pro-lifeby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

  • At Stand True, Bryan Kemper gives an update about TLC’s censorship of the Duggar family’s pro-life t-shirts, which were created by Stand True:

    Our Stand True missionaries have been working hard all week getting ready for the Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity and answering questions and comments coming in from all over the world about TLC censoring the t-shirt. In all reality what TLC did was help to make sure the pro-life message was heard far and wide.

    We asked all of you — the Stand True family — to help us send a message to TLC and you overwhelmed us with your response. We saw thousands of tweets and e-mails going out to TLC along with tens of thousands of signatures on petitions. We know that TLC heard our message loud and clear but we need to keep the pressure on as Josh asked us to do.


  • Ethika Politika discusses the anniversary of the Pill, which was touted to be a breakthrough for women’s rights but has had some unintended consequences:

    Unfortunately for the more than 10 million American women who take oral contraceptives, hardly anyone reported that the World Health Organization also classified the combination Pill as a carcinogen. In fact, the Pill continues to be the most popular method of contraception in this country, particularly for women under the age of 30. A little over a year after the World Health Organization announced its findings, the prestigious medical journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings published an article called “Oral Contraceptive Use as a Risk Factor for Premenopausal Breast Cancer.”

  • At Secular Pro-Life, guest blogger Rebecca Stapleford, a “proud physically disabled and autistic woman” says the entire pro-choice mindset is based on ableism and “ableist assumptions about a disabled person’s quality of life… in order to promote late-term abortion”:

    The pro-choice movement insists that the unborn are not persons, for a myriad of reasons. However, all of these reasons are based on functionalism, which is the belief that what you are currently able to do is what makes you a person, not who you are….Often, the ableist reasons given for denying personhood to fetuses and embryos would also deny personhood to disabled or temporarily impaired human beings that are already born, if abortion supporters were logically consistent.


  • Wesley J. Smith is astonished that the ever morally-challenged, pro-abortion Dr. Peter Singer wants chimps to be declared persons so they are no longer used for testing. He prefers that humans in persistent vegetative states be used instead:

    Singer simply asserts that chimps are persons because of their intelligence and supposed rudimentary moral sense. (No way are chimps moral agents. Only we are.)…

But as I said, even that, isn’t what the case is really all about. It’s just the pretext. For if some animals can be elevated to personhood, it also means some people will be demoted to non-personhood–essentially dehumanization, for which Singer has advocated for decades. As I wrote some time ago in the Weekly Standard:

These and other concerted efforts to knock ourselves off the pedestal of exceptionalism are terribly misguided. The way we act is based substantially on what kind of being we perceive ourselves to be. Thus, if we truly want to make this a better and more humane world, the answer is not to think of ourselves as inhabiting the same moral plane as animals – none of which can even begin to comprehend rights. Rather, it is to embrace the unique importance of being human.

[Images via and]

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