by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • Abolitionist Society exposes abortion’s role in society’s eugenic attitude toward children with special needs. But the average family choosing to abort a special needs child does so for one of two reasons unrelated to eugenics:

    The argument from the desire to eliminate pain…. [and] [t]he argument from the desire to preserve a personal level of living.


  • A Culture of Life explains how the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists changed their definition of pregnancy to accommodate potentially abortifacient birth control pills. However, they calculate due dates by last menstrual period, which is about two weeks prior to conception. Hmm.
  • Clinic Quotes posts a quote from abortionist Dr. Maureen Paul which explains why she chose her profession – because carrying her child to term and placing him/her for adoption was so painful for her:

    I confided in a family friend and asked to borrow the $300. But he told my parents, who immediately pulled me out of school. They took me to a local hospital, where I went before a committee that had to decide whether there was a valid medical reason to give me an abortion.

When my request was turned down, I had no other option but to carry the baby to term and put [it] up for adoption. It was the most painful experience of my life. Though I wanted to have children one day – and years later had a daughter as the result of an intended pregnancy – I bitterly resented being forced to have a baby against my will. I consider that an act of violence against women.


  • The Guiding Star Project asks if population control by way of contraceptives (the Melinda Gates philosophy) is the new “white man’s burden” and questions the motivations behind this movement:

    Although the post is titled the “New” White Man’s Burden, to be accurate, the West imposing population control on others is not new. Indeed, the then top-secret government report that first highlighted the “necessity” of telling other people how many kids they can have was written 40 years ago already, having been written in 1974. This report, called The Kissinger Report, outlines the increasing need for minerals and fuel from developing nations and categorizes their increasing populations as a threat to US interests.

It proposes population control as the means in which we will have continued access to their resources that we want. Thirteen counties were considered of particular threat to US interests: Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, and Turkey. Since the initial report, many agencies have contributed and fought for the cause of population control. Though many agencies claim they want women to have “access” to birth control, time and again, abuses occur that shows that they don’t want women to have mere access; they want the vulnerable poor to do as we tell them and stop having children.

  • 40 Days for Life shares a video that contain some amazing statistics – the staggering number of abortions worldwide (42 million annually), along with some good numbers about babies saved and abortion workers leaving the industry through maintaining a pro-life presence outside abortion facilities. A new 40 Days campaign starts in one week.

40 Days for Life: Save Lives. Change the World. from 40 Days for Life on Vimeo.

[Photos via and]

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