Pro-life blog buzz 10-14-14
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
- American Life League’s Judie Brown contrasts the indifference toward the slaughter of 3,000 humans daily by abortion in America to the outcry over the euthanasia of an Ebola patient’s dog in Spain. Brown is a dog lover, but even she was shocked at the huge response to save the life of one animal:
Here is the first sentence of a news report that came to my attention recently: “With more than 3,400 people dead in west Africa and 7,500 infected in the latest Ebola outbreak, 300,000 people sign a petition demanding action… to save an infected dog.” This was twice as many people as those who signed a petition demanding a cure be found for the deadly virus….As it turns out, the dog was “put down” Wednesday by Madrid’s regional government. But the fact of the matter is that the plight of this one pet generated more interest and involvement than a single preborn child threatened and then killed by the act of abortion.
There is something dramatically wrong with this picture.
- Big Blue Wave shares another example of valuing animals more than humans: New Zealand’s former Green MP Sue Kedgley has declared dairy cow abortion “inhumane and cruel” while she and the NZ Green Party support the abortion of humans. What makes killing preborn cows “inhumane and cruel” while killing preborn humans is seen as a sacred right?
- Down on the Pharm posts another story to be filed under, “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” – Jonathan Dach, one of the White House volunteers who assisted with President Obama’s trip to Cartagena, Colombia, and a son of a big Obama donor, kept a prostitute in his hotel room there. While Dach used to work with Michelle Obama on her “Let’s Move” campaign, he now has been assigned a new job at the State Department’s Office on Global Women’s Issues, “which focuses on such things as prostitution and human trafficking….
The fox guarding the hens.”
- At Life Training Institute, Clinton Wilcox responds to “the irrationality of the pro-choice mindset” in a woman’s open letter to the child she plans to abort:
Abortion is often touted as a “religious issue,” but the religious underpinnings of the pro-choice mindset are often ignored. In this letter, she acknowledges that this is a child, yet she seems to believe in a form of reincarnation, that the child she kills now will come around again when she’s ready to be a mother, and this time she’ll keep the child….If this letter had been written by a parent wanting to kill her toddler, this would not be seen as “heartbreaking.” This would be seen as appalling, and rightly so. Yet because this is an unborn child, and pro-choice people tend to have a subtle reincarnation mindset, it’s not seen as appalling because she can just try again when she’s ready and this same child will come around again. This does not correspond to reality, but I can see how it would help some people sleep better at night.
She also claims that she wants her child to be happy. I hear this a lot from pro-choice advocates, and it seems a good way to justify this act of abortion. But this claim seems a little hollow when you understand that the choice is between giving your child life, or killing your child in abortion. How does your fear that you won’t be able to give your child a good life justify killing the child through a gruesome procedure like abortion (or at all)? You can’t claim you love your child and subsequently claim that killing her is the best thing for her.
- Clinic Quotes shares a statement from Norma McCorvey (“Roe” of Roe vs. Wade; pictured right), once an abortion clinic worker but now a pro-life convert, who says the only way she and her fellow clinic workers coped with their jobs was to use drugs:
A-Z… [the abortion clinic that Norma McCorvey worked at first, eventually shut down] drugs became a major tool to keep the peace. Drugs got us through the day, and when memories kept us awake, drugs helped us get to sleep. When we couldn’t bear the thought of going back for another day’s worth of work, drugs got us out of bed. We even used drugs with patients. Many times a young woman might say, “I’m not so sure I want to do this.”
If the patient was holding things up, we knew just what to do. “Here, honey,” we’d say, offering some cocaine. “Have a little hit of this. You’ll be fine.”
Our offer was not always accepted, but when it was, it worked wonders.”
- Created Equal is accepting applications for the next Justice Ride to Florida from March 7-15. Click here to download an application or email Completed applications are due Friday, December 12, 2014. Watch this video to get an idea of what a difference you can make:
[McCorvey photo via The Blaze]
Norma McCorvey’s stories always give me chills.
Her truths are as raw as photos of dismembered children.
I have often heard women say they wouldn’t place their babies for adoption because they “couldn’t bear” the thought of their child being “out there somewhere” — you know, maybe enjoying a happy, productive life with a parent or parents who love and cherish him. Instead they feel better knowing that the baby was sliced, diced, sucked out of the uterus, and thrown out with that day’s medical waste. Yes, I know not all adoptions turn out well, but at least with the latter option the child has a CHANCE.
Go read the front page of the website of the group trying to stop cow abortions in New Zealand:
Replace “cow” with “baby,” and it reads practically like a website about abortion in China, or the section about not trusting vets to live up the rules, just like abortionists. Sometimes the amount of evil in this world disgusts me. Why do people commit such premeditated violence against others? I know the answer, but still…
“What makes killing preborn cows “inhumane and cruel” while killing preborn humans is seen as a sacred right?” – because the cow carrying the fetus isn’t the one making the choice. Just like when people try to force women to either abort or continue to carry.
Life does not come with any guarantees but it sure beats death. Per your reference that sometimes adoption does not work out.
Hey mods its been several days n no confirmation of donation. This time I sent it to the po box on Jills ty letter po box mokena IL. it never came back so im hoping ive sent it to the correct place.
Also i may have to send more $ and put a tracking order on my $$ order i sent it to jill this time. Her po box i guess. Would you mind putting up the other address again ive sent it to the wrong one. Ivwas planning to donate every Friday.
It looks like on FB jill is in DC. Im hoping thats the case.
I hear it all the time phillymiss “There is no way I could carry for 9 months and bond with that baby just to give it up for adoption.” Nah Id rather rip it to shreds and toss it in a furnace landfill…whatever. I kinda get the mindset of them worrying about bonding with the baby and maybe feeling that letting go wasnt her answer. BUT although it would be hard I really respect women who are strong enough to do it. I would sleep better at night knowing my baby was with loving parents. Like the girl on 16 and pregnant…she was a trooper and she womaned up and did it!
Per your reference that sometimes adoption does not work out.
Susie, I am 100 percent pro-adoption, I have an adopted son.
I get soooo tired of prolifers judging other prolifers because they don’t follow the party line 100 percent. For example, I do believe that the earth has finite resources and we should be good stewards of it and limit our carbon footprint as much as possible. This doesn’t mean I am a eugenicist or ZPG type or want to force women to use contraceptives or be sterilized. Also, I keep on hearing that most women are “coerced” into abortion. Some are, but when I ask for reliable statistics on how many women feel they were actually pressured into getting abortions, all I hear is . . . crickets.
Heather and I often get it for saying that many women are fine or even happy about their abortions. That doesn’t mean that many women don’t regret their abortions, but there are many others that don’t, I’ve met them. People today are cold-blooded.
Adopted kids DO tend to have more social and emotional problems than biological children. Not all have problems, of course, and it doesn’t mean that they “should have” been aborted. I just think that potential adoptive parents should be aware of this when they adopt. That doesn’t mean I’m a raging pro-abort, either.
Heather – all information related to donations is here, including the PO box:
If you could, please contact Jill directly ( if you have questions about donations. The moderators strictly deal with moderating comments and nothing else.
Heather, hi! First, thank you for your generous donation! It is greatly appreciated! Second, I mailed you a thank you note a week or two ago. Did you not receive it? As for your plans to make other donations, please contact me at, as Kelli indicated. I’d be happy to speak with you on that topic! :)