Pro-life dedication to stopping abortion “scary but impressive”
One of the scary but strangely impressive things about the right is just how experimental and dedicated they are in their efforts to restrict reproductive healthcare. They’ve broadened from just trying to overturn Roe v. Wade to trying to legislate access into nonexistence through mountains of red tape and cynical claims about “women’s health.” They’ve pressured hospitals to deny doctors admitting privileges. They’ve basically turned themselves into cartoon villains in service of their agenda.
If it wasn’t so terrible and if the consequences weren’t so devastating, you’d almost have to give them credit for being so damn savvy.
~ Katie McDonough, politics writer at Salon, July 31
“..cynical claims about ‘women’s health’ ..”
“If it wasn’t so terrible and if the consequences weren’t so devastating, ”
Do they even listen to themselves anymore ?
It just goes to show you…they don’t REALLY care about women..
all they “care” about is ABORTION…at ANY cost.
“Pro- CHOICE is a lie…YOU don’t care if women die”!
There…fixed it for you, Ms.McDonough
If seven Supreme Court justices in 1973 had not created a new right out of the penumbra of the Constitution and opened the floodgates which turned all pre-existing regulations on their head, we would not be in this mess of incrementally introducing commonsense back into protecting maternal and child human life.
No, it goes “Pro-CHOICE is a lie…you don’t care if women CRY” ;-)
But the pro-borts are surprisingly silent when a woman dies…. “Move along. Nothing to see here. Look, a squirrel!”
As to the SALON article: I wish there would stop identifying the pro-life movement with “the right” and “the Christian right.” There are liberal pro-lifers, feminist pro-lifers, secular pro-lifers.
We are content to let Republican legislators represent us. We welcome and support the Democrat pro-lifers, as well.
And we take action against the politicians who betray us, failing to support us when key issues come to vote. We will not be pawns in their game.
Not only are we savvy, but we are right! We love a good fight, and of course, we have God on our side. There is nothing more powerful as a weapon, than the Rosary. Seriously, when people are praying the outside an abortuary, the number of abortions goes way down. One of the most powerful forms of prayer is fasting. 40 Days for Life is working quite well. Lives are being saved everywhere!
Prayer is the most powerful weapon against the devil.
Pointing out the cynical and untrue claims about womens health made by anti-choicers and the potentially devastating consequences of choice being restricted is done because pro-choicers do care about women.
(The original quote is from a pro-bort who is concerned about how the public is accepting the pro-life message much more readily than the pro-abortion spin. Society, and especially the women in our society, believe that pro-lifers care more about women. It is apparent that abortionists care more about money.- Del)
The maternal death rate for childbirth is higher than that for abortion – where are the screaming headlines warning people off childbirth? ‘Move along, squirrel….
As usual, you forget to include to count the children in your death toll.
Childbirth is a necessary human endeavor, like eating and drinking. Abortion is an optional lifestyle choice, like smoking or using drugs.
Where food and water and childbirth are dangerous, we strive to make them safer. We don’t tell people to stop drinking because the water is tainted; we clean up the water supply.
Where lifestyle choices are deadly, we urge people to change their lifestyle and make better choices. And people of our society understand this.
The weird part is you pro-borts — You insist that abortion is a necessary human endeavor. But you refuse to participate in efforts to make abortion safer. You insist that abortion must always be cheap and dirty. This is why you have lost the trust of the public. – Del
“their efforts to restrict reproductive healthcare.”
Literally nobody is trying to restrict reproductive healthcare. The thing people are trying to restrict is abortion. This lady should really get her facts straight before writing her silly articles.
JDC: Do you remember that PP has dropped the euphemism “Pro-Choice”?
Pro-lifers used to be “anti-choice.” Pro-lifers want to restrict women’s choices.
Their new euphemism for abortion is “healthcare.” Pro-lifers want to restrict women’s healthcare.
My car has a bumper sticker that makes a simple assertion: “Abortion is NOT Healthcare.” As with your post, we must continue to assert this message against the agitprop of the abortion industry. It will be easy, but we must not forget to do it.
Del, you’re definitely one of the most level-headed posters here.
Pro-lifers used to be “anti-choice.” Pro-lifers want to restrict women’s choices.
Well yeah – you’re against the choice, you want it to be illegal, and pro-choicers don’t want it to be illegal.
But so what? (How in any way can this really be a big deal?) Everybody knows what the deal is with “pro-life” and “pro-choice.”
If, in a year from now, or two years from now, or five, there is a meaningful change that has occurred with respect to the above, then I will be wrong. As of now, I bet no such thing occurs.
[…] is the open frustration of their supporters. Discovered by Jill Stanek, a recent article at Salon lamented that the pro-life movement is impressive, dedicated and savvy. Salon isn’t the only one to […]