Stanek Sunday funnies 6-1-14
Good morning, and Happy Sunday! Here were my top five seven favorite cartoons this week. Be sure to vote for yours in the poll at the bottom of the post!
by Clay Jones at…
by Tim Campbell at (Long story short: Indianapolis Colts football player Robert Mathis took the fertility drug Clomid at the end of last season to aid his wife in conceiving, particularly because his mom had been diagnosed with Stage 4 esophageal cancer, and they wanted to give her another grandchild. Mathis’s doctor said Clomid was not on the NFL’s list of performance-enhancing drugs, but it was. Campbell has now been suspended for the first four games of the 2014 season. Meanwhile, his wife is expecting a little girl, due this fall.)…
by Jeff Darcy at…
by Lisa Benson at…
by Signe Wilkinson at…
a twofer by Chip Bok at…
A little fact checking. Mathis PLAYED for the Indianapolis Colts – not the Indiana Colts. Also, he’s a free agent, not a current player for them.
Nice to see the cartoons have moved past Health Care Reform and the economy because there isn’t much to pick on. While it took longer than it should have, we’ve finally dug out from the great Bush crash of 2008. Economy is humming, and it’s great to see the wheels running a bit smoother in America.
And health care reform turned out to be a lot of fringe interest groups and conservatives hypocritically yelling about possibilities. The numbers have been great and it’s nice to see positive upticks in those insured and the effects that it is bringing. Sure, there will be bumps, but as more polls show that people want to keep it, we’ll hopefully see politicians working to better the law for all Americans (instead of having so many people hoping and working to make it fail).
It’s easy to complain when things are bad. When things are going well, I think it’s good to acknowledge that.
I look forward to seeing those pro-lifers who are not hypocrites condemn the off-label, non-FDA approved use of Clomid, given many pro-lifers’ insistence that only FDA-approved drug regimens are safe.
I’m voting for #6 this week.
#3 (“fall on your sword”) made me laugh.
LisaC — Pro-lifers are not medical experts on every drug. We don’t place blind faith in the FDA’s recommended protocols for every drug. (And personally, I don’t care about Clomid, one way or the other. It doesn’t hurt women or kill children.)
But we do know that the abortion pills have injured many women and killed quite a few, and that the abortion industry cuts many corners to improve their profits. In this one instance, the State of Oklahoma’s legislature discerned that the FDA protocol for chemical abortion is a reasonable protection in the use of that dangerous drug regimen.
If the abortion industry chooses their profits over the safety of women and ceases selling abortion pills, that is their choice. Don’t blame pro-lifers for being glad that women are a little safer in Oklahoma.
#7 is especially apt. Except nobody died at the Watergate hotel, and the media didn’t fawn over Nixon, and aid an abet his activities.
Ex-GOP: “While it took longer than it should have, we’ve finally dug out from the great —- [Dodd-Frank-Fannie-Freddie] crash of 2008.”
What is with people always trying to convince the world that kids don’t like vegetables? I remember being stunned as a kid when I was watching an episode of Tiny Toon Adventures where the school had been infiltrated by aliens disguised as real kids; the main characters figured it out and saved the day because the fake kids were eating broccoli and, as the characters said (verbatim), “Real kids don’t eat broccoli.” I was like freaking nine years old and I knew that that was just a bull* marketing junk-food mentality. My sisters and I all loved broccoli even as kids, because – what a shock – we ate broccoli regularly and developed a taste for it.
“Some kids have never been taught how to enjoy the taste of real food so we should serve them all junk.” What a lazy freaking argument.
My kids don’t eat meat at my house, nor any of that processed junk, so I’m pretty sure they’d starve if they didn’t like veggies lol. I think throwing a fit over wanting kids to eat healthy instead of terrible is the most ridiculous partisan argument yet. This country is doomed.
And if people can’t understand why “Redskins” is not cool, they just have an inability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Imma start a baseball team and call it “The Cracker McWhitersons” and see if people get mad.
Personal note to my buddy, Ex-GOP:
Even Obama has stopped blaming Bush for every real and imagined trouble in America.
Face it… it didn’t stick.
To be real, people don’t blame Jimmy Carter for the troubled economy that he endured either, just as no one give Clinton credit for the boom that occurred during his tenure in office. People give credit to Clinton for working with the Republicans that we sent to Congress, and together they balanced a budget.
People remember Carter as the guy who had no clue as to how to recover from the poor economy.
I do not know how Obama will be remembered. It depends on whether the Marxists of the Fascists win the next great economic catastrophe, which I fear lies just a few years ahead of us.
And we SOOOOO need to get together in person for a few beers! I’m going to work on that….
Del –
I’m not blaming anything current on Bush – I’m saying that the economy Obama came from was the result of Bush since he, well, was the President. It’s just a factual thing – but not saying that today’s economy is the result of Bush.
But we should be happy – again, when the GOP last had the White House, we had hundreds of thousands of jobs lost every month and the economy was in a massive free fall. Now, companies are hiring, the rates of those insured is way up – it’s a better time to be an American.
Ted Cruz won the latest straw poll – good news for Hillary. She should start taking measurements of the Oval Office now. She could maybe email Monica for the measurements.
Remind me what part of our great state you are in?
Bush had power over the economy? The economy — whether you think it’s great or think it stinks — is controlled by a President? Or a Party?
We can agree that a President and his Party have the ability to influence an economy. Employers delayed hiring for several years over uncertainty about Obamacare. No one dared to invest in Wisconsin until the recall elections were settled. Investors hate uncertainty, so confusion over new programs can stall a recovery.
I don’t know who Ted Cruz is. Seriously, I don’t understand the great fascination with national politics. They can’t save us — at best, all they can do is avoid screwing up. Except for her lack of respect for live, Hillary Clinton is more capable to lead than any candidate from either party. But…. her inability to respect life marks her as unqualified. Better to have GW Bush again.
I live near Madison. Don’t forget it.
I will be visiting the Shrine in LaCrosse this weekend.
Del – Both the President and the party. Bush made many policy decisions that affected the economy. Obama came in and started making decisions and charting a course that got things on track.
I think governors have some sway as well – ours has been a train wreck, but I think he’ll be re-elected, just because the Dems don’t have good options in this state.
You should have come to LaX this weekend – the Blue Angels were in town – pretty awesome.
I am from Oklahoma. The name Oklahoma comes from The Choctaw language “Okla” means Red, and “Humma” means Man “or ‘human'”, as it were.
We Indians- (and, yes, we call ourselves that) are NOT offended by being referred to as “Red People”.
The name of the team where I went to grade school was/is also “The Redskins”.
I think the only people that ARE offended are people it doesn’t even APPLY to.
“Political Correctness” is what’s OFFENSIVE , quite frankly.
Pamela, plenty of Native Americans/Indians and organizations have spoken up about how offensive they find the term “Redskins” used in the capacity by the football team: I don’t think you speak for everyone.
And terms used by people within the group are not always okay to use by people outside the group. And I’m sorry, I don’t think people should be used as a mascot, especially not a racist representation like the Redskin’s logo. I’d be offended by certain representations of Hispanics, even if other Hispanics aren’t hurt by those representations that doesn’t mean that my feelings about it aren’t valid.
No one has given me a solid, good reason for why the name shouldn’t change. Some Indians are not offended but it’s a fact that some are, and that the term has been used as a slur against some Indians/Natives. There’s simply no reason to continue to use the term.
And teams have changed their names a whole bunch of times, for various reasons (new owners, new sponsers, etc), and there is zero reason they can’t change the Redskins to something that isn’t using a people as a mascot. Even if it doesn’t personally offend or hurt you, it’s demonstrably hurtful to others.
It reminds me of the elderly rednecks I knew when I lived in the south, who insisted to me that it was okay to call black people “negros” and the other n-word or call Latinos “spics” or “wetbacks”, because they weren’t going to be bound by political correctness and they had black friends or something like that. It’s all ridiculous. There’s just no need to use certain terms, especially as “mascots” or other things like that.
Ex – Thx for noting correction needed on name on Colts team. :)
Ex-GOP said “Economy is humming, and it’s great to see the wheels running a bit smoother in America.”
Really? 1st Quarter GDP was just revised to -1.0%. That’s humming? I would hate to see your description of stumbling.
Gack! Economic politics is like a thousand ants crawling on a log that is floating down a river — and each one thinks that he’s steering!
Most people will agree with EX: The economy is improving this season. Jobs and new real estate building are picking up. These are results that people can see with their own eyes. (I got a call on Friday from a placement agency, hoping that I was still looking for work. They have openings to fill.) Wisconsin is enjoying a special sort of boom because Gov. Walker’s restructuring of our government operations.
People who give this any fair thought at all are saying that this is a cyclical recovery in what has been a long-term secular decline.
On the other hand, most people cannot name a single policy of the Obama Administration that has helped the economy. I know that I can’t.
Bush’s Iraq War ran up our debt pretty fast, and that was bad for the economy. And Obama has doubled Bush’s rate deficits, which is even worse.
When the catastrophe comes, history will look at the folly of the Bush-Obama era with disgust. Much the same way as we remember the Reagan-Clinton years so fondly.
Welcome back, DLPL.
Oh my gosh! The veggie thing is annoying. I literally loved vegetables growing up. My one sister didn’t eat spinach but ate other veggies. There’s no reason that we should not encourage schools to serve healthier lunches.
The PROBLEM comes in when they start banning kids from packing home lunches if they don’t “comply” with arbitrary rules or if they aren’t letting kids in sports eat more calories or something. I have heard of that. Diet is not a one-size fits all for kids. Some have higher metabolisms, etc. I think a better option would be to have schools serve local foods and focus more on veggies and fruits for snacks rather than passing out cookies, etc. as sides. But a lot of that is more on a local level, I think. And of course let’s not forget the imbeciles in Congress counting pizza as a vegetable because it as tomato paste on it.
I don’t understand the school lunch cartoon at all?
Len, a lot of people complain about Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move program, which fights against childhood obesity. A facet of that is reforming school lunches.
LisaC — Pro-lifers are not medical experts on every drug.
No argument here. You’re certainly not medical experts on RU-486
In this one instance, the State of Oklahoma’s legislature discerned that the FDA protocol for chemical abortion is a reasonable protection in the use of that dangerous drug regimen.
The state of Oklahoma’s legislature is not licensed to practice medicine, and it does not know which drug protocol is more or less dangerous. FDA approval signifies approval of how the drug can be marketed, not how it should be prescribed. No physicians’ group says that the FDA regimen for RU-486 is safer than current practice. The FDA does not say that its regimen is safer than current practice. Rather, it says that physicians are obliged to follow best standards of care and acknowledges that the FDA-approved dosage is not considered the standard of care. This is something I’ve posted on before, with links.
If the abortion industry chooses their profits over the safety of women and ceases selling abortion pills, that is their choice. Don’t blame pro-lifers for being glad that women are a little safer in Oklahoma.
To repeat: the regimen that pro-lifers are demanding is not safer than the regimen that providers are using. Providers who stop prescribing medical abortions after FDA-compliance laws are passed do so because they think that they are being required to follow an unsafe regimen.
IIRC, the last time I pointed that out, Jill’s response was that it’s not her job to tell the truth.
Ah, thanks LibertyBelle. Do these folks prefer processed junk food? Crazy.
Yeah I don’t know what all the fuss is about. I strongly disagree with a lot of what goes on in the Obama Administration, but this is just dumb. They got mad at her for planting a garden on the White House lawn of all things. Seriously lighten up.
There *have* been some abuses, not sure where they come from though. Some cases of kids being turned back because a home packed meal didn’t meet the standards, even though it was healthy (ie, mom made a PBJ and had a veggie but not a fruit or something as a side, something dumb and inane) and that’s bad. And also apparently there are some kind of calorie limits and kids in sports claim they aren’t getting enough, and kids have taken pictures of “nutritious” meals saying “Thanks Michelle.”
But what I’m not clear on is whether Michelle has “mandated” anything (don’t think she can) or just provided guidelines. It could be that she has provided guidelines and certain school districts are taking it way out of hand. I don’t know.
But even if the way she’s going about it isn’t effective, why harp on her for trying to encourage schools to provide healthier lunches? If the schools are going to exist and provide food, why not encourage schools to make that food healthier? For a lot of kids, their only meals are at school.
Sorry – was busy so am behind on responses. Maybe everyone has moved on. Regardless, a few answers to people.
Yes Michael – economists are saying the contraction is short lived (given the other positive numbers out there) and is a result of the crappy winter weather. Hiring, jobless claims, consumer spending – are all in great territory.
Del – you can’t have it both ways – you can’t say Obama has had little to do with the economy (you can’t count a single thing) and then claim the little growth in Wisconsin to Walker policies. By the way, you should be able to name at least a half dozen things that have impacted the economy (the stimulus and Health Care Reform are two of the low hanging fruits). On Walker – we’re lagging as a state – we need him out…
General comment – I like that we sometimes claim Native Americans are being “too sensitive”. Heck, say “Happy Holidays” to people in December and you’ll see how sensitive some people get in this country!