Mom jailed for helping daughter with DIY abortion
After hearing the sentence — which by the way I think is a little light — I got curious and looked up the cost of an abortion. According to Planned Parenthood, it costs about $300 to $950 to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester.
Is this mother crazy? When you choose to support your daughter’s choice for a teen abortion, now’s not the time to get cheap — you find the money. Skip on the manicure. Bring your lunch to work. Look into adoption options. See if the clinic has a payment program. But, for goodness sakes, Dr. Moms, quit feeding your kids pills from abroad as a medical fix.
~ Michelle Maffei reacting to the report of single mom, Jennifer Ann Whalen, purchasing abortion pills for a do-it-yourself abortion for her 16-year-old daughter, which eventually landed her in jail, She Knows, September 8
The abortion industry has done very little to educate women about the dangers of do-it-yourself abortions. And they really want a dead girl or two to make into posters for “easy access” to their production facilities.
Pro-lifers need to start speak out about the dangers of these illegal drugs and their pushers. Enough women have died already.
The news article did not say what happened at the end of the story. Did the girl abort? Is the girl okay?
The news story is that Grandma plead guilty to and was lightly punished for abusing her daughter and killing her grandchild with illegal abortion pills.
The newspapers will not report on the conditions of the child and grandchild, because they don’t want to. Their excuse is that the victims are under-age minors and deserving of privacy.
“When you choose to support your daughter’s choice for a teen abortion, now’s not the time to get cheap — you find the money. Skip on the manicure. Bring your lunch to work. Look into adoption options. See if the clinic has a payment program.”
Funny how the second to last sentence concedes that not having an abortion is in fact, an option.
@Del…youre so correct. I remember back in 1988 the abortion girl was Becky S Bell. Prior to Becky it was a naked blood soaked Gerry Twerdy. Their Keep Abortion Legal tactics fall flat. Gerry Twerdy was having an affair with a married man. She became pregnant and her lover attempted a late term abortion on her. They went to a seedy motel where things went terribly wrong and Gerry or Gerri began to hemmorage. This man who loved her so much left her to die alone slumped over with blood soaked towels between her legs. He never even tried to get her help. Then despite her families wishes pro aborts used that pic of her naked behind flapping in the breeze to further their agenda!
The second girl was Becky Bell an Indiana teen who pro aborts exploited for years. If she were alive today Becky n I would be the same age. Becky had a pregnancy scare at the age of 17. She was having sex with her brothers friend so when her cycle was late she figured she was pregnant and wanted an abortion but Indiana had the parental conset law. Anyway as Beckys mom explained one day she saw Becky and Becky said “I started my period today mom.” Becky became ill and her parents took her to the hospital. She grabbed her parents hands at the bedside and said….Mom..Dad…I love you. She died. An autopsy was performed and its posted on line. The coroner ruled the cause of death pneumonia. ( prior to missing her period Bell had been ill with a fever. There was absolutly NO evidence that Bell had had an abortion! The coroner stated in his report Uterus smoothe and glistening!!! Yet pro aborts still continue to exploit her!
Good to hear that at least some pro-choicers are sane enough to recommend adoption over getting Cytotec from Mexico. Unfortunately the National Abortion Federation and Women on Waves aren’t.
“Look into adoption options.”
They probably meant the grandma should look into giving up the teen girl for adoption if she refuses to abort.
After all, your teen is too old to legally kill off — so far.
Heather Gerri Santoro who died in the late term illegal abortion—her surviving daughters are pro-abortion unfortunately. They think if abortion had been legal their mom wouldn’t have died. Tell that to the families of Tanya Reaves and Jennifer Morelli.
And legal or not legal Gerri’s little unborn son never had a chance. So sad. So evil.
Ik they are syd. Gotta play the blame game. Perhaps Geri should have thought twice before having an affair while married to someone else. Also if this man respeccted her and loved her enough to have intercourse unprotected with her then why did he run to save his owwn arse when she lay dying. No doubt in severe pain. But people just HAVE to have sex!!! He didnt care a bit about her. She also could have gotten a divorce from her abusive husband and married Dixon. This should really be a lesson about cheating on your spouse.
Sorry to say but Becky Bells parents turned PC fighting to strike down the parental consent law.
Also Syd Ive read that Ms Rag magazine just HAD to publish that pic of Geri and her daughters never gave permission. If it were. my mother I could never let anyone post that. Its just awful and it doesnt make me want to make abortion illegal.
In fact Dr Bernard Nathanson reviewed Bells autopsy and concluded ” There was NO abortion.” He went onto explain what a post abortive uterus legal or illegal would look like. There was no stretching of the cervix and a post abortive uterus wouldnt be smooth and glistening. Nope B. Bell died from sepsis brought on by pneumonia. The same rapid pneumonia that killed Jim Henson from the Muppetts. But since when have PCers cared about facts? I believe Beckys parents finally told pro choicers to leave them alone. They want to mourn in peace.
Also if you read the autopsy report on Tanya Reaves ( whose uterus was removed in a last ditch effort to save her life) it came in a bag with her body….it was chopped up with lacerations and the lining was shaggy from hemmoraging. Good old PP saving womens lives as they let poor Tanya bleed to death. Poor girl. I cant imagine her sufferinng.
Because it’s oh so much safer when the PPA “doctor” provides the same cheap off-label drug to your daughter and still doesn’t have admitting privileges to any hospital in the area?
Or maybe no hospital in the area….30-40 miles away…
As far as this mother goes….im all for her going to the slammer.
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