Pro-life blog buzz 10-31-14
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
- Down on the Pharm nominates NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado for the most ridiculous campaign ad this year (although it’s one of the dumbest I’ve ever heard). In their ad, they claim that if Republican Cory Gardner is elected, there will be a condom shortage. You have to hear it to believe it.
- At Priests for Life, Fr. Frank Pavone reflects on voting as a moral obligation, stating that “the obligation to advance the culture of life by one’s vote springs from one’s obligation to the good of the nation, and to the well-being of all the other citizens who live in it.”
- Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life points out how pro-abortion the Dayton-Smith gubernatorial ticket really is (graphic shown left; click to enlarge). One is completely against pregnancy resource centers and the other was the VP of the state’s largest abortion center. Elections matter.
- Big Blue Wave notes that a bill attempting to ban sex-selective abortion will be introduced in the UK Parliament on November 4. This comes on the heels of a study which shows that the law against sex-selective abortion in India has indeed improved female-to-male sex ratios.
- Bound4Life shares an interview with Dr. Brent Boles, an OB-GYN and spokesman for Yes on 1 in Tennessee. Some comments from Dr. Boles:
Even nail salons have to be inspected to meet health standards. A woman who goes and gets a manicure in Tennessee is going to a facility that does more to answer to the state Department of Health than abortion clinics do….The science on this issue is crystal clear. From the moment of conception, that pre-born person is a unique individual with unique DNA, that never existed before and will never exist again. Barring accidents of nature or illness or the intervention of man, a baby will be born.
Humanity is there from the beginning. A person’s size, level of development or abilities are not what gives them worth. It’s not like you’re another species until the moment you’re born, take your first breath and cry for the first time. You are human from the moment of conception.
- Abstinence Clearinghouse praises Duck Dynasty’s Sadie Robertson for her consistent decision to remain modest while performing on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars.
- Expose Abortion gives insight into the mentality of those who work in the abortion industry. Quotes former abortion provider Kathy Sparks:
There are two sets of people in these abortion clinics, the ones who have been there for a long time — they’ve just become hardened — and the other set who… stay for three or four months, and they can’t take it anymore and they have to get away.
- The interns at the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (pictured right) share about some of the comments and insults they receive during their pro-life activism. One of the comments that concerned them the most was when even well-meaning people suggested they were too young to be speaking about abortion:
As the middle-aged people come up to me and inform me that I am far too young to be trying to influence society, I can’t help but think of them as young people. Young people who rose up and said that they wanted sex without consequence. They wanted drugs, they loved rock and roll. I can’t help but think of the young people who set out to change the world, and did just that. And now it’s our turn. As the lot often falls on future generations, our generation has been called upon to rise up, to fight, and to correct the mistakes of the last one.After all, what is more natural than young people talking to other young people about the killing of the youngest people?
I find it interesting how this age group is deemed to young to speak against abortion, but is apparently not too young to have abortions (and without parental consent, of course).
[Photos via Pro-Life MN and CCBR]

No condoms? Hm-m-m … With 110 MILLION prevalent STD/STIs anyway and now ebola being found in a guy’s semen for up to 82 days after being cured (no mention if it is in the women’s body fluids) how is one to dispose of the condom even if one had one? Bear in mind that the two nurses that took care of Duncan, the Dallas ebola patient, “when the disease had taken over his body — and without the full personal protective gear that we know now they should have had access to. …
To be clear, “direct contact” means these fluids need to get into your broken skin (such as a wound) or on to your mucous membranes (mouth, nose, eyes, vagina).
Ebola can also live on surfaces for a few hours, and in blood outside of the body, for up to a few days. So there is a risk of getting Ebola by touching a contaminated surface. But you’d then need to put your hands in your mouth or eyes. …”
Do not think those nurses had sex with Duncan so what happened? Can we apply lessons learned to the 110 million other STD/STIs and at the same time slow down the end rate of abortion? Maybe even stop abortion. Sounds like no unwanted STD/STIs would mean no unwanted sex that would lead to a baby that might be aborted.
[…] own Susie Allen, who authors Pro-Life Blog Buzz here twice a week, is one of SR’s editors, along with Jivin’ Jehoshaphat, who writes […]