EXCLUSIVE emails: J.J. Redick badgered girlfriend after abortion, used racial slurs
In July 2013 MediaTakeOut.com broke the story that basketball star J.J. Redick had initiated an “abortion contract” with then girlfriend Vanessa Lopez to abort their baby.
The contract stated the couple would attempt to ”maintain a social and/or dating relationship” for one year after the abortion, and if Redick reneged he would pay Lopez $25,000.
Redick and Lopez signed the abortion contract the morning of her abortion, September 13, 2007. Lopez was never to see Redick again, but she never attempted to collect the $25,000.
Paparazzi discovered the abortion contract in court documents. Neither Redick nor Lopez had anything to do with its release.
But at the point the abortion contract was made public, Redick had two options, be a man and accept culpability, or be a weasel and deny it. Redick chose the path of the weasel.
There was no denying the signed abortion contract…
… so, farcically, Redick denied paternity. From his Twitter account…
Imagine being Lopez. Having just endured humiliating worldwide exposure of what must have been the most painful experience of her life, she had to then endure Redick denying he was their baby’s father. He could only have dug the knife in deeper.
Lopez is now writing a cathartic tell-all book, releasing additional information about events leading up to and after an abortion she says was cruelly coerced by Redick and his handlers. On that point, Lopez gave me two emails as examples.
The first email came from Redick’s account within hours after Lopez had her second trimester abortion – already badgering her to prove she went through it, not giving her any space or peace to attempt to recover:
The second email is both vulgar and laced with racial slurs, but I’m not redacting any of it. I don’t want to minimize its coarseness and bigotry. Lopez told me it was forwarded to her by Redick’s brother with another email that contained a “cartoon of a monkey eating fried chicken and a watermelon.” Lopez said she immediately deleted the cartoon because it was so upsetting. In this email, written to his attorney, Redick ironically uttered a racial epithet after worrying about a different one spewed by his brother-in-law:
Following news of Redick’s abortion contract, and his subsequent denial of responsibility, he has been plagued with injuries. From ClipsNation.com, March 20:
Redick missed 21 games in December and January with a wrist injury, and then returned for only 13 games before going out again with a back injury. There were worries that this injury could have cost J.J. his season, but the fact that he’s getting back to practice today is a good sign….
Maybe. Beware of karma.

How did she get that second email?
Private matter between the parties involved. Pulling the past decisions of two individuals who were in their early 20s (at the time) especially private, unfiltered emails doesn’t add anything constructive to the pro-life argument. This comes across more as manufactured National Enquirer level outrage instead of productive information.
I think we should start a petition this should NOT be tolerated by the NBA. I believe all players have a moral clause in which they could be sanctioned.
The point of this article is an expose of how men can callously encourage women to abort. If abortion is so OK, why is he such a jerk about it? And pro-aborts like to claim that women are empowered by choosing abortion. Does she sound empowered by this happening? She is exposing a public figure to prevent the same thing from happening to another woman. It’s a public service.
He emails her the evening of the day of the abortion for proof? Wow. I would call him a scoundrel but that would insult all the other scoundrels. And that’s the cleanest word I could think of!
It does illustrate one thing we’ve been saying: abortion doesn’t empower women at all.
Denise, I agree with much, but not all of your post. Men can callously encourage women to abort. This is wrong and I agree with you 100%. At the time the ‘man’ in this email chain was a 22 year old male. Twenty two year old males have a high probability of doing things that a normal adult with more life experience might approach differently.
As for exposing a public figure, it reminded me of the Duke Lacrosse team, remember that one? I see emails that may or may not be true, on one side an NBA player and on the other a woman with a history of claims against NBA players and history of legal issues.
If the man involved was Jim H Stevens, an early twenties assistant manager at Pizza Hut from Southern Ohio, and the woman was his equally young girlfriend who was just a regular confused mixed up early 20s woman – does this generate the same coverage? Do we suggest that Pizza Hut screen it’s assistant managers to ensure they don’t act like total dogs to the women they date?
In my opinion going after an individual for something that may or may not have happened, when the public does not have the full story is both hurtful to the individuals involved and doesn’t help anyone. I seriously do not see this story changing any opinions on the topics.
This is very strange to say the least. The abortion contract? They would have had a beautiful baby but we know the types of men who love abortion…weasels and cowards.
And why on earth would she sign that contract? I would never even dream of it.
Here is an after thought…if he had her sign this contract I imagine they threw all caution to the wind as far as using a condom. Do people just want to see if they can get pregnant? Trust me sooner or later it will happen. Ive never heard of this guy before but hes now been added to my creep list.
with then girlfriend Vanessa Lopez to abort their baby.
she had to then endure Redick denying he was their baby’s father.
Before these documents were published, Ms. Lopez swore in an affidavit: I became pregnant during that relationship and had no basis upon which to conclude that the father of the unborn child was Mr. Redick. This blog indirectly acknowledged that fact at the time.
Are you now asserting that Redick was the father because you believe Ms. Lopez is a liar and a perjurer, or because you believe your readers don’t deserve accurate information?
I feel sorry for the baby. That child suffered horribly. JJ is a jerk. Clearly. He is a scoundrel. I’m not defending him but when is Ms. Lopez going to take responsibility for ending the life of her child? I just see a lot of blame by everyone involved and no one… NO ONE is taking responsibility for the fact that they paid a doctor to tear their unborn baby into pieces.
LisaC: I checked with Ms. Lopez, and that was an obvious typo, with a missing word “not.”
I would truly like to see parents educating their daughters about pro-athletes. Hollywood is full of “role models” dating pro-athletes and girls/young women fall for this trap through reading various media. Appeal of a pro-athlete is very misleading and sometimes ends just like the Reddick case.
I remember in high school all these girls joining chearleading just to get close to the captain of the football team and the fact that he was a total a** did not deter them in their infatuation. So he dated majority of the chearleaders, dumped them after a few weeks each, most likely going to second base prior.
Parents of daughters beware….
I still really want to know how she got the second email.
Why Jack?
I don’t care how she obtained those emails this guy is a real Creep! And the lawyer Greg should be disbarred for even creating the Abortion Contract. I wonder how many contracts like this is out there?
Thomas probably because it clearly wasn’t meant for her and really, really indicting against JJ.
I’d like to know too.
Leaks happen all the time LibertyBelle :) That’s one way how evidence can be obtained. I don’t think this would be material in a court proceeding though because the plaintiff (Reddick) would not even dream of wanting Vanessa to bring it up. If anything he will settle becoming much lighter in the pocketbook and both will call it a day.
“Why Jack?”
Because, it’s attorney-client privileged information and I can’t imagine how she got hold of it. Attorneys don’t give out client emails without risking disbarment. And the fact that she’s writing a book is… interesting.
I’m trying to be diplomatic here because I don’t want to cast any aspersions on her character with no proof. And I do think JJ is a scumbag, just not sure if every single one of the allegations against him are supported with evidence.
“That’s one way how evidence can be obtained. ”
I don’t believe that using leaked attorney-client privileged information leaked by either the lawyer or a third-party is legal for court usage. If indeed it’s a real email. I could be wrong on the law but I’m pretty sure that it would be inadmissable.
I can write a Brief to the Court in support of Ms. Lopez :) I surely hope she takes him to the cleaners one way or another.
Yeah I know leaks happen.
and people cast false allegations all the time too.
I’m not saying she is, and regardless of what happens, she is a victim and this guy is a cad of the highest order, but I also don’t want her to sully the chances of other claims if she uses falsified information. He’s enough of a scumbag without adding other things.
What would make me sad is if she did make that one email up to make him look worse and for more material for her book, and then her whole case get tossed. And maybe even making it harder for other women to come forward with similar stories. :( I don’t know.
How do you make smilies/emoticons here? I’m using Firefox as the browser.
Thank you.
I agree with Sydney. Yes this guy was a creep but she could have said no. If he kept on harassing her she could have filed a restraining order.And while many of the these pro athletes are dawgs, its ridiculous the way women throw themselves at them. Awhile ago I went to an event held by the Eagles. These two young women went up to a player and asked if he could sign his name on their behinds and boobs. He looked really embarrassed and said no. I am sure they saw the wedding ring on his finger but they j st didn’t care. I know of another woman who used to go with her friend to bars frequented by pro athletes. They wanted to have babies by one of them so they would be set for life, or at least 18 years. This woman works at the same agency as me so I guess she wasn’t successful!
LisaC: I checked with Ms. Lopez, and that was an obvious typo, with a missing word “not.”
How unfortunate that neither she nor her attorneys read the document.
Incidentally, it must be very difficult for you to resist the urge to warn, “Beware of karma” after every story of a woman who suffers an injury during an abortion. Your restraint is to be commended.
Vanessa Lopez has quite a history with pro basketball players, going back numerous years and numerous players….
Orlando Sentinel, regarding the Lopez case against another NBA player.
The judge wrote, “Lopez has misrepresented facts from the very beginning of discovery in this lawsuit.” The judge also referenced the documents related to Redick, stating, “Her harassment of and efforts to secure money from Redick and his family was extensive and plainly demonstrated.”
Is Redick a bad guy? I don’t know. What happened between Lopez and Redick? I don’t know. Does Lopez have a history of misrepresentation? Yes. Do I find it fair to condemn Redick or anyone for that matter, based only on the word of an individual with a history of misrepresentation? No.
How does the concept of ‘karma’ sit with christianity?
Stand up guy. Women will be falling for him. BARF!
What a Scumbag!! This book will open peoples eyes to the truth about these Pro Athletes. Hopefully she has the courage to do it.
Reality…the bible says what you sow you will reap. Some people call it karma. Same thing.
Harlan: Vanessa Lopez has quite a history with pro basketball players, going back numerous years and numerous players….
Indeed. Not saying that old J.J. ain’t the scumdog of the universe – I don’t know – but Vanessa has quite a pattern of behavior, here…
She sued Shaquille O’Neal – the Judge seems to have seen through her.
Kenyon Martin – Vanessa steals his credit card, buys $6485.90 worth of clothes on couturecandy.com., and then, “Being the master thief that she is, she had all the clothes shipped to her real address with her real name.”
Somewhere in all this, she found time to try and run a scam on Delonte West.
Vanessa, I got a guy for you, and his name is Tiger Woods!
Harlan or aka JJ Redick. No one cares about that stuff. What matters here is the Abortion Contract and the Scum that had her sign it. She is a victim and her story deserves to be heard.
Did you just link tmz as a source Doug? Lol.
Even if she’s committed scams in the past it doesn’t mean that someone can’t hurt her at some point, it just means that she’s unfortunately hard to believe. That’s why I asked about where she came up with that second email, if she could prove her allegations that would be good. And really, JJ seems like a huge scumbag.
That’s weird because she was never arrested or even questioned by police so if she committed Scams I think she would be in jail.
JJ on the other hand well he was arrested and convicted for DUI in 2006.
He was also found with drugs when he played for Duke.
Not surprised what a Gem!
Hey doing drugs doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person! Driving drunk, though, is a scumbag move. I don’t have a lot of respect for drunk drivers, it’s an incredibly easy thing to avoid doing.
I consider filing frivolous lawsuits scamming, because even if it’s not illegal it’s a good ploy to try and get people to settle out of court so they don’t have to have their name dragged through the mud. I don’t think there’s any evidence that she’s done anything illegal though.
Da Jacksta: Did you just link tmz as a source Doug? Lol.
Yup. I heard about Ms. Lopez 4 or 5 years ago….. Do you really dispute that her suit against Shaw was thrown out?
Even if she’s committed scams in the past it doesn’t mean that someone can’t hurt her at some point, it just means that she’s unfortunately hard to believe. That’s why I asked about where she came up with that second email, if she could prove her allegations that would be good. And really, JJ seems like a huge scumbag.
Well, I did say, “Not saying that old J.J. ain’t the scumdog of the universe.”
Maybe nobody gets the ‘GWAR’ reference, but I’d say that about covers it, eh, J?
Lol no the lawsuit did exist and was thrown out, I was just amused you linked tmz as your source. They are pretty much a gossip rag.
I think we agree more than not.
Well, Jack is defending drugs, so let me defend boozing – often, a given person that is “legally drunk” due to the ridiculous blood-alcohol laws can drive better than a large percentage of the other drivers on the road – the phone-talkers, the texters, the emotionally overwrought, the just-plain-stupid, etc. I see it most every day.
Not just ranting, here, I remember studies showing that talking on a phone is like being around the “legal limit” (at the watered-down .08% blood alcohol level) and that texting is akin to being roughly twice that.
I’m not defending drugs! I just think ingesting booze or drugs doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person. Driving drunk (or high) puts other people in danger and is a bad thing.
Dr. J: Lol no the lawsuit did exist and was thrown out, I was just amused you linked tmz as your source. They are pretty much a gossip rag.
Indeed! However – many things appear there first prior to be confirmed by your source of choice.
I think we agree more than not.
Ha! To say the least, Jack.
Driving drunk (or high) puts other people in danger and is a bad thing.
Often, Jack, yes. But IMO the .08% BAC stuff is often baloney. It doesn’t take into account tolerance – I’ve been driving a ton for 30 years (and driving for 38 years overall) and I’ve seen vast numbers of people that are much more of a menace, stone sober, than quite a few people are, even when over the .08% blood alcohol limit.
There are people whose temperament, when drinking, makes them high-risk – no argument about it. And, frankly, same for some people when stone sober.
Then there are people who, after having a few drinks, realize it – and drive with increased care due to their situation – to a point (I realize that with enough alcohol, anybody will not be able to drive well) becoming better drivers than they would be otherwise.
Annie how is she a victim? What on earth would make her sign an abortion contract? She could have said “See you in court fool.” I dont understand why some of these men seem to have this amazing power over women. Dont we have a mind of our own? We have a maternal instinct to protect our children in utero. Many put a man first. Im not a man hater by far but this guy is the epitomy of a jerk. And by him calling her a dumb spic just goes to show you he had no respect for her to begin with. She needs to take responsibility for killing her baby on a contract. Now shes where she should expect to be. Dumped and childless!!!
@Doug…thanks for the info. @Deluded Can you explain the e mail thing? Im lost with what you are saying here. Im just trying to figure out what you are asking about. If he had her email then why wouldnt he be able to send her 2? Im just curious so if you get a moment could you please explain? Thanks:)
@Deluded…or are you saying that email was meant for someone else but it went to her? Just wondering because I dont get it. If you get a sec. to explain I would appreciate it as I am confused.
Reality…the bible says what you sow you will reap. Some people call it karma. Same thing.
I look forward to the day when pro-life news outlets are finally honest enough to admit that pro-lifers’ first thought when a woman is injured by abortion is, “You reap what you sow.”
Given that Ms. Lopez was 28 years old when all of this happened, I also look forward to the day when (many, not all) pro-lifers admit that they believe that women never attain an age of maturity when they become responsible for their actions.
For once I agree with you Lisa. No one forced her to sign that contract. This guy was a creep but at the end of the day she had a free will.
There is a subculture of women, goldiggers if you will, who make their living by dating, having children by, and sometimes marrying pro athletes and other wealthy celebrities. Miss Lopez seems like a member of this sorority. The only victim here is the baby whose life was taken.
I was also reading she became pregnant from shaq and aborted HIS baby too.
Actually i agree with you as well Lisa…did anyone put a gun to her head? She reminds me of some of the porn stars who chase elite actors. Good enough for a roll in the hay but once you get pregnant take a hike and abort. They dont want a future with these girls. They are play toys. Women need to be a little bit smarter when it comes to these sly CADs
Especially if she messed around with a married Shaq…his wife is the queen in his relationship. Ladies if they dont put a ring on it you are being used. Ive lived it believing it was love! But this this isnt this womans first rodeo with these famous men. I hope she gets a little self esteem after this episode as this man is an emotional abuser.
I look forward to the day when pro-life news outlets are finally honest enough to admit that pro-lifers’ first thought when a woman is injured by abortion is, “You reap what you sow.”
What the world are you talking about Lisa C??
You should scroll back to ALL of the blog posts of the women injured by abortion that Jill has posted about. You know the ones. Driven by ambulance to the nearest hospital for a life saving blood
transfusion or total hysterectomy due to her “safe” abortion. Or perhaps you could search for the ones that have been killed during their “oh so very safe” abortions.
It is the proaborts that say NOTHING on those threads. Not a peep about her and her “safe” abortion.
Go cut and paste what prolifers have said.
I can wait.
Ive told my 22 year old daughter the same thing about men. Shes engaged and although she cant have children ive told her to refrain from sex until marriage. I dont think she has been though. I dont want to see her hurt again and repeat the mistakes her mom has.
Just as my new husband and I were going through a rough patch. We arent getting a divorce ( we were planning to ) my vows my ring and the love for Christ and my marriage made me rethink things. I love my husband and he loves me.
These women need the love of Christ and then they need to learn to love themselves. So many girls believe a man can fill that void and that doesnt happen.
I just think we should not discourage her from telling her story. This will be a value able lesson for young girls everywhere. We should encourage NOT discourage. Everyone has sinned hopefully she has Repented for her actions. Unlike JJ those Twitter statements show he has not. Very sad…
LisaC–way to twist my words. I wasn’t at all speaking about Ms. Lopez. I was answering Reality’s question or accusation rather, that “karma” isn’t something a Christian should believe in. But the Bible says when we make bad decisions we will get bad results! However, God is a God of grace. I can’t tell you all the stupid things I’ve done in my life–I should be dead. But by God’s grace I’m not. What do we deserve because of our sin??? Every bad thing we could possibly reap…and yet God shows grace when we don’t deserve it.
But hey…thanks for totally twisting what I wrote to suit your own propaganda. Nice try.
“I look forward to the day when pro-life news outlets are finally honest enough to admit that pro-lifers’ first thought when a woman is injured by abortion is, “You reap what you sow.””
Funny, I thought my first thought about women injured/dying from abortion was “that’s so sad, I feel bad for mom and baby” but I’m sure you know pro-lifers better than they know themselves. Sheesh.
JJ claims to be a Christian on his Twitter. I think NOT!
Heather, what I mean with the email is that it’s an email from JJ to his lawyer (which should be privileged information). I suspect she wrote it herself, the attorney didn’t give it to her unless he wanted to be disbarred and JJ certainly didn’t share it.
And I agree with phillymiss, she did make her own choices and has a pattern of doing this very same type of thing. Doesn’t make JJ less scummy in general, but she’s certainly taking zero responsibility for her actions.
Actually i agree with you as well Lisa…did anyone put a gun to her head?
I don’t even think our pro-choice friends here — LisaC, Blue Velvet, etc., would sign an “abortion contract.” Tell me ladies, would you?
I read somewhere that she signed the contract the day of the abortion and she had already taken a sedative to calm down. If this is true that lawyer should have never had her sign a contract under that state of mind. Not sure if this is accurate or not.
Ty for explaining Diluded i get it now. I was in total confusion before. ..head spin…
Hey Carla and Jack. I totally agree with your reply to Lisa C. I have never considered it to be a “reap what you sow” for a woman to be murdered, maimed or butchered by an abortion. I don’t remember anyone here saying such a thing even when we had long threads when Tonya Reeves was murdered by PP in Chicago. Prolifers were outraged that they let her bleed out for 5 1/2 hours before calling the ambulance so PP wouldn’t look bad. Lots of discourse about the dangers of abortion, nurses talking about possible abortion complications, her poor son and her family I don’t remember any vindictive comments. Someone correct if I am wrong on this.
I remember a few people saying that Jennifer Morbelli was probably burning in hell and stuff like that, but just as many people told them they were being sickening and hateful (there was one thread where I was told I was going to hell for disagreeing with Jennifer Morbelli going to hell!!). But on the whole, no, I don’t think most pro-lifers wish bad or are happy about women being injured or dying in abortions.
Jack i saw that site too. People said Oh the snobby little princess is dead because she wanted perfection. Oh well and who cares.
I think some people are so sick about abortion on demand they dont care anymore. Do we really know where someones soul went after death? How can we? Many people said she was stupid for aborting so late and they dont care that she paid with her life. I have read the hate mail on her.
Uh, I care. People shouldn’t be happy or satisfied with someone dying such a tragic death. And wishing for someone to have eternal torment disgusts me, no matter who it is.
How about we hold this guy up as an example…and stop using “they were/are just 20-something kids” an excuse! #realman http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2014/02/23/olympian-david-wise-leads-alternative-lifestyle-as-young-father-nbc-article/
Instead of demonizing HER let’s pray for her. That she leaves this path of destruction and death and desperation and degradation. That with help she breaks this cycle. That she find healing. That she learn from this and moves toward health and treats herself with more respect and dignity.
She is post abortive.
Otherwise you are doing what we are always accused of doing.
“Otherwise you are doing what we are always accused of doing.”
Demonizing? Asking for evidence of claims is not “demonizing”. Where do you see anyone calling her names or saying she’s a bad person? Who is doing that?
I mean, people can bash him up and down and that’s cool, but even a minute amount of criticism for her is wrong? Why don’t we want to stop demonizing JJ and pray for him?
Men have control over women Jack. Even if she pursued him, which by all accounts is the case, here she was forced to have an abortion and a “contract” was signed to that effect. He was coercing her to go through with that abortion and badgered her afterwards: “it will now get easier for you trust me” (what does a sentence like this tell you?). The other cases are not relevant now. What is relevant is that she was forced to have an abortion by a man in a position of power over her at some point in the relationship.
As I said, it may be that she takes him to the cleaners for that one…
Men do not have control over women (some individual men might have control over some individual women, but not in general). Women are not small children that need to be reeled in by their menfolk before they make stupid decisions. Women are responsible for both their good and bad decisions, just like men are.
She was not forced to have an abortion. No one was at the clinic with her. What she was, if all this information is true, was pressured to some extent. JJ is a scumbag but she’s made mistakes here. I don’t know why it’s so difficult to acknowledge that both people can make terrible mistakes. Not just “evil man, innocent woman”.
And I still don’t know why pro-life women don’t find the whole “men are in control and in charge of you, and men are responsible for you bad decisions as if you’re a five-year-old” thing extremely insulting. LibertyBelle? Phillymiss? Sydney? You guys can’t possible agree with this stuff.
My daughter will never in a million years grow up to think that men are responsible for her bad decisions and in control of her, and that she can abdicate responsibility for herself. Not in a million years. I’m keeping her away from this type of thinking until she’s an adult and can argue against it. I think it’s extremely damaging.
She was in an abusive relationship. She was being abused. He cruelly controlled her and manipulated her and threatened her.
THAT is clear.
Yet we say “well he didn’t hold a gun to her head.”
I am sorry you do not seem to understand what a woman in a CYCLE of abuse acts like. I do. I have been there. I have lived
that cycle. It is horrifying and degrading and ugly and terrifying and it is a CYCLE. A cycle of abuse and control. SHE is now responsible for BREAKING that cycle. She is
responsible for finding counseling so she can get STRONGER and become EMPOWERED and NEVER allow anyone to threaten, coerce or
abuse her ever again. NOW she has to change. NOW she has realize she is worth more. That she has value. That the path she was on was destructive and to
never go down that path again.
YES THOMAS R!!!! You get it!
He was coercing her to go through with that abortion and badgered her afterwards: “it will not get easier for you trust me”
But let’s keep shaming her and blaming her instead of praying for her.
I don’t mean to sound so cranky but I’m honestly sick of this. I’ve met just as many “weak” men as I have “weak” women and the inverse (strong men and strong women), and I’ve met women who have power over the men in their life just as much as I’ve met men who have power over the women in their’s. I see no valid reason for women to be treated as if they are incapable of making decisions, no valid reason for women to be either overly condemned nor overly excused for their bad decisions. People are people and everyone can make mistakes, people should be acknowledged for the pressures they are under without excusing them for the wrongs they do.
And no one is obligated to believe someone with dubious proof, either.
Again, what do you see as shaming, blaming, etc? Has someone called her names (JJ’s been called a scumbag by me even, I’ve called her nothing similar)? Has someone said she deserves to lose her career, or be punished, etc? Nope.
Both parties here have patterns of bad behavior, that is definitely clear. I’ve been in an abusive relationship too, don’t forget, but it never made me magically not responsible for bad things I did.
Hi Jack,
I agree with Annie. I agree with Thomas R.
Done arguing with you. You don’t understand a word of what I am writing. Nothing magical about women in abusive relationships.
Read Heather’s posts But that is what Heather does.
And you know what? NOW that I know better? NOW that I know different? NOW that I broke the cycle of abuse in my life? My daughter will never know it. Because she will be empowered. She will have strength.
Abused women without help to break the cycle of abuse raise sons and daughters that abuse or are abused.
You obviously aren’t understanding anything I’m saying.
I do get why people excuse and support my mother up and down for everything she’s done though, now.
Jack: Has someone called her names (JJ’s been called a scumbag by me even, I’ve called her nothing similar)? Has someone said she deserves to lose her career, or be punished, etc? Nope.
Vanessa looks good, I’ll say that.
She out of your league Doug :)
JJ’s response on Twitter was immature and so uncalled for. He signed that death contract he knew exactly what he was doing. He should have just said nothing. He would be better off. I wonder where his parents are. What an embarrassment to his family. I would be so upset if my son ever did something like this.
Thomas R: She out of your league Doug.
Thank Christ for that. : )
JJ’s response on Twitter was immature and so uncalled for. He signed that death contract he knew exactly what he was doing. He should have just said nothing. He would be better off. I wonder where his parents are. What an embarrassment to his family. I would be so upset if my son ever did something like this.
Mary – I agree – it was pretty low of him to treat her that way.
You’d think he would have learned from her dealings with the other forty-leven players she’s been through.
That is what Heather does? Excuse me???? Carla let me tell YOU something. You want everyone to follow your lead and say women are victims of abortion. Well if you were being abused why didnt you call the cops lady??? I am NOT the only one who doesnt jive with your victim role. Phillymiss Sydney Mary xalasie dont. You only call ME out! Play the victim…thats what CARLA does!!
Now you want to argue with Jack??? Wow! Ewww id better get off here before I say something I really regret!! You never call other people out…but I have the guts to say what others say too. GET OFF the victim BS!
And im sure you will put my comment in moderation as you always do…ive noticed it but you cherry pick who you want to do it to. I guess Im your new target.
Have a nice day Jack..i gotta get out of here! Im smoking mad!
The point here is the Abortion Contract. No one else has ever done such a thing. It just seems so evil and cold. JJ is truly a douchbag and Racist in my book. He deserves all the bad karma that is coming to him.
@Doug I don’t care who she’s been with no one deserves to be treated that way period! God knows how many people JJ have been with. For her credit she never took the $25,000 and that to me says a lot.
I agree with Thomas R. that men should protect women. But women are supposed to protect their babies. And Ms. Lopez didn’t. I hardly see her as a victim. Was she hurt by this cad JJ? Yes. Did abortion hurt her emotionally? Yes. But is she a victim? No. She made some very bad, selfish decisions and it led her down the path of destruction. I don’t ill wish her. I hope she finds healing. But forgiveness comes when we agree with God about our sin, stop making excuses and accept responsibility. And all I’ve read from Ms. Lopez and about Ms. Lopez she is blaming, blaming, blaming. I don’t see her accepting any responsibility.
I agree with Jack that we’ve got to stop acting like women are just stupid little children that can’t make good decisions. As much as I hate how pro-aborts act like ALL decisions women make are good, I hate this pro-life mentality that when women make BAD decisions it isn’t because they’re evil or selfish…they’re just victims of other people’s evilness and selfishness. It is absurd.
If a wife contracted someone to murder her husband she would be arrested for murder and thrown into jail. But when women contract someone to kill their child we act as if they’re not guilty of anything other than being a coerced victim? I don’t understand this mindset. So JJ is a terrible human being for asking Ms. Lopez to sign an abortion contract but Ms. Lopez is just an innocent for signing it and then submitting to an abortion? The only real victim here is the CHILD who suffered an agonizing death.
Some women are coerced into aborting but not all women. We’ve got to stop pretending women don’t have free will and sometimes just make depraved and wicked choices. God can still redeem though! Therein lies the hope–the silver lining, if you will. There is NO ONE Christ can’t wash as white as snow!No sin is too great for God to forgive! No sinner too disgusting for God to call His own child! That is how far and wide God’s love and grace is! Wow. Thank you God.
After the original sin of disobedience the very next sin was blame-shifting. Eve blamed Adam. Adam blamed the snake. No one took responsibility.
Hi Heather,
You said “No one put a gun to her head.”
I was responding to that. Your stance is that women are not victims. That is what your stance is. I have read it enough.
And then I responded to Jack who started arguing with me.
I am talking about THIS WOMAN. She was cruelly coerced into abortion.
And that is abusive.
And the emails sent to her?
Holy smokes!!
The threats and intimidation and being called a n*****???
But I haven’t seen too many comments about that.
I guess very few here have ever been caught in a cycle of sin, feeling trapped, with no way out, over and over again. I’m glad for you, really. Because it is a miserable, hopeless feeling to want to be free and have no idea HOW to get free.
I have counseled post-abortive women, and I have counseled abortion-minded women, and I have seen women who find themselves in the same destructive cycle, repeatedly. And they don’t know how to break out of it. They want to – you can see it in their eyes, and hear it in their voices. You can see it in their tear-filled eyes when you tell them they are worth so much MORE than that. And yet, they stay trapped, until – hopefully – one day they are brought to the realization that something has to change.
I pray that Vanessa has been brought to the realization that she is worth more than being some guy’s trophy, more than an object, and more than someone who needs a man who will treat her and her child like trash.
Having pro-lifers treat Vanessa – and others like her – like garbage, really does nothing to help women. What it does is prove how much we need to learn about mercy and forgiveness, and restoration.
Whoa…just whoa. Treating her like garbage? Who is treating Vanessa like garbage? I see a lot of self-righteous women here treating JJ like garbage. Is he not caught in a destructive cycle of sin as well? Where is the mercy and forgiveness and restoration for HIM? Oh right…only women who abort deserve that. The rest of us can go to hell I guess.
I just hate this constant making excuses for sin. There are REASONS why we sin. Of course. That doesn’t mean we use it as an excuse. God calls on us to accept responsibility for our sin.
The woman at the well–Christ named her sin…then said Go and sin NO MORE. He didn’t say “Well, you were caught in a cycle of abuse and you kept finding losers to shack up with and you were coerced…”
Why are men who want abortion cads but women who have them (whether they want them or not…and some women WANT them) victims? Ms. Lopez could have sought out a CPC. She could have sought out a friend, a doctor…she could have looked up information on her second trimester baby and realized that this was a fully formed baby but she did not. She signed a contract agreeing to kill her baby to keep a relationship. I’m sure she had reasons why she did it. I’m sure she felt alone and brought down low. But is this an EXCUSE? This is all I’m saying.
I’m not saying we lambast Ms. Lopez and call her horrible names or anything, I’m just saying stop making excuses for her. Victims don’t need Christ’s forgivness. Does a rape victim need to be forgiven? NO. So when we make post-abortive women out out to be victims we are telling them they are not responsible for their child’s death, they don’t need Christ’s forgiveness and it is everybody else’s fault. And I have a big problem with that. That is NOT the gospel.
I started blushing today. For the first time in my life I started blushing. My calendar is marked…
Sydney, pro-lifers in general treat women like Vanessa as if they are merely gold diggers or women trying to trap men. That is what I was addressing.
And I do believe that there are post-abortive ministries for men as well. However, I’ve never counseled any of them, so I did not mention those ministries and the great need for them.
Do I believe that all women who have abortions are victims, coerced into it? No. Not all women are. Some are callous and coarse and selfish, and walk into it fully aware of what they are doing, and they don’t care. Those are the women who end up writing for rags like RH Reality Check. But I find it hard to believe that position represents the majority of women who abort.
No one here has stated that we aren’t responsible for our sin. But when we are IN SIN, we do not recognize it. It takes an awareness of that so that we can repent. It seems too often that we expect instantaneous repentance from those who are still “of the world” when the truth is that their eyes are blind to their own sin. Do you not believe that Satan is a liar and a deceiver? Do you not know that those who are slaves to sin are chained to it? And that until that realization and acceptance of repentance and forgiveness comes, they are still slaves to sin? Have you never believed a lie about yourself, about how you didn’t deserve something, or weren’t good enough, or not worth enough to deserve anything better? If we don’t know we are sick, then why would we go to see a doctor?
The woman caught in adultery was also addressed by Christ (John 8:1-11). Her sin was displayed for all the religious world to see. Their response was to pick up stones and prepare to throw. When confronted by Christ about how they ALL were sinners, they dropped their stones. “When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Responsible for her own sin? Yes. Condemned by Christ for it? No. Expected to leave her sinful lifestyle? Yes. But mercy was shown. Forgiveness was shown. And when Christ extends His forgiveness and mercy to us – and we finally, finally recognize His call – there should be a change. I pray that Vanessa, and women like her – and also men like J.J – will hear and respond to that call.
64% of American women felt pressured by others1
Over 50% felt rushed or uncertain, yet 67% received no
79% were not told about available alternatives1
84% said they were not fully informed1
65% suffer symptoms of trauma1
Coercion can escalate to violence, putting women & children at risk
Coerced abortion is an internationally recognized and illegal human
rights abuse
Homicide is the leading killer of pregnant women
After abortion, maternal death rates are 4 times higher
Post-abortion suicide rates are 6 times higher within the first year
“Some claim that abortion is only ‘forced’ if physical force— e.g., kidnapping—is involved, and that all other abortions have been ‘chosen’ … even where women have been harassed or brutalized to force them to comply. [We consider] the distinction between ‘forced’ and ‘coerced’ abortions irrelevant, as both are internationally recognized as human rights abuses.
“The ‘forced’ versus ‘coerced’ argument dismisses the fact that coerced abortions are human rights abuses. It legitimizes abuse of
women by implying that any woman who had an abortion because she was unable to withstand being psychologically or physically abused, got what she deserved. … “Both ‘forced’ and ‘coerced’ abortions should be opposed as fundamental human rights abuses.”5
“Sydney, pro-lifers in general treat women like Vanessa as if they are merely gold diggers or women trying to trap men. That is what I was addressing.”
I didn’t say that. :( I feel like the conversation got out of control a bit.
Well Kel, I can’t disagree with anything you wrote in your last comment.
Gosh Kel.
That was good. I want to copy it and hang it up somewhere. Or keep it with my counseling stuff.
Actually a great reminder for me. Thankyou.
Do you know that song He Loves? There is a line in there that gets me EVERY.TIME.
“Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes.”
Jack, as you said, I’m a busy young mom – and I’m moving next week to boot! So yeah I sorry I didn’t jump in earlier.
Um I don’t even know where to start in this quagmire.
I mean, on the one hand, I totally agree that we should pray for all involved. We shouldn’t dismiss Lopez out of hand and call her names because abuse cycles are real. I know people like that and it’s heartbreaking to watch.
On the other hand, it’s unfair also to just imbue all post abortive women with innocence out of hand. There *is* a measure of autonomy and responsibility to be had here. Yes, it’s good that she’s breaking a cycle of abuse. But we also have to realize that there are women out there who stuff like this on purpose or because it’s a way to make a living and it’s easy. It’s not good, it hurts them, etc, but it’s still a choice.
And someone mentioned (Sydney, I think?) that as mom her first instinct should have been to protect her baby. If anyone – *anyone* – including my partner – were to threaten my son, I’d get the hell out of Dodge, even if it’s just for a time. I know it’s hard, I do, but they aren’t married. And this is a good reason for women to always have like a credit card in only their name, or something as a backup in these kinds of situations. I don’t know. She clearly wasn’t wise. That’s not uncompassionate to say and we should all pray for her, sure.
But I just don’t get why asking for evidence is being conflated with being cruel to her. It’s a high profile case. And while it’s awesome that this is coming to light, I’d rather her do it legally. There is enough *legal* evidence to convict the scumbag.
If you would read my comments earlier, I was/am concerned that if she’s doing things illegally, she’s hurting other women who might want to step forward because of this and give them all a bad name. You can break the cycle of abuse legally. Why is that too much to ask?
And yeah it really does bother me when all women are viewed as victims. Not all women are. There are men victims. Unfortunately, there are women who really are crazy and abusive to men. I’ve seen it happen and it’s nasty because people normally jump to the woman’s defense. But what do you do, if, say, the woman pulls a gun on you? Or threatens you with a knife?
I’m just saying it happens and a lot of times situations feed off of each other.
And before I get jumped, I know incidents happen where victims are only victims and not partially responsible. Every situation is different.
She is Obviously not a gold digger she had the abortion. She could have been set for life with the child support payments from JJ. Also she didn’t even take the $25,000. So no one can claim she’s out for a payday. The facts don’t lie.
AMEN Kel that was beautifully put! I love that.
I think most people here were just asking for facts in a legal case – not casting judgement on a post abortive woman.
And I agree that we need to pray for everyone. JJ is a scumbag, but Jesus loves him as well. He can change. One day he’ll realize that he’s alone and he had his own child killed. That is a terrible weight to bear, I’m sure.
Jack, I wasn’t quoting anyone in particular. But you and I both know we’ve seen it on the blog, and I’ve heard it in talking with other pro-lifers.
There is often little compassion for the post-abortive.
Yeah I’ve seen it. There’s little compassion for certain sins in particular. Abortion and homosexuality seem like they top the list for people to condemn, imo.
I wasn’t even trying to condemn her though I just wanted to know how she got the second email that he sent to his lawyer.
Annie Lynne: Doug I don’t care who she’s been with no one deserves to be treated that way period! God knows how many people JJ has been with. For her credit she never took the $25,000 and that to me says a lot.
Annie, being totally serious – good point, and I agree with you all the way through, there.
Mary: The point here is the Abortion Contract. No one else has ever done such a thing. It just seems so evil and cold. JJ is truly a douchbag and Racist in my book. He deserves all the bad karma that is coming to him.
Mary, I can only believe that many such contracts are in place and have been. Even if just verbal – in huge numbers of cases both people in the relationship don’t want to have kids. For them to agree that they’re not going to would be no surprise.
That’s before we even get to how we feel about the good/bad/right/wrong of abortion, and preventing pregnancies is better, IMO.
Quite an active thread here. Just think if we could work the Duggars in….
And YES there is hope and healing for post abortive fathers.
When and if JJ ever needs it.
“And im sure you will put my comment in moderation as you always do…ive noticed it but you cherry pick who you want to do it to. I guess Im your new target.”
A lot of times things get caught in the spam filter Heather, I’ve had perfectly innocuous comments of mine caught, you just have to email a mod and they’ll approve it for you. It’s usually not a deliberate thing (though I’ve had plenty of deleted comments too! lol).
I think if the mods cherry picked who to delete based on dislike Reality would never get a comment through ever again! Lol sorry Reality.
But really Heather I don’t think anyone is mad at you or picking on you, I think we can all disagree but still respect each other.
@Carla That racist email is horrible. I wonder how his teammates feel about it? Aweful just aweful.
I sucked in my breath when I read it.
Grown woman signed an abortion contract? GUILTY as charged. puke!
S’oright Jack, I’ve only had several comments hit moderation over time and I think they were not due to human intervention. Some came out of moderation, some just disappeared, again I don’t think due to human intervention. I’ve only ever followed up on a couple and they got cleared. I know I can email a mod.
I sometimes find myself being a staunch supporter of a few anti-choicers here ;-)
The claims made by David Reardon and co. (unchoice) are based on polling which is restricted/selective/self-selective and correlative data with no evidence of causation.
@Heather sorry that language is DISGUSTING and VERY offensive. No excuse for JJ GUILTY as charged! Puke when I even hear his name.
I do find the gender double standard rather disgusting to be honest. I even do it myself (which is disgusting of me)! JJ is a scumbag who deserves no compassion or understanding, etc. Lopez is a pure victim who deserves nothing but compassion or understanding. Like I’ve said before, you see it with street kids. Girls are treated like victims who need help (which is generally true, even though they can be just as criminal and dangerous as the boys they still need help). Boys are treated like dangerous criminals who should be punished and locked up (though they generally have just as horribly abusive backgrounds as the girls do).
Maybe we could try to have compassion for both genders. Maybe JJ is a human being after all!
Maybe we should all make an effort to stop calling people scummy and bad and saying they deserve no sympathy regardless of their gender.
“I sometimes find myself being a staunch supporter of a few anti-choicers here ”
True that, now I just need to get you to defend unborn babies like you do certain commenters when you see them being attacked. Like I said before, I think you’d make a great pro-lifer.
Anyway, I was doing some research and it appears my suspicions are correct: that both women and men are biased to defend women and prefer women as people, and men do not get the same bias from either men or women. Just like I’ve always thought, men and women both dislike men, lol. There are different reasons for this, ranging from people preferring their mothers to their fathers and associating the male gender with violence: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15491274
JJ is a human being that is true. He is a human being with no heart and he needs to find Christ. I pray for him everyday I know he need it!
How can he find Christ if he has no heart?
You see how that kind of rhetoric might be slightly counterproductive? If you dehumanize people they may well act inhumane.
Here it is, the “Women are Wonderful” effect: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E2%80%9CWomen_are_wonderful%E2%80%9D_effect
Actually Mary is correct about her not taking the money and both need Christ to forgive them. What I was saying is that if we say women cant make sexual choices then they are mindless idiots. What will it be? Jj is a sinner in need of a savior. So is Vanessa. Its not her first abortion! What if we were discussing someones husband/wife having an affair? She might be in a cycle of abuse as well. Would people here be as forgiving? I DOUBT it! Christ would. To repent means to say youre sorry and dont repeat the mistake but thank God for he keeps forgiving. As far as Jennifer M and the hate site…i cant help what people say! God has judged her.
Heather you really shouldn’t be making accusations against Vanessa if you don’t know her personally. It’s not her first abortion? How would you know that? Don’t stoop to such a low level.
Lol we are all such hypocrites on this website.
Well Mary im sorry that was my honest mistake as id read shed aborted from Shaquille O Neil. Jack youre right because Christians really shouldnt be JUDGING her OR JJ! They both made a mistake.
Bible fight.
Please let me know ASAP which comments I cherry picked and deleted from you on this thread.
ALL of us have judgments. There is no way to get around that. We judge things all of the time.
Also please let me know where it states that Christians really shouldn’t be judging…….because that it a judgment.
If I had MY way I would delete all comments from those that are proabortion.
But that isn’t the way this works. There is freedom of speech for BOTH sides unless you violate the blog comment rules that are clearly posted. OR something else at the discretion of the moderators. :)
Besides I need to constantly be reminded of how I USED TO THINK when I was proabortion. It reminds me of God’s grace and His mercy and how He changed me from the inside out after repenting of my sinfilled life and my abortion. Thank you Lord.
Carla It began on the Terri Schivo sp? when you made a remark that I had not tried hard enough to stay out of the discussion. I dont have to agree with anything that went on in that case. Then I see your post…thats how Heather is. How am I? Imperfect and human? You bet. I mean some of the pro choicers get awful comments through. Mine were suddenly in moderation a lot! I had a beef with MK years ago here but she and I have buried it. We talk. I was just wondering why I was singled out for speaking my mind when others have done the same. I didnt throw anyone under the bus because I read what they write. YET i am the only one you called out. That was unfair.
And you once told Jack that he just likes to argue. I like his imput and he makes some valid points. Thats all for today. I just went to breakfast with my husband and I plan to have a nice day. May you and everyone else have a beautiful day as I plan to do the same.:)
That is not what I asked for from you Heather.
I asked for you to tell me WHICH comments of yours that you have written here on this thread were deleted by me. Please do that.
You have accused me of cherry picking. You have accused me of making you my target.
Here. On this thread.
Are some/all/none of your comments here are not?
Carla let it go….All I know is after I refused to agree with you on women being abortion victims pretty much most of my comments went to moderation. I cant be specific as there were many. I noticed it and I will never agree that all women are victims of abortion. Sorry.
“And you once told Jack that he just likes to argue. I like his imput and he makes some valid points”
I think you missed the context when she said that to me. She was talking about how I’ll argue for ten million comments instead of letting things go when it’s obvious that it should just be “agree to disagree” in some cases. It’s a valid criticism, I’m annoying like that. Criticizing me is okay to do. She didn’t mean that I should stop commenting or anything like that.
Your accusations of my work here as a moderator are the issue. “letting it go” is what you would like to see me do while simultaneously fixing something you asked me to fix.
You accused me of cherry picking.
You accused me of putting your comments into moderation as you are now my target.
I asked for you to tell me which comments of yours are missing. Which ones Heather? I ask for an immediate email and most commenters here are good at emailing me and asking me to fish their comments out of moderation.
And I do.
Why don’t you just admit that ALL of your posts are here on this thread.
That NONE of your posts here on this thread were put into moderation.
Nothing ON THIS THREAD of yours was deleted.
That you were wrong.
And maybe stop talking about things that have nothing to do with what I am asking you to do.
I just spent some time in the mod folders.
The last comment from you heather that was in moderation was dated March 13th, 2014 from the Puppies and Sheets Hiding the Reality of Abortion thread.
Mary I was just reading that Lopez was indeed sexually involved with Shaquille ONeil and thought she was pregnant from him. She retained attorney Gloria Allred and the case was thrown out. The judge called her a “dirty liar” my the innocent victim isnt looking so innocent anymore now is she? And she knew he was married!
@ Mary Redick is now claiming that Lopez was never pregnant with HIS child now and Lopez is penning a tell all book. Hmmmmmm I think she might be a gold digger now! Shes seeking out rich men for some odd reason.
Sounds like she and these men she chooses deserve each other. Now I cant decide who is worse.
@Heather everyone has made mistakes in their life. The fact that she did not take the $25,000 shows me she is not a gold digger. “Dirty liar” your getting your info from tmz. Lol Wouldn’t a gold digger go after that money? I am done arguing with you I have better things to do. You have your opinion I have mine.
Mary i wasnt arguing…it doesnt matter where I read it. I ran her through my search engine and found several articles stating it was true. Shes penning a tell all book and it is what it is. Shes writing about JJ too. You have every right to defend her if thats what you wish to do.
She’s probuly writing a book to warn girls about Scum like JJ! I would too. Mary I totally agree with you. #TEAMLOPEZ
Team Lopez? She had sex with Shaquille ONeil. Her period was late. She was also sexually involved with another Cleveland Cavs player. I believe it was Deonte West. Shaq told her he lived an open marriage and when she told him she thought she was pregnant he replied ” I hope you find your babys daddy.” She lied in court and the judge threw it out so she could NOT refile because of her lies. She wasnt pregnant after all.
Heather, being promiscuous or being a liar doesn’t mean someone cannot be in an abusive relationship. In fact, making bad choices like that often stems from being abused or being treated badly in your life. Who knows what her childhood was like? I was quite promiscuous as a teen, I was a drug dealer and addict, got into a lot of fights, etc. But that didn’t mean that I was never victimized by many people, because I was. I know it’s hard to have sympathy for people when they have done so much wrong, but you got to realize often people act like this when they are dealing with a lot of inner pain.
Same goes for JJ too. Who knows what issues he is dealing with? That’s why I think we should make an effort to be kind and welcoming as pro-lifers to both people involved in an abortion. I think if we seem like healing can be found here people are more likely to come to us.
And in the tell all book she is taking some low blows at mens ( Shaquilles endowment) and to put in into nicer terms shes saying he hasnt much to work with. I guess she said he stalked her and finally told him she would tell his wife about the affair. Also jj will be in the book and now he is saying “She never aborted my kid. It was someone elses.”
Hi Deluded…The book is called Fouls Of The Court….i guess she is exposing a 6 year affair with Shaquille and going into things such as his family life and his fathers cocaine addiction. She went to court with Allred after claiming the player stalked her and she feared for her life. Ive read the judge threw it out as he caught Lopez in many lies. Idk about you but if you knew a man was married why would you keep seeing him….and he should have kept his pants up. Lopez wasnt the only girl. There were others at the same time.
Jack youre right though. Jj and Vanessa were in it together. They need prayer but myself included called him a scum. Thats not right. Pray for his heart too. Years down the rd he may have guilt and regrets.
Heather I think we’re more agreeing than anything. I’m not saying Vanessa did nothing wrong in her life, or that I’m on JJ or her “side” (I’m on the baby’s side, that baby who died is the undeniable victim here). I’m just saying that everyone needs some understanding and you’re correct in that JJ didn’t get much compassion on this thread.
I do wonder how the people here who are so quick to hate on men who have done something wrong would have treated me as a teenager who was dealing drugs and stealing, etc. It just seems like we lack a lot of compassion for men who mess up, even when they are young like JJ was at the time of this abortion. It’s like we simultaneously are sexist against men and women. Women are treated as if they are incapable of making their own decisions sometimes, and men are treated as though they are undeserving of forgiveness and compassion when they mess up. I mean, you shouldn’t want to puke when you hear JJ’s name, you should want to pray for him in my opinion.
I do regret calling him a scumbag, that was wrong of me. I should have had more compassion for him.
Jack..me too. It isnt fair to men as ive seen men cry over their aborted children. They matter as half of that baby was his. Jj and Vanessa both made poor choices and I hope they take it to God. They are both misguided. Maybe Lopez feels she deserves to be used. But the book isnt going to help matters by saying men were bad lovers or poorly endowed. Shes going to make them angry and exposing their families is really not her place. I hope they both find healing.
Also imo this book isnt going to help her reputation. Ever notice its post abort Gloria Allred to the rescue? Amber Frey…( well she didnt know Scott was married ) Tiger Woods and now V Lopez…she explained ” my client knew he lived an open marriage.” Thrown right out of court.
I don’t know where you’re getting the contents of her book from, but if she’s body shaming men by mocking the size of their privates or shaming them for their bedroom skills (or lack thereof) that is not kind of her and I hope she chooses to not do that. Shaming people isn’t very nice, and even if people hurt you by dumping you or whatever you should learn to let go.
I too hope they both find healing. I hope they both admit their parts in the death of that baby and otherwise.
Jack a relief at last to see eye to eye with you.
Lol people rarely see eye to eye with me, I have a weird mix of viewpoints apparently.
Hi Deluded….its called Fouls Of The Court and it goes into what Lopez is saying. She says Shaquille is small (private parts) well they suited her for 6 years. It also says she is going to trash his family and expose his father as a coke addict. Thats not right. Why? Because he dumped you after 6 years? Id even read he wanted her to keep the baby. It was in 2010 and her cycle was just late. She wasnt pregnant. I guess thats when he ended it.
Looks like shaquille fired back and won against Lopez. Her own lawyers jumped ship because of her lies. The judge called her a liar and she may not ever refile her case! She claimed he stalked her and carried a gun. It was all proven false. Now he is writing his own book.
Sorry its called Fouls of the Courts! You can search engine it and everything about Lopez is exposed. Shes proven herself to be a liar so I would never buy her book.
Real Christians don’t Judge people Heather. Food for thought….
I think Christians are supposed to point out bad behavior but are not supposed to judge the state of a person’s soul. That’s what’s been explained to me and makes sense.
Annie you just called someone scum…judge much?
I know Lopez will be taking a videotaped Polygraph and releasing it on YouTube. A lot more about JJ will come out. And Shaq committed several crimes against her. The truth is coming…
Eh also it says Lopez had to be removed with force because Delonte West asked her to go becaause he had another female coming over. Lopez also stole a Denver players credit card. Ok i guess ive gone on n on but shes troubled. I hope she gets some help. sorry typos off to bed.
That language is inexcusable! He is scum. That’s a fact. That’s how I feel.
Shaq has a restraining order against her.
How is your language Christian and non-judgmental, Annie Lynne?
Do men who make bad mistakes and do bad things capable of receiving the grace, forgiveness and mercy of God, or are we just scum and awful people?
How dare you judge and tell me not to? Lol who are you? Lopez also ripped of a credit card from a Denver Bronco player and refused to leave Delote Wests home after he told her another lady was coming over. She was removed by force by police. Im from Cleveland Shaq lived here Delonte West is a Cav.
Good grief.
You guys sound like teenagers.
Heather once again you are giving out False information. It’s was for her deposition and it has since expired. Shaq was obviously worried that she would talk.
Sorry for double comment …oh really Annie L? Its coming out on you tube? It would have come out in COURT! Shaq won the restraining order because she was lying and saying he was stalking her. I doubt that!!! Why would he? He has women galore.
Get a life you sound like a stalker. Lol
I thought you had to pick a screen name???!!!
Noooooo Annie you sound like a nut! Who are you? Im sure Lopez stalked Shaq.
Uh huuuh if Shaq was stalking her he would be in jail. Cant wait to see your you tube video where we can watch her lie and lie somemore. lol what a joke. And a judge wouldnt toss out a stalking case unless Lopez lied AND she did!
If she is doing a polygraph it will answer a lot of questions. I think it’s a great idea!
I dont know why my stuff triple posted. Annie Lynn pops out of nowhere and anonymous did too. All in defense of Lopez…odd!
A polygraph doesnt even stand up in court. Maybe she could go on Steve or Maury?
And Annie Lynn its pretty bad when Gloria Allred quits your case. And she dropped Lopez like a bad habit because she was a liar.
False info? How would you know? Go look it up and refute me then.
Heather the Abortion Contract is what this article is about. Vanessa could have given these emails to anyone and yet she choose a prolife blogger. I just think we should have compassion for her. I imagine it’s probuly not easy to talk about. And to be fair you probuly don’t know all the facts. So maybe you should not comment in what your not sure of.
Shaq has plenty of baggage. His ex employee is suing him for child porn, he has gang affiliations and he hired one of them to murder someone. Last week someone filed charges against Shaq for Assault. So inexcusable for someone to be a role model to our kids.
Oh well Annie I imagine if its true we will see him on the stand. Some scandals are just for $$. Shaq may not be perfect but I will believe it when he is sentenced.
This story is truly heartbreaking.