by Kelli
On a recent radio program, Stand to Reason’s Greg Koukl (pictured) answered an apparently pro-choice school teacher, Anne, who snarkily asked what he, as a pro-lifer, is doing to take care of children “once they’re here.”
After telling her that he has adopted two children from crisis pregnancies, she still seemed dissatisfied. Koukl responded:
It sounds to me like you wouldn’t be satisfied unless I raised funds for every woman in crisis pregnancies or adopted every child, which obviously would be ludicrous….
I am concerned about the logic and reasoning that seems to be sitting behind this and that is: unless we’re willing to care for these children, then we have no right to tell other women not to kill them. This is not a morally sound equation…. Just because I’m not willing to marry the woman that a man is beating, his wife, doesn’t mean that I can’t object to him beating her.
Take a listen: