into the personal and professional lives of abortion clinic staff while at the same time contrasting it with the complex and contentious nature of a local pro-life organization,” Anti-Choice is Anti-Awesome, February 6
WARNING: Video at link contains explicit vulgarity. Stupidity, actually.

A visit to the ”Plan b” site is 6 minutes of your life that you will never get back.
They need $20,000 by the end of March. After two weeks of fund-raising, they have $526. Paradoxically, posting this to Jill’s board just might give them the publicity they need to gather another $500 is donations.
Their portrayal of pro-lifers is a gross caricature, just as you would expect from Hollywood-style feminists (these are actually from Canada, but whatever).
First of all, Eww!
Second of all, they couldn’t even get a show picked up for a full season about a cute animal hospital, how could this fly?
“Anti-Choice is Anti-Awesome?”
Really, guys?
that’s so juvenile. And also, we are not anti-choice. Anti-abortion, absolutely. But we’re non anti-choice. Actually, most pregnancy centers will tell you it is your choice and even after you’ve had an abortion against their counsel, they’ll still welcome you back and help you heal.
Now *that* is pro-choice.
Truth be told, the proper term is pro-life, not anti-choice. I can assure them that pro-life is sufficiently pro-awesome.
Oh, and the thing going on around abortion is a debate, not a “debate”. Seriously, this person has a lot to learn about communication if they want to be taken seriously at all.
I actually support this. As long as they show the abortions complete with severed baby heads and tiny hands and feet in pools of blood. And as long as they show the woman bleeding to death silently in the back of the clinic, and as long as they show a few months later when the post-abortive women are overcome with grief and regret. And as long as they show years down the road when the patient who had an abortion is now married and finds out she can’t get pregnant again. Show that.
Show the drunk abortionist who is in danger of losing his medical license…in this state (already lost it in other states). Show the mold on the walls and the dried blood on the table and the baby parts room. Show the clinic worker who secretly talks to the pro-lifers wondering how she can leave this job hates yet needs as a single mom .
Oh and as long as they show the pro-lifers opening their wallet and taking a collection of $200 on the spot for a young couple saying they won’t abort if they have 200 bucks (I saw that happen at my local PP) and as long as they show pro-lifers going out and throwing a big baby shower for a woman that chooses not to kill her unborn child (saw that happen too–I was part of that!) As long as they show a woman lied to at the clinic then going to the CPC and seeing an ultrasound of her living, moving baby and choosing life and wondering why the clinic lied and told her it was a blob of cells?
If they show all these true things that really have happened I would be most supportive of this show.
If they showed any of that, Sydney, I imagine it would somehow be blamed on prolife people, and the prolife people trying to do good would be portrayed as almost all old, white, male, and “Bible thumpers.”
Anti-Choice is Anti-Awesome?”
I agree, JDC. Are these people in middle school? And how is being “pro-choice” awesome?
Actually, I don’t mean being called anti-choice. Yes, I’m anti-choice to kill!
;) Lol phillymiss that was me, but no big deal.
Anti choice just isn’t descriptive. Because we aren’t totalitarian dictators trying to take away every choice. They just aren’t being honest about what choice it is. So let’s get it out there, people. What is the choice you’re talking about?
Because pro-abortion sounds much worse and is definitely not awesome.
Unless you’re Cecile Richards…. But then, she’s a special brand of wicked.
What Sydney M said.
The light of day.
There is no way to up-glam the genuine delivery of abortion.
After a long day and with the boost from Jill’s publicity, the fundraising for this TV pilot show increased by $69. (They need an average $430 per day to meet their goal.)
I suppose they’ll get some grant from PP or NARAL or Soros or EMILY List. We may be seeing this again.
I just figgered it out!
Ain’t no network never gonna pick up some show that is just a bunch propaganda by some zealots. The show has to be funny by itself, first of all. Then they can drop in their propaganda, in small doses. Like the gay-guys couple on Modern Family.
(There are probably better examples. I don’t watch much television. I am shocked when I do.)
How’s Kenny the Ham going with the fundraising for his ark park?
Did the bond sale or whatever it was go well?
I see Pat Robertson was less than impressed with Kenny’s performance in the debate.
Poor, poor Reality. That’s your response?
We have a saying in the South: Bless your heart.
Could it be that ”reality” and “merit” are the same person. I may be wrong but the signals are loud and clear. :)
This “show” does not a have leg to stand on. I’m with Del – this would be a suicide for any network. And the money would not be there passed the first episode. What an idiotic stunt.
Courtnay and Thomas R.: please stop feeding the troll.
“We have a saying in the South: Bless your heart.”
Lol Courtnay, northerners have no idea what we’re really saying when we say “bless your heart”. ;)
Guess I need to buy more Powerball tickets for Saturday! If I win, I could have this show aired for a couple of seasons!
and that’s your response Courtnay?
Fundraising had been mentioned. I just mentioned that it can be difficult for various projects.
If you think there are loud and clear signals that merit and I are the same person “thomas real men don’t bath”, then I’d hate to be near you at traffic signals or signs :-)
My security wouldn’t let me access your link, said something about it could place my computer at risk.
Did you see the smiley face next to my comment “reality” or was it not obvious I was kidding. No one can replicate your “style” anyway, so there….
More powerball tickets “merit.” FUNNY…You do realize that the odds are 1 in a billion or something like that. Thanks for the laughs :)
that link I provided does not work, I apologize for any disappointment I may have caused you “reality,” but you can look it up in your search engine. Pretty informative and fits a reference to you to a “t.” :)
I did see the smiley face Galileo, indeed I did. Did you miss mine?
I doubt that disappointment would figure amongst any feelings I may have about your link failure :-)
Thomas R, one in 1 in 175,223,510.00. But thanks for spreading more misinformation that we’ve grown so accustomed to with you.
I never claimed to have the exact odds nor did I claim a source, just gave an educated guess merit. The point is that regardless of the number, the odds are not in your favor :)
“reality” I think you meant to address me as Copernicus, get your comparisons right okay :)
Oo, I don’t think so “thomas real men don’t bath.” I think referring to you as Copernicus would be well out of order.
And you have referred to me as Einstein despite my not having worked or theorised in the field of physics. I think Einstein’s a bit stronger in the ingres violin department than me too.
Whatever the powerball odds, they’re still better than those of womens reproductive freedom and choices ending anytime soon.
“a couple of seasons?” That would depend on the ratings much more than the financing I would think.
Very apt……… “Plan B” shares the name of the morning after pill which is ineffective for the average sized American woman of reproductive age…
“reality:” “Whatever the powerball odds, they’re still better than those of womens reproductive freedom and choices ending anytime soon.”
You are hilarious “reality.” There is no “reproductive freedom” if you support abortion. The only “choice” you support is to have sex and abort. Is it me or have you totally lost your ability to provide coherent logical arguments….
Thomas R., please stop feeding the troll.
Thomas R. , “educated guess”?
An “educated guess” is a guess that is made using judgment and some degree of knowledge.
I believe the guess you made was pulled out of an area that I won’t mention.
Happy Valentine’s Day “merit?” ;)
You are hilarious “reality.” There is no “reproductive freedom” if you support abortion. – your statement bears no relation to logic or reality “thomas r.” Reproductive freedom means all the choices are available, not just abortion.
The only “choice” you support is to have sex and abort. – now you know that isn’t true, so why say it.
Is it me or have you totally lost your ability to provide coherent logical arguments…. – obviously it’s you……
If the “choices” include abortion than the term “reproductive freedom” becomes meaningless and truly needs to be called by its proper reference of reproductive slavery. You are a native English speaker “reality” and yet time and time again you exhibit major comprehension fail in understanding the meaning of phrases in your native tongue. Amazing….
Your statement makes no sense “thomas r.”
If abortion is not permitted then reproductive freedom does not exist.
Reproductive slavery is forcing someone to continue an unwanted pregnancy.
Allowing someone free choices is the opposite of slavery.
This is quite straight forward, I don’t know how you can get it so wrong.
You might want to rethink your ‘native speaker, non-native speaker, who doesn’t understand’ thing.
But the pregnancy is not unwanted if the person is fully aware that the act of intercourse may result in pregnancy. How many adolescent girls and women do you know that have no clue in that regard? My educated guess is NONE. So go back to the drawing board and re-work your quack analysis.
You can’t even give women credit. Keep them dumb is the pro-abort motto….
Always remember Einstein that even though I speak with an accent I don’t think with one. Sit on that awhile…
LOL, you are so funny sometimes it’s almost cute.
Knowing you might get run over by a bus means it’s something you want if you decide to cross the road?
You are correct, I do not know any adolescent girls or women who aren’t aware that sex may lead to pregnancy. Doesn’t mean they want to be pregnant. That’s why contraception is used. It’s why abortion exists. If you don’t know this then you must have been taught by some sort of quack.
I do give women credit. I give them the credit that they are capable of making their own choices and decisions. Of not being subject to the whims and prejudices of others. That they not be enslaved by those who would enforce gestation upon them.
What voices you may hear in your head is no excuse for inverted logic Galileo.
“reality:” “Knowing you might get run over by a bus means it’s something you want if you decide to cross the road?”
No Einstein – it means you are aware of the consequences or risks in this instance. This is the reason you cross at designated crossings. I teach my kids that. Did you teach your son that he can always blame the bus later?
The same applies to women having sex Galileo. They are aware of the risks and consequences so they take the available precautions. The equivilent of using designated crossings. Safer, but still no 100% guarantee – in either situation.
If you should be unlucky enough to get hit by a bus then hopefully medicine can remedy the situation.
If a woman should be unlucky enough to get pregnant then medicine can usually remedy the situation.
No, I did not teach him that. Why would I? You make no sense.
“If you should be unlucky enough to get hit by a bus then hopefully medicine can remedy the situation.
If a woman should be unlucky enough to get pregnant then medicine can usually remedy the situation.”
It’s a far better analogy that a person chooses to drive with their kids in the car, gets in a wreck, and gets to refuse medical treatment for the kids. Or something. I don’t think the bus analogy works because a pregnancy involves another human being, which the analogy completely ignores. I can’t think of any other situation besides self-defense where you can kill another human to remedy a mistake/inadvertent consequence.
“I can’t think of any other situation besides self-defense where you can kill another human to remedy a mistake/inadvertent consequence.”
Yes Jack!!!! And about that analogy also!!!! Too bad “reality” sex and abortion proponent, does not consider any analogies with children :(
February 18, 2014 at 5:27 pm
“reality” stated: “You are correct, I do not know any adolescent girls or women who aren’t aware that sex may lead to pregnancy. Doesn’t mean they want to be pregnant. That’s why contraception is used. “
February 19, 2014 at 5:31 pm
“reality” stated: ” If a woman should be unlucky enough to get pregnant then medicine can usually remedy the situation.”
You may as well watch your Ps and Qs because those two statements prove my assertion that the only “choice” for women you support is to have sex and abort. There is no way you can convolute the very telling phrasing of those comments. From this point on my new name for you is “reality” the sex and abort proponent.
No “thomas r.”, they do not prove your assertion at all. Even those who use NFP are doing so because they wish to have sex but would prefer not to get pregnant.
I stated that medicine can remedy the situation, not that it will or must.
You really need to try thinking a little deeper.
Nice try “reality” have sex and then abort proponent but no cigar. The two statements you made show that YOU prefer abortion over pregnancy regardless of how you attempt to weasel out and convolute.
“If a woman should be unlucky enough to get pregnant…”
And this statement from you does not prove my assertion. “reality” have sex and then abort proponent you are not even strong enough to admit it but continue to dance this silly dance of yours. And yet with every single comment the TRUE “reality” have sex and then abort proponent comes out.
You really do struggle with facts don’t you “thomas real men don’t bath”. There is nothing, nothing whatsoever, which demonstrates that I prefer abortion over pregnancy.
And this statement from you does not prove my assertion – well of course it doesn’t. Neither does anything you’ve said.
You appear to be tangled in your own tango.