Jon Stewart’s Daily Show mocks preborn children
In an interview with one of these lawyers, Jessica Williams asked such snarky questions like “how do you maintain confidentiality with your client” and “how do you know if a fetus is innocent?” The lawyer wasn’t amused, calling out Williams for asking nonsensical questions and even accused her of playing “theater of the absurd.”
The segment hit its lowest point when Williams mimicked vomiting and asked “what is that?” as the lawyer showed her figurines of unborn babies during various stages of pregnancy.
“This is a human life,” the lawyer said.
“Oh, thank God, I thought you were trying to get me to buy chocolate to support your basketball team,” she replied.
~ Paul Bois describing a video segment on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show in which a feminist “investigates” Alabama’s newest pro-life law, Truth Revolt, January 16
Video at link.

This is good news.
A lot of people saw the truth about life and justice and children…. and even if they laugh now at the mockery and ridicule, they cannot unsee the truth.
And some day, when it matters, some may realize that the abortion activists have nothing but mockery and snark with which to counter the truth.
Well, it is the Daily Show: snarky and mimicked vomiting is what they do. The segment likely put the topic on the table for a lot of people who were managing to avoid it.
seriously should we even be surprised??? This guy isn’t even funny and I’m sooooo sick of him Maher and Colbert..a bunch of no talents! just change the channel.
I just can’t help but wonder who finds this guy funny? I mean it’s not even about his liberalism… I will admit I have found some liberal comedians hilarious! But I’ve watched this guy a few times to try to find the humor and I didn’t laugh one time. He’s just not funny.When I hear the audience laughing hysterically I have to wonder if this is taped laughter…is the audience that dumbed down? I just don’t get his appeal. Just like I’ve watched Real Time maybe 4 times and the guy comes off as just really pi##ed off at God children Sarah Palin or whomever. It’s not even humor. Pray for them. I’d say they sound like a bunch of juveniles being silly but I don’t want to insult juveniles! I’ve seriously met 10 year olds with their heads on straighter!
We are just seeing that the Bible is true. These worldly people are compelled to “utter” evil against us when we express truthful things. It cannot be helped. These people cannot be “tolerant” of Christianity. I know because I used to be one of them.
“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.”
Shocking that readers of this blog don’t find Stewart funny. It’s kinda like how it’s funny you don’t see the humor in abortion.
jimmy ashby,
I hear you. You can find the humor in everything. After abortion, is there a bigger knee slapper than rape and spousal abuse?