by Kelli

jessa-duggarCosmo went into full anti-woman mode. [Writer Jill] Filipovic attacked Jessa Duggar for daring to put history into perspective….

Jessa’s remarks on Instagram conveyed a profound understanding of the past and applied it to the present. Over 56 million human lives have been butchered by an abortion industry birthed in the same racist and elitist pseudoscience of eugenics that created the racial hygiene theory that led to the slaughter of millions in the Holocaust….

Abortion and the Holocaust are so inextricably tied together, no amount of airbrushing could paint a different picture. The American Eugenics movement was the single-most potent influencer of Hitler’s ethnic and racial cleansing “solutions”. Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was a member of the American Eugenics Society (AES). Guttmacher Institute’s founder, Alan F. Guttmacher (also President of Planned Parenthood) was the Vice President of AES. Most leadership involved in Planned Parenthood throughout the early to late 20th century, were involved in the American Eugenics Movement.

Prior to the holocaust, Sanger, like her fellow eugenicists, was a staunch proponent of forced sterilizations (only changing her tune to “voluntary” sterilization after the Holocaust revealed what happens when her rhetoric becomes reality)….

This led to our country’s forcible sterilization of over 60,000 people. Nazi Germany modeled its actions after what was already happening here in the United States.

Sanger helped to create the World Population Conferences, a global gathering of leading eugenicists, to promote birth control and other forms of population control. One… was Eugen Fischer…. Sanger included [him] as a contributing leader in her World Population Conference as evidenced here in the program for the event…. It was Fischer’s “racial hygiene theory” that Hitler adopted leading to the mass extermination of over 11 million precious lives.

Frederick Osborn (1889-1981), President of The American Eugenics Society, infamously declared in response to Roe v. Wade: “Birth Control and abortion are turning out to be the great eugenic advances of our time.”…

Jessa Duggar isn’t blinded to history by the broken lens of liberal feminism. The only thing deranged about tying abortion to the holocaust is deniers like Cosmo and its writers who think abortion is simply a fashionable choice.

~ Ryan Bomberger,, October 1

holocaustJessa’s full remarks via Instagram:

I walked through the Holocaust Museum again today… very sobering. Millions of innocents denied the most basic and fundamental of all rights–their right to life. One human destroying the life of another deemed “less than human.” Racism, stemming from the evolutionary idea that man came from something less than human; that some people groups are “more evolved” and others “less evolved.” A denying that our Creator–GOD–made us human from the beginning, all of ONE BLOOD and ONE RACE, descendants of Adam. The belief that some human beings are “not fit to live.” So they’re murdered. Slaughtered. Kids with Down syndrome or other disabilities. The sickly. The elderly. The sanctity of human life varies not in sickness or health, poverty or wealth, elderly or pre-born, little or lots of melanin [making you darker or lighter skinned], or any other factor. “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it? and He that keepeth thy soul, doth not He know it? and shall not He render to every man according to his works?” (Proverbs 24:10-12) May we never sit idly by and allow such an atrocity to happen again. Not this generation. We must be a voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Because EVERY LIFE IS PRECIOUS. #ProLife

[Images via and Instagram]

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