Pro-life news brief 5-1-14
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- An 18-year-old in Arizona has been arrested after allegedly sexually assaulting a number of teenage girls. One girl apparently became pregnant and had an abortion:
In another case, a victim became pregnant after she was allegedly raped….“One of the 13 victims actually became pregnant because of the sexual assault, and she subsequently had an abortion,” Babeu said. “These are horrible crimes that cannot be tolerated in our community.”
- Boxer Floyd Mayweather apparently broke up with his fiancee because she aborted his twin children:
According to documents obtained by, Ms. [Shantel Christine] Jackson had an abortion not long after learning she was pregnant with twins by Mayweather.According to one source, Jackson originally claimed to have had a miscarriage, but it didn’t take long for Mayweather to discover the truth of the abortion. Mayweather was said to be affected “emotionally and mentally” as abortions go against his belief of killing babies. Furthermore, we’re informed that Mayweather began to question if the babies she was carrying were really his, causing him to call an abrupt end to the relationship.
- Michael Stokes Paulsen on men and abortion and how “her rights” quickly becomes “her responsibility”:
It’s not hard to grasp the Court’s intuition: If abortion is the “privacy” right of the woman — a function of her autonomy, her body, and her life, needed to further her social and economic equality — it makes little sense to give fathers a veto, or even a vote, in the abortion choice. But the unintended consequence of vesting the abortion right entirely in the woman is to absolve the man of all responsibility. If it is exclusively her right, it is exclusively her responsibility. He is free! It’s not his choice at all! He can go on his merry way, leaving the pregnant woman the choice to abort her child.
[Photo via]
That’s a sad story about Mayweather. I am a little surprised that this woman did this, however, as having twins would be a double support check for eighteen years.
So sad to hear about Mayweather! Wow. My heart really goes out to him. Glad to hear of a “celebrity” who has the right idea about life.
Yet, it’s also too bad that his ‘views’ didn’t include not having sex with a woman you’re not married to.
Life News says, “The boxer has faced multiple charges over the years for domestic violence and assault. Mayweather also pled no contest to two counts of misdemeanor harassment, stemming from threats to his children.”
I would take anything Mayweather claims with a grain of salt. Statistically, he is more likely to have coerced her to abort.
Prax, with all due respect I am tired of prolifers and the whole poor-innocent-flowers-they-were-coerced bit. I think this happens in SOME cases but at the end of the day she had a free will. Just like Mother Theresa said, many women have abortions so they can live as they wish, and many women have NO regrets and are pretty callous about it. Why can’t prolifers understand this? It is what it is.
I totally get what you are saying phillymiss and agree that women who abort and have no regrets are responsible for their choices.
However, I was trying to point out that in this case, are we 100% sure she aborted and didn’t miscarry? My abusive ex told our oldest child that he talked me out of abortion when in reality he tried to get me to abort.
I believe more women than not are coerced to abort. Unless you have ever been scared to death to leave someone and scared to death to stay with them, it is hard to understand the dynamics of an abusive relationship.
Many women are beaten and threatened when they are pregnant and at the end of the day, we have the free will to open our eyes or not to this reality.
This is the quote by Mother Theresa:
“It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish”.
I believe Mother Theresa was alluding to others in her quote too, not just mothers. Those working in the abortion industry make money off of killing children so they are living as they wish. Men who impregnate underage girls (who are not really old enough to make a rational choice) are living as they wish too. Parents who threaten to abandon their daughters if they don’t abort are living as they wish too. A society that has not loved both mother and child is living as it wishes too. Politicians who ignore the plight of the unborn are living as they wish. Those who vote in these politicians are living as they wish.
None of us are guilt-free in how far down in the dumps our country has descended.