Documentary follows abortionist who skirts international abortion laws
I also immediately appreciated the metaphor of women leaving sovereignty to reclaim her own…. I had also lived in Indonesia and witnessed what happened when women don’t have access to safe abortion and it made an impression on me.
I knew it would make a great story.
~ Diana Whitten, director of the documentary film Vessel, which follows Dutch abortionist Dr. Rebecca Gomperts (pictured above) and her abortion group Women on Waves as they commit abortions in International waters on board her ship near countries where abortions are illegal, ABC News, March 7 (circumventing international abortion laws via an abortion ship).
How sad that for so many people and so many countries, “sovereignty” is synonymous with violence.
safe abortion == oymoron
They get on a boat and anchor off the shores of nations where women and children are protected from abortion. They do not respect the race or culture of the women they treat. They don’t stay long or serve many. They just want to keep spreading the message to those cultures that “killing your children is good for you.”
It doesn’t get any more racist than that.
Murder for hire.
God, we pray that you would either redeem that ship for your eternal purposes, for Life, or sink it.
Let’s say a woman has an abortion and several hours later develops bleeding and/or infection. Will she realize she needs medical care? Is quality medical care available to her or is it a first aid station miles away by oxcart? Will she fear seeking any kind of assistance because there could be legal consequences?
Is it possible women have died because of Dr. Gompers and her group?
Do these folks ever think beyond the suction aspirator?
Mary–exactly. I was thinking the same thing. After they kill her baby and toss her back on the beach, who is going to be there to provide good medical care? Who is going to be there to make sure there are no complications?
Hi Sydney M.
Consider as well that these women are most likely poorly nourished, not in good health, and uneducated. Complications that women like you and I could tolerate with good medical follow up are not ones that sickly, malnourished women with no quality medical follow up would likely be able to. Also the fear of exposure that she had an abortion may keep her from whatever care is available, which may not be saying much.
I wonder if Dr. Gompers treats her own patients back in Holland this same way, or are there standards of care in Holland that just don’t apply to women in poor countries?
Right Mary and Sydney. BUT as far as Gompers is concerned it must ALWAYS BE ABORTION on DEMAND! And if women die then that was just a big OOPSIE…and abortion must continue.
Sort of a “hit-and-run” abortionist, so to speak.
“Consider as well that these women are most likely poorly nourished, not iin good health…”
But but but I thought outlawing abortion would lead to better health outcomes for women???
Blue Velvet,
Don’t be absurd. Performing “legal” abortions on these women, then sending them back to the beach, may in fact put these women at serious risk.
Too bad there isn’t as much effort put into improving these women’s lives as there is to kill their unborn children.
Sydney and Mary – you also have to wonder if complications arise in these countries where abortion is illegal, will those complications be attributed to “illegal abortion”?
Hi Kel,
Good point. It also makes you wonder just how accurate the statistics for deaths from “illegal abortion” really are in these countries. Who reports them? The family? A medical practitioner? A hospital, assuming a woman even got to a hospital.
Why cant they help these women with some type of care and meet their needs. Abortions arent going to solve malnutrition. Give them food clothing and love .
“But but but I thought outlawing abortion would lead to better health outcomes for women???”
Indonesia has major problems with poverty, as do many of the regions that have outlawed abortions. In western countries with decent healthcare and social systems to help the poor, that have abortion outlawed, (basically, just Ireland) the maternal mortality rate is just as good or better than the maternal mortality in the US or England or other countries with lax abortion laws. Greece is up there too in regards to the lowest maternal mortality rates, and they have abortion outlawed after the first trimester I believe. There is far more going into maternal healthcare than abortion, and things like access to good prenatal care and medical intervention seem to make the most impact regardless of whether abortion is legal or not. And babies always die in abortion, so it’s never “safe” regardless.
Indonesia is just starting to try universal healthcare, but there are some major concerns about funding. We’ll see.
Whose the skipper of this gruesome tub, Captain Gosnell?
Also abortion promised to cure poverty child abuse and bring harmony to the US…these problems have gotten worse. Infanticide is on the rise..children are beaten worse than ever people still live in poverty. It has also increased incest and PP is a sex offenders dream come true. We are just returning the aborted woman back to her same circumstances.
Hi Jack,
I saw an interesting stat. That a third of all US births are C-sections. C-sections are not as benign as people think and have a higher maternal and infant mortality. Also, labor induction carries risks. Maybe the problem in the US is too much medical intervention, not lack of care.
9Ek lmao
I agree, Mary, that women shouldn’t have to rely on fly-by-night medical humanitarianism to meet their medical needs. A country that forces women onto boats or planes to foreign countries for what should be a simple medical procedure is a disgrace and an affront to women’s rights.
Carhart? Ruddock? Leroy Carhart has a daughter but idk where she stands on abortion. If my father were an abortionist I would disown him. I remember yeeeeeears ago they did a 60 minutes episode on him. They showed his daughter riding a horse. Now years later we find out hes neglected his horses. Of course it was a warm fuzzy clip on how necessary aborion was.
Blue Velvet,
Fly by night indeed. But apparently the “humanitarians” consider this an acceptable standard of care for third world women. This is a disgrace and affront to the rights of women.
Blue velvet–funny how this doc doesn’t land in these nations to help administer medicine and good care to women. Nope…she just floats on a boat waiting to suck out their babies.
Rights of women…you care about unborn women too, right? I’ll tell you something, “sister”, you sure as heck don’t speak for THIS woman. I do not need to kill my children before or after birth in order to advance my “rights”.
Also someone burned Carharts farm down. A warning message was found that in fact it was because he killed babies. I remember the daughter riding around on a lavish farm. Look at his DUMP now! I just prayed for all abortionists this morning. Carhart looks worn and tired. Id love to see him repent and spend eternity in paradise.
I wish eternal Hell on nobody.
Blue velvet–funny how this doc doesn’t land in these nations to help administer medicine and good care to women. Nope…she just floats on a boat waiting to suck out their babies.
+1 I think that abortion is illegal in Malta and is severely restricted in Poland.
Yes, Malta is the only completely pro-life country in Europe. Unfortunately many Europeans see abortion as a right. It’s downright scary to hear the French talk about it.
Unfortunately phillymiss, we have some quacks in Poland two to three years now, who are attempting to destabilize Pro-life there. Doubt they wil prevail since it is a nation that is 95 percent Catholic (the very strict John Paul II kind).