Stanek weekend Q: Thoughts on pregnancy tests in bars?
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Pro-abortion writer Robin Marty thinks there must be a “better way” to remind sexually active imbibing women of a sobering fact:
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Pro-abortion writer Robin Marty thinks there must be a “better way” to remind sexually active imbibing women of a sobering fact:
by Kelli
The failure of this very modest amendment says a lot about the state of abortion politics in Britain.
The Left-wing establishment could not let it pass because it cannot tolerate the concept of any limit on access to abortion whatsoever. It proclaims that it wants abortion to be safe, legal and rare. But it regards abortion as a fundamental human right if not a positive assertion of a woman’s freedom to control her own destiny – and any attempt to constrict a human freedom is, obviously, a betrayal of that freedom in principle.
In trumpeting the right of abortion over any wider concerns about, say, its effects upon society, gender relations or (Heaven forbid) the welfare of the unborn child itself, the establishment Left has made its position as plain and bold as possible.
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
by Kelli It’s time to take a look at what our pro-life brothers and sisters were up to across the pond last summer. About this video, SPUC Scotland states: Project Truth aims to bring the pro-life message to the public, to show the dignity of the unborn child, by looking at the simple facts of […]
by Carder Women’s stories about abortion are slowly, thoughtfully, and carefully coming into the mainstream. And as they do, the word itself – abortion – becomes less stigmatized, more human. This week’s “Girls” was an abrupt and necessary reminder that there is not just one type of abortion experience. Whether it was too abrupt, casual, […]
by Hans Johnson People have known for millennia about that time when a baby reaches the stage of “quickening”. Eventually he makes his presence known, with moverments ranging from fluttering to swift kicks! But only with the advent of sonograms in recent decades have we had such a window on this “world within a world” […]
Leaders in post-abortion recovery ministry say the church remains reluctant to fully face the impact of abortion within their own congregations.
[Post-abortion counselor Kathy] Rutledge said she once gave her testimony to a group of women at a megachurch in the South and by the end, several women were “practically bawling.” Yet, when Rutledge asked about doing a follow-up, the group’s leader said, “None of my women have had an abortion… and even if they did, they don’t need to be speaking about it.”
by Hans Johnson Seeing your child’s heartbeat on an ultrasound image is enough to make anyone burst into song. That was right up the alley of singer/songwriter Sam Martin. [youtube][/youtube] According to, Martin “kept the song secret from his wife, Joy, because he wanted to complete it first; however, one day she walked in […]