That-Was-Easy-Buttonby Kelli

… [E]ven supposedly “pro-choice” forces buy into the idea that shame is attached to sexual women. Abortion… is described as being a “difficult decision,” one that women struggle with if they are faced with an unwanted pregnancy. That is simply not true for most women. It’s not a difficult decision. If you don’t believe in abortion, it’s not a difficult decision because you’re not going to do it.

If you think abortion is not wrong, it’s not a tough decision because it’s the only way to make sure you don’t have to go through an unwanted pregnancy and childbirth. Calling it “difficult” – or suggesting that women feel bad or guilty or conflicted about it afterward – merely gives ammunition to those who think women need to be counseled before considering abortion, as though they’re all a bunch of emotional, unstable creatures who couldn’t possibly understand what they are doing.

Women know exactly what they are doing when they have abortions. Agree with it or not, but don’t assume the only reason she’s having one is because she’s too confused or distraught to make a rational decision.

~ Boston University political journalism professor Susan Milligan, who apparently feels qualified to speak for women who abort (while dismissing the idea of post-abortion regret), US News & World Report, August 20

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