Killing puppies “horrific,” killing late-term babies “heroic”
Jodi Jacobson is editor-in-chief of RH Reality Check, a pro-abortion website dedicated “to safeguard… sexual and reproductive health and rights against false attacks and misinformation.”
Jacobson has stated it is “profoundly disrespectful” to oppose late-term abortions, which she defines as “at or after 24 weeks or in the third trimester.”
Jacobson has described those who kill babies in the third trimester as “committed, ethical, moral medical professional[s].” She said pro-lifers were “lunatics” to call late-term abortionist George Tiller a “mass murderer” – himself a subsequent victim of murder. Rather, Jacobson maintained, Tiller was a “heroic, kind, compassionate, professional.”
Jacobson opposes fetal pain bans on abortion after 20 weeks, denying the “false and completely disproven assertions” that late-term babies feel the torment of being torn apart.
Jacobson further denies that images of abortion victims are real. She claims they are “gory doctored photos.” Jodi has yet to respond to my 1-1/2-year-old question asking her to show me her reality of the products of conception following the abortion procedure, particularly late-term.
I was reminded of the particular photo above, and all of Jacobsons’s denials about the savagery of late-term abortions, when reading this tweet she wrote two days ago:
@top1percentile @Leslieannscott @Korea_Olympic What?? What is this? They were boiled alive? Seriously? This is horrific.
— JodiJacobson 🇺🇦 🩸🦷 (@jljacobson) February 24, 2014
Jodi was accepting without question a photo and description she retweeted:
RT @Leslieannscott: “ @Korea_Olympic THIS IS KOREA.” and awaiting next winter Olympics 2018
— Nigel Bennett (@top1percentile) February 23, 2014
I went to the trouble of locating the origin of that photo, at @picsofdogcatmeat on Instagram, dated 2013-12-04. The description states the puppies in the bin “were blanched in boiling water before the fur was removed. They were still alive after fur was removed & swimming for their lives in the boiling pot.”
I agree that picture looks “horrific.” But how does Jacobson know it’s real, that it wasn’t a “gory doctored photo”? How does she know the puppies were actually “boiled alive,” which she accepted without a shred of evidence? If the puppies were indeed boiled alive, how does Jacobson know they felt any pain during the boiling process? Where’s the proof?
And isn’t it perpetuating a “racist myth” to forward an undocumented, perhaps gory doctored photo, accusing the Chinese (but really Koreans according to the original tweet) of eating dog and cat meat? This is what liberals accused me of for a post I wrote in 2007, “Sweet and sour fetus: Chinese cannibalism,” which they frequently denied as urban legend but which was corroborated as recently as 2012 by the Washington Times and other news outlets.
Jacobson made $179,293 in 2012 in combined salary and compensation, according to RH Reality Check’s 990.
This might help explain Jacobson’s inhumane disregard for late-term aborted babies. But it doesn’t excuse it. Jacobson clearly knows barbarism when she sees it. She let the cat out of the bag in her tweet, pardon the pun.
But every woman has her price, as the feminist term for the saying goes.
Is it worth it, Jodi, to promote the same torture innocent babies endure that you find so “horrific” for puppies?

As several commenters on this blog have astutely pointed out (I forget exactly which one made the slogan “famous”): the blindness about the cruelty toward unborn children is firmly in place, hardly to be removed, “because the sex. Must. Continue.”
That being said: the account of the puppies in the related story seriously made me want to throw up. Argh.
I don’t understand how pro-aborts can think photos of an aborted baby are faked. What do they honestly think an unborn child looks like? Do they think abortions cause them to magically disappear wrapped in a fuzzy blanket? It’s not as if fetal development is some mystical art only the Sufis can elaborate to us. Heck, I’ve even seen a video of an abortionist himself sorting through the baby’s parts and explaining what he’s doing. They know deep down they are wrong, I think, and they must deny what is so incredibly obvious to the naked eye, no explanation or theory needed. But it galls me how brazen they are and makes me question whether they even believe on any level what they are saying.
This post has traumatized me for life. I don’t get how anyone could look at either of those photos and be okay with it.
In all seriousness I think it would be cool if you put graphic photo warning In the title Jill.
Agree with the graphic photo warning!! It needs to be added. :(
That’s what I always wondered – would they look at the photos of lets say aborted kittens or puppies and be all like “aaawww, how awful, horrific, inhumane this is”? And yet it’s not if it’s human babies?
I do think it’s odd that people who eat meat are so selective about which animals they are horrified about being slaughtered. You ever seen what happens to pigs in slaughterhouses?
But of course the babies are first priority and need protection before animals, I wish vegetarian pro-choicers could see that.
It is lunacy to pretend that aborted babies don’t look like tiny human beings all torn up and bloody. It is absurd to me. And NOBODY who is proabortion here has every produced the “real thing.” The REAL photos of REAL aborted babies.
Cognitive Dissonance.
They see what they want to see. They hear what they want to hear. Their anger is misdirected at those that hold the signs of aborted babies instead of the abortionists who perpetrated the violence depicted against fully alive innocent preborn human babies.
It is an abortionists JOB to tear apart human beings in utero!! For crying out loud they ADMIT that is what they do day in and day out and make a killing(pun intended)at it!!
Deluded Lib Pro-Lifer:” I do think it’s odd that people who eat meat are so selective about which animals they are horrified about being slaughtered.”
I’m a meat eater, but I’m not selective about animal suffering. Yet there is a difference when someone tortures a live creature just for the sake of it and/or over long period of time and when an animal is killed instantly and used for food. I don’t condone any practice that makes an animal suffer needlessly and try to source meat from local farms with humane slaughtering practices.
I read that in some countries where they eat cats and dogs, it is believed that the more pain and suffering they go through, the better the meat tastes.
It’s a sick world we live in, folks.
Vita I do get that distinction and I appreciate that many meat eaters do care that animals not suffer. And I think it’s great you try to support humane farms with your buying power, it sends a message. I just don’t think it’s right to kill them at all no matter how “humane”. Puppies, chickens, pigs, all the same to me. But once I get on the animal rights track I sound like a loon so I’ll leave it there lol.
I do find it incredibly odd that vegetarians tend so heavily pro-choice though. If there’s one thing about evolution that’s apparent in every species is that each species has a vested interest in continuing itself. It’s only humans that kill their own indiscriminately (usually when animals kill their own, there’s something going on like wiping out a rival male or whatever) while protecting other species (which only very few species do). It’s weirdly dissonant.
I am MORE horrified by aborted babies than I am by those puppies btw.
Can’t it be both? No living thing, ever, deserves to be ripped apart, or boiled alive, or slaughtered. We even treat convicted murderers more humanely when they get the death penalty (which I don’t agree with either).
Does anyone get paid $179,000 to run a pro-life website?
Is she being subsidized heavily by the abortion industry, or what? Where does that kind of money come from?
I would correct my prior statement because some animals do kill their own for no reason like humans do. Dolphins kill other dolphins and scientists can’t find a biological reason for it so it’s assumed it is for entertainment, and strangely dolphins will protect other species like humans from sharks and such on occasion, and dolphins will also sexually attack each other and other animals including humans. I think sometimes chimps have wars with each other as well, over things like territory and such. It seems that the more “human-like” in intelligence and sentience animals are, the more likely they are to partake in bad human behavior like murder or rape or war and things like that. That’s really interesting to me. It would make sense, since we (and a few other animals) have such highly evolved empathy and thought processes that we would be less indiscriminately violent towards each other and other animals, but the opposite seems to be true.
I’m still never going to understand pro-choice vegetarians, vegans, and animal rights activists. There’s enough death and destruction committed by humans and I definitely agree that animals need protecting from us and we shouldn’t be killing them to eat (in countries where there are other options, I’d never think a human should starve instead of eating animals), but why aren’t innocent human babies extended the same compassion? I mean, Belgium just legalized child euthanasia of born children and abortion was already legal there (not to mention that they also have voluntary, non-terminal people can ask for euthanasia for no reason at all!), and I’m horrified by that. But I go on my animal rights forums and the same people that I fervently agree with about protecting all non-human animals from being killed and tortured, they are all going on about how progressive Belgium is and how cool it is that parents can off their sick children. It’s just disgusting. I don’t understand it at all, because I KNOW these people have compassion and empathy for animals and plenty of people, but then they’ll turn around and cheer on the deaths of millions of babies and others. It’s just twisted. I’m getting really stressed by the lack of humanity in the animal right’s movement lately, it’s really discouraging.
But yeah I’m mostly persona non grata among most of my animal rights groups now, because I won’t shut up when they insist and assume that I be pro-choice or that vegetarianism/animal rights activism HAS to be tied to a pro-choice viewpoint. I could tolerate it when most of them were pro-choice, but we could discuss abortion and learn from each other and agree to put aside our differences while working towards securing animal rights. But I simply cannot tolerate the way the movement is going now. In just the past five years or so since I’ve been involved in it the claims of overpopulation of humans, the “zero population growth” and “childfree” people (not people who choose not to have kids but respect those who do, people who don’t have kids and think that NO ONE should have kids and disrespect those who do), and those who have completely tied animal rights to abortion “rights” have basically taken over and gotten so extreme that I’m going to end up having to oppose them. Which is sad, because other species deserve much more protection and consideration than we give them. But so do unborn babies and babies are part of my species and more important to me than other animals.
I don’t mean to derail but I think it’s relevant. There seems to be a cultural shift lately where human life becomes less and less valuable in the eyes of some, while animals (at least the cuddly ones, some people seem not to care unless the animal is cute) become more valuable. Maybe I’m just paranoid and getting a skewed view because I spent quite a lot of time along animal rights activists and vegetarians, which are prone to this way of thinking sometimes, but it seems to be in general population too.
Humans are made in the image of God.
To see the torn flesh and lifeless bloody bodies of those He made horrifies me to no end.
As it should.
I will never value animals over humans or of equal value to humans.
Which is fine for you to think… I feel somewhat differently even though I do think it’s more important to protect humans if it’s not possible to protect both (if I could only save one out of a drowning puppy or person, I’d obviously save the person first).
I still get an almost equal amount of horror by the two images though. No living being of any species should be ripped apart and tortured like that.
You can find their supporters here, Del:
And I don’t get that. At all. Oh well.
I can’t stand seeing any being suffer or being killed. Anyone or anything. It viscerally horrifies me. I don’t even like walking down the meat aisle in the grocery store. Of course people come first if there needs to be a choice, but unnecessary death or torture of animals is just as horrifying too. I’ve always had the same type of reactions to human and animal suffering and death, I didn’t choose it. But it’s cool if people feel differently as long as they aren’t, like, pro-animal torture just because they care about humans more, lol.
That’s really interesting, and disturbing, to me also, Jack that dolphins and apes have human-like tendencies to be sadistic, selfish jerks, despite their high intelligence – or because of, more likely.
I personally know a lot more highly educated jerks than uneducated jerks. There’s an important distinction between being intelligent and being educated though, so whatever that all means …
I notice that our good friend, Reality, hasn’t checked in yet.
Anyway, a point that I will make is that Jodi Jacobson is being perfectly consistent with the ethical and moral viewpoint of Peter Singer, who as you are no doubt well aware is both an abortion & infanticide advocate as well as an animal rights activist. For which he was awarded the Order of Australia by our former EMILYs List Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
When it comes to the abortion debate, Singer argues that it is scientifically obvious that human life begins at conception. He rejects the idea of the sanctity of human life. He attacks the premise that it is wrong to kill innocent human beings and replaces the term “human beings” with “persons”, arguing that any sentient creature can be considered a person.
If this is Jacobson’s worldview then she is being consistent.
Has anyone (besides me) noticed those pet food/pet store commercials where they refer to pet owners as pet PARENTS ? Ummm…last time I checked, human beings DO NOT give birth to dogs and cats. SMH.
1. The main subjec is represented by human life and dignity. Not animal.
2. This article represents for me, a Christian physician, an extreme attack on my conscience and my principles of which some could be followed back thousands of years: “Primum non nocere”. So if medical stuff is defending a human life, trying to save lives, to cure, to treat, to alleviate pain, then they will be considered cowards, unkind, not compassionate, not professional, not committed, unethical, immoral medical professionals? Does this lady intend to propose us dr. Mengele as model and reopen an Auschwitz replica in USA? I am shocked and I mean it! The Nazi theory expanded, amplified, modernized, propagated under the brand of “normality”, in a country pretending to be democratic and civilized? The ideology of death is omnipresent. It will be also omnipotent? And I mean also the European Union, the place where I am living.
“I notice that our good friend, Reality, hasn’t checked in yet.”
Please don’t mention it. You’ll only encourage him.
There are clothes, aisles upon aisles of food(even a small fridge for frozen doggie treats), toys, toys, toys, doggie daycares, bakeries and spas.
For the pet parents and their pets.
Why is it bad to love animals? :(
Yeah, animal-loving killers are weird. I read that while making his final preparations for mass murder, Eric Harris was often distraught and crying over his ill, seizure-ridden dog. A couple weeks later, after failing to blow up Columbine HS, he started gunning down his classmates, taunting them before shooting them, and then mocking them as they died. Go figure.
However, I do love dogs. Humans and canines have a very long, close history with each other. They are called man’s best friend for a reason.
My best friend (as a man) is my wife and our puppy is a companion to us and our children. We love each other and our children, and all of us LIKE our puppy.
I twitted this Jacobson character couple of days ago with a pick for comparison…
I get pretty upset about animals being viscerally murdered and tortured too, Jack. I used to cry when I learned that horses had to be put down if they broke a leg.
Maybe it’s a personality thing? In that we don’t like any living thing to suffer? At least, that’s what it is for me.
I feel like, as a Christian, yes humans are made in the image of God. But we’re also supposed to treat the earth – also God’s creation – with respect and kindness. It makes me angry and upset when anyone abuses animals for no cause.
I just don’t understand people getting annoyed about animal lovers, as long as they aren’t putting down humans to do so. If someone wants to treat their dog as a kid and lavish him/her with attention, I don’t really care, good for them as long as they aren’t harming anyone.
My comment was about the overuse of the word LOVE not about animal “lovers.” I don’t think this word is appropriate to use toward inanimate objects and animals, as it implies affection. I have affection for people Jack, and draw the line there.
I love animals and have affection for them. My dog when I was a kid was my best friend. :) And he loved me when no one else did! Animals rock.
I have a 175 pound adopted furry family member. While my love for him does not compare to the love I have for my children, I do love him. The word love is only overused if someone doesn’t really mean it, not if someone happens to do a lot of loving.
The only problem I see is when individuals and society at large value animal life more than human life. And the answer isn’t to value animal life less, but to value human life more.
I think some people think there is nothing which doesn’t need to be rationed LifeJoy.
I think you have just very succintly described pro-abort ideology ;)
Um why is bad to have affection for animals? I loved my dogs and dearly miss all of them. They were companions to me. I’ve seen it with horses too. Maybe you’ve just never opened your heart to an animal? And sure, if I had to choose, obviously I’d choose people. But there’s enough love to go around to love animals too.
To all animal lovers commenting: the HUMAN BABIES are the main subject this. Which some of you even do not mention. Are you afraid even to mention the words child/unborn child? Graphic images with slathered unborn children are a reality and an important way to illustrate the sinister and criminal lack of respect for the human dignity in this Culture of Death. Ever protested against Auschwitz pictures showing piles of human boddies? We are living in the middst of a genocide. For my part even a mosquito has the right to be alive, so the more should be respected the fundamental right to life of every human being from conception to the natural end. Let’s set the priorities right!