2013-07-24_1145-e1374684357965In July 2013 MediaTakeOut.com broke the story that basketball star J.J. Redick had initiated an “abortion contract” with then girlfriend Vanessa Lopez to abort their baby.

The contract stated the couple would attempt to ”maintain a social and/or dating relationship” for one year after the abortion, and if Redick reneged he would pay Lopez $25,000.

Redick and Lopez signed the abortion contract the morning of her abortion, September 13, 2007. Lopez was never to see Redick again, but she never attempted to collect the $25,000.

Paparazzi discovered the abortion contract in court documents. Neither Redick nor Lopez had anything to do with its release.

But at the point the abortion contract was made public, Redick had two options, be a man and accept culpability, or be a weasel and deny it. Redick chose the path of the weasel.

There was no denying the signed abortion contract…


… so, farcically, Redick denied paternity. From his Twitter account…


Imagine being Lopez. Having just endured humiliating worldwide exposure of what must have been the most painful experience of her life, she had to then endure Redick denying he was their baby’s father. He could only have dug the knife in deeper.

Lopez is now writing a cathartic tell-all book, releasing additional information about events leading up to and after an abortion she says was cruelly coerced by Redick and his handlers. On that point, Lopez gave me two emails as examples.

The first email came from Redick’s account within hours after Lopez had her second trimester abortion – already badgering her to prove she went through it, not giving her any space or peace to attempt to recover:


The second email is both vulgar and laced with racial slurs, but I’m not redacting any of it. I don’t want to minimize its coarseness and bigotry. Lopez told me it was forwarded to her by Redick’s brother with another email that contained a “cartoon of a monkey eating fried chicken and a watermelon.” Lopez said she immediately deleted the cartoon because it was so upsetting. In  this email, written to his attorney, Redick ironically uttered a racial epithet after worrying about a different one spewed by his brother-in-law:


Following news of Redick’s abortion contract, and his subsequent denial of responsibility, he has been plagued with injuries. From ClipsNation.com, March 20:

Redick missed 21 games in December and January with a wrist injury, and then returned for only 13 games before going out again with a back injury.  There were worries that this injury could have cost J.J. his season, but the fact that he’s getting back to practice today is a good sign….

Maybe. Beware of karma.

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