BREAKING: In new undercover video Planned Parenthood tells minor “harm” ok if consensual
Today Live Action released its fifth undercover video exposing Planned Parenthoods across the country as promoters and educators to minors of dangerous, violent sexual activity known as BDSM*.
In this video, shot at the Planned Parenthood in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, the “counselor” goes so far as to tell Live Action’s investigator, posing as a 15-year-old, that causing “harm” to her is “ok” if consensual. That is not only sick advice, it is dangerous. Consensual harm to what extent? Quoting Live Action’s press release:
“Anything within the sexual world is normal as long as it’s consensual.” This includes “rope burns” and “markings” from “clamps.” It includes going to sex shops, two of which the counselor recommends specifically. It includes the sort of activity promoted in the explicitly pornographic and abuse-glorifying Fifty Shades of Grey.
Here’s the video:
As a reminder, Planned Parenthood gets over $500 million in tax dollars every year, in part to give sex advice to kids. This must stop!
*Bondage and Discipline/Sadomasochism and Masochism/Dominance and Submission
While I hate Planned Parenthood for my own personal reasons due to events that happened to me and a family member, I have to say this does not sound like she is encouraging the girl to engage in anything. She sounds like she is answering questions to the best of her ability while staying neutral about the subject.
Using the PP counselor’s same reasoning, it seems it would be ok for a man (in a non-sexual scenario) to beat his wife as long as she is fine with it and feels she deserves it or brought it on herself, and she loves him.
Of course I don’t think that’s ok. And I’m sure the PP counselor would not think that was ok, either. So why is it ok to beat someone, inflict pain, or abuse/dominate them during sex?
We wouldn’t accept abuse in any other scenario. But if someone’s getting sexually turned on by inflicting abuse (and the other person doesn’t tell them to stop), then HEY, it must be totally, perfectly fine, right?
I keep hoping that our civilization will rise up in righteous anger and mobs will destroy the Planned Parenthood sites.
It seems possible, given the reaction of whole neighborhoods to the shooting of a Black youth by a frightened cop.
But…. It seems like everybody knows how outrageous Planned Parenthood is, and no one is shocked anymore.
We expect the police to meet a certain standard, so we are disappointed when a policeman fails.
We do not expect anything decent to come out of Planned Parenthood, so we are surprised when they so much as purchase artwork to beautify their facility.
to tell Live Action’s investigator, posing as a 15-year-old, that causing “harm” to her is “ok” if consensual.
The counselor twice referred to the girl as a sixteen-year-old, so the “investigator” must have told the counselor something different from what she told the receptionist.
as promoters and educators to minors of dangerous, violent sexual activity known as BDSM*.
What actually happened on the video: A girl sought out a counselor and told her that her boyfriend wanted to try some new things from “Fifty Shades of Gray” and that she thought it “sounded like a fun idea.” The counselor said that the girl should be sure she understood what the boyfriend was asking, should clearly communicate with him about what she wanted, and should only do something she consented to. The counselor also said that she would not recommend extreme practices to sixteen-year-olds, and that she does normally hear 16 year olds saying that they are practicing BDSM. So it appears that sum total of PP’s “promotion and education” of BDSM to minors is explaining communication and consent to Live Action “investigators” posing as minors eager to act out “Fifty Shades of Gray.”
I’ve seen enough of pro-lifers to understand why everyone is angry that no PP counselor has called the girl a perverted sicko. I’m not sure why you’re all so violently opposed to the idea of consent.
Finally, I’d say “If you don’t like BDSM, don’t practice BDSM,” but that would no doubt lead to a zombie chorus droning “If you don’t like rape, don’t rape…If you don’t like murder, don’t murder….”
Above should read she does not normally hear sixteen-year-olds saying the are practicing BDSM.
LisaC, a responsible adult would tell a child, 15 or 16, that the type of ‘consensual’ actions that take place in a bdsm situation are highly volatile, prone to real abuse, and simply too complex in emotional baggage for a still-forming mind to partake in. Abuse is still abusive, even when it’s ‘consensual’, it still triggers the same physiological and psychological responses in the body and brain. BDSM may be consensual, at least to begin with and at least some of the time, but it’s also simply too dangerous for a child to participate in with someone who they have no life-long connection to. For instance, whether you agree with BDSM as a legitimate ‘turn on’ for adults to practice, it still produces Stockholm symptoms in the submissive which creates a stronger mental bond and urge to please the aggressor than existed before. Also the pain/pleasure release that bdsm seeks to obtain is not a normal, every-day endorphin release, but rather meant as your body’s last-ditch effort to give you enough of a ‘high’ to run away from a seriously dangerous situation. It’s something that most people, living normal lives, will feel maybe only once or twice and is similar to shock. When intentionally induced in a ‘safe’ setting-where the brain and body is not focused on GET AWAY-that endorphin rush has known addictive qualities. And, like all addictions, it takes more and more to get the same high. So people in the bdsm scene tend to delve deeper and deeper into ‘consensual’ harm to get the same high. And if the aggressor pushes too hard and the submissive gets pushed over the edge of ‘consent’ the bodies fight or flight reflex often overrides logical thought-meaning exactly when you need your ‘safe word’ your body is going to have a seriously hard time recalling it to mind and actually getting it out. If adults want to take such chances, which long term include some serious chances of addiction, hard core harm, non-consensual sexual contact/harm, ‘consensual’ slavery relationships, and becoming trapped in abusive relationships, that’s their business-especially if it’s with a life-partner who, ultimately, should never cross the line. But when anyone with half a set of ethics, morals, or brain hears about an impressionable child, whose mind, brain, body, and sense of self is still developing, thinking about, considering, or actually practicing such sexually dangerous situations, they don’t give encouragement and help in carrying it out: they warn them in the strongest possible terms to wait until they are older and in a more long-term relationship to explore those aspects of their personalities.
Personally I have no problem with a formed adult deciding they need a dom/sub relationship with pain, force, or distinct control/submission to be happy, content, and/or sexually satisfied. While that probably isn’t a popular belief among those here, I believe plenty of people, due to one or more factors during their formative periods, may crave and be satisfied with those things. Perhaps they ideally should try to overcome that and be ‘normal’, or perhaps they should just make sure they are in a safe situation to express that part of their personality. BUT we should not encourage or agree with intentionally creating those personalities by indulging ‘consensual’ (or non-consensual) abusive relationships in still-forming personalities. It’s not ‘neutral’ to encourage damage, even if someone is seeking damage. If a kid says ‘I want to cut myself to make myself feel better’ you don’t give them advice on how to cleanse the cut, where to buy a better knife, or how to hide it from busybodies. You tell them that’s a bad idea. The same applies here. When presented with something that causes harm, you can’t try to be ‘neutral’, you denounce it.
Jespren, the video that LiveAction released including the woman telling the “investigator” twice that she did not recommend BDSM for sixteen-year-olds. No doubt there was more along the same lines edited out.