Pro-life news brief 8-20-14
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- “Intellectual” Richard Dawkins told someone on Twitter that bringing a child with Down Syndrome to birth is “immoral.”
- An Alabama abortion clinic (which couldn’t meet safety standards at its current location) has been given permission to relocate.
- Martin Haskell’s abortion clinic in Sharonville, Ohio, is dropping its appeal. They’ll stop performing surgical abortions on Friday. The clinic apparently plans on trying to stay in business by offering RU-486 chemical abortions.
- Newsweek has a long article on Lila Rose’s and Katie Stack’s respective undercover trips into abortion clinics and pregnancy centers. What’s really interesting to me is how Katie Stack (pictured; who appeared on MTV’s No Easy Decision) now describes her abortion:
Stack describes her choice to terminate a pregnancy, which she did in college, as “empowering” and says it aided her in “adapting a feminist framework” that led to her investigations. “It was the first time I felt like I had any control over anything, having that abortion,” she says. “I’m happy with my abortion. People get uncomfortable when I say my abortion was a good experience, but it was.”During the No Easy Decision program in 2010, Stack cried on at least two occasions and mentioned how she had difficulty being around her newborn nephew after the abortion (starting at 8:30). At that time, she also said she viewed abortion as a “parenting decision” because she acknowledged her child as “a baby.”
That doesn’t sound empowering to me. Only in pro-abort La-La Land does staying in a hotel room because you can’t imagine seeing your newborn nephew equal “empowering.”
After the airing of the No Easy Decision program, Stack then tried to start a pro-abortion version of Live Action called The Crisis Project, which hasn’t had quite as much success.
Miss Stack has a long way to go if she hopes to have the impact that Lila Rose has made.
Does she show the entire, unedited footage of her visit to a CPC? Does she let viewers see how much women are loved, and how generous the care is?
Or does she simply edit to show the parts that offend pro-borts, as if everybody agrees with them?
A person with Down Syndrome is not an “it.” What a horrible thing to call a fellow human being. Richard Dawkins is such a snob and elitist, the kind of person that always looks like they smell something bad.
Yes, I noticed that “The Crisis Project” hasn’t had an entry since 2013, but Lila and company have been busy as bees! You GO girl!
I take care of people with DS. Im working as an agency nurse and this is my assignment for now. These people all work and they reside together in a home. I drive out twice a day and give them medication. They are high functioning. They make me laugh because they tell good jokes. The group home takes them everywhere. They go out to eat bowling they go to see movies and they are going to the amusement park next week. They do more than I Do!!! Good for them!
“It was the first time I felt like I had any control over anything, having that abortion,” she says.
Child abusers, rapists, and murderers know that sense of control as well. It’s not the healthy type.
Sorry but this girl makes me ill. yuck!
It really is shocking to read the comments on the DM article. Most agree with Dawkins.
Heather, I work with seriously mentally ill adults and they have more fun than I do!
I wonder how your clients would feel if someone told them they should be dead.
Hi Phillymiss. I think thats wonderful! I dont know about your state but we are no lpnger allowed to use the label MRDD. We have to say DD which is fine by me. I spoke to one of my patients mother the other day and she was so very kind. I imagine thats the difference between parents who accept a child with DS and the parents who feel they would be better off dead. My 46 year old lady works at a packaging plant. One works at Pizza Hut another works at McDonalds. They just went to a baseball game the other day and my patient drank a beer. Yeah I could just imagine how hurt they would be if they knew how many people in society think they would be better off dead just because they are different.
To clarify…I think its great that you work with the mentally ill. I have in the past myself. And youre so right because so many of them are tossed into the streets to fend for themselves. I suppose the lucky ones are in the nursing home where they can be supervised and medicated. The mentally ill in our society are not treated very well.
Who on earth is this Richard Dawkins and where did he come from? I was mistaking him for the hateful athiest in the wheelchair. Wrong guy.
Oh I was mistaking. him with Stephen Hawking.
Hawking has said that people who fear death are scared of the dark. For an educated man with tons of degrees that is THE dumbest thing I have ever heard! Im not afraid to die and Im not afraid of the dark. I plan to spend eternity in heaven. If you dont believe in God thats fine by me but to mock those who do is totally unacceptable.
Heather as a person with s mental illness myself I become very nervous when I hear remarks like Dawkins, because many psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia have a genetic component. If there was a genetic test for say, schizophrenia, how many parents would abort? No one wants a “crazy” kid. If a gay gene was found, I be there would be many parents who abort.
Regarding Kelly Stack: the Newsweek article says Kelly began her investigation after her unplanned pregnancy, during college, when she was seeking an abortion, and stumbled into a crisis pregnancy center.
–The story also says the same thing happened to her sister, and the crisis pregnancy center helped her sister choose to carry that baby, Kelly’s niece or nephew, to term, rather than abort.
In the MTV video, Kelly discusses her difficulty in visiting her sister and newborn child – Kelly says she opted to stay at a local hotel rather than be around the newborn, since the newborn caused Kelly too much painful memory of her own abortion.
There you have it: Kelly proves that there are emotional repercussions from abortion. She experiences one of the aftermath that is part of the post-abortion syndrome constellation.
She is young, and has listened to the dogma of her Marxist leaders in the women’s movement and college professors. She trusts them as guidance in life more than her own family, and what is as plain as the nose on her face.
You don’t have to take my word for it. Go watch her get interviewed by Dr. Drew, and go read the Newsweek article, and see what she herself says about “feminism” and feeling “empowered.”
TLD, I don’t like to be nit-picky, but her name is actually Katie, not Kelly.
“It was the first time I felt like I had any control over anything, having that abortion”
Maybe Katie grew up in atmospheres where she was allowed to make very few decisions. She chose abortion over life based on her feelings rather than on the reality of her situation. The abortion industry preys on women like Katie and wants us to continue to raise up girls who “feel” like her.
We old folks can do better at telling young people as they grow up that they are perfectly capable of making good, life-affirming decisions and to not blow gaskets when they make mistakes as we all do.
“I become very nervous when I hear remarks like Dawkins”
Me too phillymiss. Very eugenicist of him to decide who should live and who should die. Why should mental attributes be the deciding factor? Maybe it should be based on spiritual capacity… or how about capacity to love? As a general rule, people with Down Syndrome would come out higher on the “capacity to love” list than most intellectuals like Dawkins.
Ive never had control over anything. Does that include removing your clothing and jumping into bed to have sex?
LOL Heather. We don’t know whether a bed was involved or not.
“Really, doc. I don’t know how it happened. I must have slipped and it just fell in. .”
Prax…lol i know:) DocK. Im aware of the abortion contraception breast cancer link. When I was a 20 something year old nurse I remember 2 women telling of their past abortions at work. They were both in their 40s. Both also died in their 40s from breast cancer.
Oops to clarify the women ive spoken of had aborted in their 20s. One admitted to 3. Both contracted breast cancer in their 40s and both lost their battle.
Heaven help the human beings who have the audacity not to be “perfect” — you know, like Richard Dawkins is.
Also…couldn’t care less what his religious beliefs are.
Gee wonder what he would do if he were diagnosed with cancer MS or ALS tomorrow. What if he were paralyzed in a car accident or ( like my 23 year old daughter ) was diagnosed with cancer. Or in my dads case terminal cancer. My hard working wonderful mother now has dementia. Be careful Dawkins. Every dog has its day.