Late-term abortionist claims pro-lifers are flat-earthers
The link between abortion and breast cancer is non-existent. The link between abortion and mental illness is non-existent – it’s all based on junk science.
These are the same people who believe the earth is flat.
~ Late-term abortionist Dr. Susan Robinson, in a Google+ chat following the PBS airing of the controversial documentary After Tiller, as quoted by Life News, September 3
[HT: Kel]
Robinson’s statement makes it impossible to deny the mentally ill part.
“These are the same people who believe the earth is flat.”
This, from the people who believe that a child in her mother’s womb is not human.
WHOA!!! When did that happen? When did we find out the earth is round? NEWS TO ME. I’m flabbergasted.
Oh–and btw, if you’re grieving after your abortion, take heart. You’re not really grieving! That would be “junk science”. So go and be free and happy! Your emotions are fake according to this esteemed “doctor”.
Well, what else do you expect her to say? She has to defend her “profession,” which is indefensible, so what else can she do but denigrate her opponents?
I received a fund raising letter from PBS. I was going to just throw it away, but I am going to send them a letter telling them just how I feel about them.
Hi Sydney M, 10:55am
LOL. How I can empathize! What really bowled me over though was finding out that water is wet. :0
I’ll be sure to take my biology and science lessons from a woman who injects digoxin into the hearts of fully formed, undeniably human babies for $30,000 a pop.
Eratosthenes used trigonometry and a water well to make the first-recorded accurate guess at the round Earth’s circumference 2,200 years ago. Unfortunately back then they had infanticide too. I guess knowledge is power, but power is not always wielded for the good.
I’ll bet that her knowledge of history is as slim as her knowledge of both science and mythology.
She knows how to sell abortions. That is what we are watching her do.
She participated in this movie project because she believed it would puff her up to the public and help her to sell more abortions.
Yes and the next time you are receiving chemo that breast cancer has nothing to do with your breast cancer dx. Must have been your poor diet. Even though I am personally aware of 3 women who are dead from breast cancer ( 2 died in their 40s one in her 50s) all had abortions in their younger yrs.
Oops meant abortion. Odd when I was in my 20s Id worked with 2 women in their 40s ( 2 different incidences ) and both wanted to tell me a secret from their pasts. They had both aborted. One day Sandy was out sick. I never saw her back at work. Shed been diagnosed with breast cancer. Months later she died from it. Same with the other woman although id found out yrs later. With the 50 year old woman her husband told me he and his wife were childless by choice and shed had an abortion at 22. He knew nothing of the link. All I could say was “Im sorry.”
Sorry typo incidents. The world is flat? Well pick my peas tthis is news to me.
My pastor said that breast cancer used to be “an old womans disease.” Yet today we see the baby faced women with end stage. If many knew the truth more minds would probably have changed. Deceased women might still be alive. That guy is a widower and he had to put his wife in a nursing home at the end of her life.
Hi Heather,
I don’t know about that. My great grandmother died of breast cancer in her middle 50’s and her daughter died of it in her late 20’s.
Remember when feminists were angry that they were stereotyped as hairy-legged, man-hating shrews? Well, after all my years of observation, I’d say that is less inaccurate that saying we are flat-earthers.
It’s just another in a long line of dehumanizing tactics in their name-calling arsenal. Like calling us anti’s. Darn right, I’m an auntie who doesn’t want to see my nieces and nephews sucked into a jar!
Hi Mary…let me start by saying Im very sorry for both of your losses. I have read some of your post urging us to use caution and its a great point. I just see what I see and know what Ive read. Not everyone who gets breast cancer has aborted. However the 3 Ive metioned all did so. My daughter has Ovarian cancer and shes never aborted. All of her reproductive organs have been removed. She had childhood leukemia.
9Ek love it!
Likewise Dana Reeves was reported to be a non smoker who died of lung cancer as did one of my patients in a nursing home. Yet my uncle Fred was an over the rd trucker who chain smoked Pal Mals sp? and lived to be 94. He died of natural causes.
Hi heather,
Thank you. These relatives died long before even I was born, and that is one very long time.
Also, I’m so sorry to hear of your daughter. I wish her a full and continuous recovery.
Cancer definitely doesn’t follow anyone’s rules. It was so terrible about Dana Reeves. Her own family was going through so much when she became ill. If any woman ever paid her dues it was her. May she be reunited with Christopher and both be at peace.
Yes Mary as you had pointed out in one of your other posts….you can spend all of your life doing everything “right” like watching your weight exercising not smoking watching caffiene intake eating a healthy diet refrain from drugs and alcohol and still meet an early death. You can also abuse the heck out of your body and live a long life. 80 90 100 or older! Who knows. Life is funny. My grandmother died in 85 and she was well into her mid 80s. I never did see her without a beer or a smoke in her hand. My dad…her son…died in 96 from colon cancer at 66. Dad never smoked and drank in moderation. My grandmother was also a widow for a long time. I was born in 69 and my grandfather was dead before my birth.
That’s ridiculous! Everyone knows the earth is a dodecahedron. :p
If the good doctor believed anything else, or even questioned her beliefs, she wouldn’t be able to go to work every morning. Denial may be her survival strategy. May she move past it, soon.
“Robinson’s statement makes it impossible to deny the mentally ill part.” – that’s funny. You think stating an error twice will make it correct.
“She has to defend her “profession,” – well facts do make a rather good defense.
“so what else can she do but denigrate her opponents?” – they do that themselves with the repeating of false claims which have been fundamentally refuted time after time.
“I’ll bet that her knowledge of history is as slim as her knowledge of both science and mythology.” – I don’t know about her history knowle3dge but she’s right on the science. ‘Knowledge of mythology’, now there’s a bit of an academic oxymoron.
“Denial may be her survival strategy” – she’s not denying anything, she speaks of the facts.
Heather: Likewise Dana Reeves was reported to be a non smoker who died of lung cancer as did one of my patients in a nursing home. Yet my uncle Fred was an over the rd trucker who chain smoked Pal Mals sp? and lived to be 94. He died of natural causes.
Heather, yeah – there are always those individuals who smoke like chimneys and drink like fish and live to be ancient…
And then there are most people, for whom a really big lot of almost anything will have some really bad consequences. I have read that smoking eventually kills about half the people that do it.