Journalism prof: Abortion not difficult choice “for most women”
… [E]ven supposedly “pro-choice” forces buy into the idea that shame is attached to sexual women. Abortion… is described as being a “difficult decision,” one that women struggle with if they are faced with an unwanted pregnancy. That is simply not true for most women. It’s not a difficult decision. If you don’t believe in abortion, it’s not a difficult decision because you’re not going to do it.
If you think abortion is not wrong, it’s not a tough decision because it’s the only way to make sure you don’t have to go through an unwanted pregnancy and childbirth. Calling it “difficult” – or suggesting that women feel bad or guilty or conflicted about it afterward – merely gives ammunition to those who think women need to be counseled before considering abortion, as though they’re all a bunch of emotional, unstable creatures who couldn’t possibly understand what they are doing.
Women know exactly what they are doing when they have abortions. Agree with it or not, but don’t assume the only reason she’s having one is because she’s too confused or distraught to make a rational decision.
~ Boston University political journalism professor Susan Milligan, who apparently feels qualified to speak for women who abort (while dismissing the idea of post-abortion regret), US News & World Report, August 20
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For the longest time now I’ve had the suspicion that contraception and abortion have made the “Utopian” idea more salable to the general public. Think about it: the most fundamental relationship humans have is marriage. If you can postpone marriage “until it’s just right,” you’re a de facto Utpoianist. To be able to wait for that “Magic Moment in Time,” you have to, of course, experiment to test “compatibility” of the Possible Perfect Partner. Contraception for the woman is a vital ingredient to this Fairy Tale Scenario. If you “make a mistake,” there’s the Handy Backup Plan(ned Parenthood). This just plays into the hands of the Population Controllers, who have all sorts of bait-and-switch plans for the Population. They call it “Population Control” for a reason.
College “Professors,” in their Ivory Towers with dreams of a Worker’s Paradise dancing in their heads, are the perfect Trojan Horses to sell people on their Dream World.
Is Miss Gilligan a mind reader that she knows how “most women” feel?
Yet she and other feminists assume that women are such “emotional and distraught” creatures” that they must be protected from pregnancy resource centers at all costs, even by laws that are eventually struck down as unconstitutional. Yes, the poor dears must be protected at all from learning “dangerous misinformation” — you know, about things like fetal development . . .
Id say that finally we are getting honest. For many women abortion isnt a difficult choice! Ive met them before and many on this blog over the years have said so. There may be more who regret it than not but Ive spoken of a friend of mine who for 20+ years has never had any regrets. And Im no longer holding my breath for that magic moment where she will say she regrets it. She is a nurse and she had already had kids before that abortion. So she knows that pregnancy is a consequence of sex. She had ample support but she made the choice on her own to abort. I think pro lifers are starting to understand that not all women feel a bit bad about their abortions.
heather: Planning out a working career while using abortion as part of that strategy may turn out very badly for that nurse/mother and for her family because of the breast cancer risk involved in that decision. Breast cancer doesn’t care about anyone’s plans for the future. The women who have died from breast cancer after abortions aren’t speaking out now for obvious reasons.
I can only conclude that Boston University political journalism professor Susan Milligan does not know any women.
Even for a woman who “believes in abortion,” there is still a huge gap from “This pregnancy is inconvenient and I am distressed” to “so I will kill my child.”
Everywhere else in the world, people know that bad decisions are made under distressing conditions. The universal advice is the slow down, take some time, and get some help with the decision — if possible. And this is what we mean to do, to protect women from the predatory abortion industry.
So the abortion industry insists that they are not predatory, and that pregnancy and the decision to abort are never distressing. But women know better.
Bleh. Susan Milligan’s entire article argues that the abortion battle is really just about sex. Just another attempt to take the focus off the unborn life that is being killed. Same strategy, different day. Say, do, write, scream, whatever you have to to make people forget/ignore that abortion is the killing of a human life. Pathetic. Looks to me like the pro-choice side is imploding.
“Looks to me like the pro-choice side is imploding.”
Good. Couldn’t happen soon enough.
Women know exactly what they are doing when they have abortions. Agree with it or not, but don’t assume the only reason she’s having one is because she’s too confused or distraught to make a rational decision.
Well of course, but obviously some women do struggle with the decision.
Is it “most women” that do not struggle? I’m not sure on that one.
As a staff person at a pregnancy resource center that offers bible based post abortion support classes to women, I can attest to the fact that we have a steady stream of women who come in for help because they regret their abortion. We don’t seek them. They come to us. They carry this self-hate, unforgivness and hurt for literally years. I don’t know who the writer is talking about because after 8 years working at a prc, I have met hundreds of women who DO deeply regret their abortion, so much so that they have to get help to move on. Denial is convenient for the writer and apparently some of the post-abortive women she knows, but it is quite obviously still denial.