guttmacher10by Kelli

How does the Guttmacher Institute interpret its findings [of a drop in the abortion rate from 2008-2011] in light of its pro-abortion mantra “safe, legal and rare?” The organization doesn’t appear to be too pleased, but then, it began under the auspices of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

In a press release, Elizabeth Nash, the state-issues manager for Guttmacher, said, “As we monitor trends in abortion going forward, it is critical that we also monitor whether these state restrictions are preventing women who need abortion services from accessing them”….

Even the authors of the study, Rachel Jones and Jenna Jerman, … denied that the decline resulted from “new state abortion restrictions” or from the “drop in the number of abortion providers during this period.”

Since 2010, though, the number of pro-life laws has skyrocketed. In 2011, there were 92 pro-life laws passed; in 2012, there were 43 passed, and in 2013, there were 70 more….

[T]he report shows that women are choosing life. It mentions that the Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2010 goal, established in 2000, to reduce unintended pregnancies was not met (the rate between 2001 and 2008 increased from 48 percent to 51 percent).

The report also notes that the number of women with unintended pregnancies choosing abortion dropped from 47 percent to 40 percent in the same time period….

The authors are unwilling to admit that the answer could be as simple as American women not needing or turning away from abortion.

The Guttmacher report glaringly omits the Healthy People 2010 final review showing abstinence programs are exceeding expectations. The review indicates that the goals for reducing teenage pregnancy during the period 2006 through 2008 almost hit the 100 percent mark.

Teen pregnancy, which peaked in 1996 at 63 per 1,000 women, now hovers around 40. Girls under age 15 exceeded their abstinence goal by 14.3 percent, while under-15 boys only achieved 66.7 percent of their goal. Girls ages 15-17 reached almost 77 percent of the goal, and boys reached almost 78 percent….

Guttmacher credits better contraceptive use for the drop in abortion and neglects to mention the data attesting to the effectiveness of abstinence programs, especially for girls.

While soft-pedaling the facts, Guttmacher’s latest report clearly shows that new pro-life laws, strong pro-life messages and effective abstinence education are related to the decline in abortions.

~ Brenda Zurita, addressing the Guttmacher Institute’s most recently released report, Washington Times, February 3

[Graphic by Guttmacher via LifeNews]

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