Pro-life Republicans should “go on offense” on abortion
… [E]very time an anti-abortion candidate opens her mouth on abortion, she can expect her words will be twisted and spun in the worst possible way. This creates an understandable reluctance on the part of many conservative candidates to talk about abortion….
So, what should high-profile, anti-abortion candidates do?
Well, first, it is absolutely inexcusable for any anti-abortion candidate to not have a well-rehearsed and thoughtful answer to the “hard questions” that they should have to face, such as how to deal with abortion in the case of rape. Candidates should be coached, and coached again, on speaking well on sensitive issues. This should go without saying, but, apparently, it cannot.
But, most importantly, anti-abortion candidates should realize — understand down to their bones — that the best defense is a good offense, and that, deep down, more Americans are on their side than not, if a good case is made. Any answer to a question on abortion should end with something like: “I think all Americans understand that there are very hard questions involved in this issue — for both sides. So I guess I want to know why journalists always ask me the hard questions on this issue, but never ask my opponent the hard questions on her side of the issue. Why does she take money from the multibillion-dollar abortion business Planned Parenthood, which supports third-trimester abortions, which we’re the only country to have with China and North Korea, abortions of viable babies, infanticide, and has a record of covering up sexual abuse and the rape of minors? I’m willing to answer the hard questions, but I want my opponent to answer those questions as well.”
If a candidate has supported late-term abortion and other extreme liberal abortion positions, the opponent should not be shy about running ads highlighting that fact. Candidates who take money from abortion-rights lobbies should be tied to those groups’ most extreme positions and to exemplars of the reality of abortion such as Kermit Gosnell.
The Democratic Party platform, and the platform of the abortion lobbies within the Democratic coalition, are extreme on abortion. The Democratic Party position is government-funded abortion as a constitutional right at any point in the pregnancy (including perhaps infanticide) for whatever reason. However muddled Americans are on the issue of abortion, they definitely view that as extreme, and this is an opportunity for the Republican Party.
Abortion can be a winning issue for the GOP. All they have to do is be smart about it — and go on the offense.
~ Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, The Week, November 5
[Photo via]
Has no one compared the tearing apart of the baby in the womb with ‘brain death organ donors’? There are cases of people ‘waking up’. Now findings of brain interactivity in people who have been diagnosed with persistent vegetative state have been done. Would seem that if one is ‘dead’ no anesthesia is given much like what happens with the soon to be aborted babies. God have mercy on us all!
See: Maryland Bill Allows Organ Harvesting from Persons in Persistent Vegetative State –
Bioethics Push Poll to Allow Killing for Organs – http://
Wake up people! If it is all about money, I have read that if everything that can be harvested is used, BIG BUCKS can be made. Heart-Lung transplant alone could reach $1,148,400. As one thing leads to another, what a burden is put on the pregnant raped female. 55+ million abortions and this too because ‘it will make things better’.
“which we’re the only country to have with China and North Korea, abortions of viable babies,”
Plus Canada, never forget Canada is on that list as well.
How about having someone talk about it who has *been* there, instead of just a bunch of abstract ponderers? Why not get people in the political field who have had their hands dirty in poverty and crisis pregnancy? If you have someone who can stand up and say, “Yeah, being pregnant while poor and in dire straights for many reasons is terrible, but killing shouldn’t be viewed as a rational, reasonable solution!”, you’re going to eliminate 90% of the b.s. directed at vocal pro-life politicians, like, “YOU JUST HATE WIMMIN!!!!”
…but that would require someone to aspire to office who isn’t rich by default. WHUPS! Silly me, off in fantasy land again.
P.S. I noticed this article pining away for pro-life politicians to go on the offensive. I happen to *be* offensive! Vote for me.
“I happen to *be* offensive!”
“Vote for me.”
I’ll vote for you. What do you plan to run for?
Abortion can be a winning issue for the GOP. All they have to do is be smart about it – oh well, I guess it was a nice idea.
and go on the offense. – now that’s more their area of expertise.
Why not get people in the political field who have had their hands dirty in poverty and crisis pregnancy? – well that’s hardly likely to be a republican politician now is it.
I don’t find you offensive xalisae, a little bit cranky sometimes maybe ;-)
YES!!! THIS!!! This is the perfect answer.
If that Republican politician were me, Reality, it would be a certainty.
I wouldn’t think you’d stoop that low xalisae ;-)
There’s a *reason* I’m not being handed an attempted bribe in some shady back room in Washington right now, Reality.
Ah, confirming that you’re no republican xalisae, good stuff :-)
Why change? The Republicans do enough to get the pro-life vote, but not enough to really awaken the masses against them. If babies donated money, I could see politicians being a bigger advocate for them.
I mean, if Planned Parenthood didn’t give so much money to Democratic candidates, do we think most politicians would do anything? Serious questions.
Cynical about politicians doing anything without their funding in mind…