California goes after pregnancy resource centers
I find it extremely difficult to understand how people who claim to care about women find it so threatening to inform them about accessing affordable health care….
We can all agree that women deserve to have all the information in front of them when they make some of the most important decisions they will ever face.
~ Amy Everitt, the state director of NARAL Pro-Choice California, discussing California’s Reproductive FACT Act, which “would specifically crack down on unlicensed ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ (CPCs) that present misleading health information designed to dissuade women from choosing abortion,” as quoted by Think Progress, May 22
[Photo via]
We can all agree that women deserve to have all the information in front of them when they make some of the most important decisions they will ever face.
We can?? Fantastic!! I never knew that NARAL planned to stop fighting informed consent laws across the country. I’m so glad they plan to give women information on fetal development instead of telling women their children are mere clumps of undistinguishable cells in order to sway them to abort. I’m so glad they’ll be offering to show women the ultrasounds of their babies before they make their decision.
Right, NARAL? You’re going to make sure of that, right? Because that would include all the information women would need to really make fully informed decisions about what the abortion is about to do.
As much as NARAL would like to treat it as such, abortion isn’t just like an appendectomy. And until they get honest about that and start telling the truth about the other human life involved in an abortion, quotes like this one are complete propaganda.
And Amy Everitt knows it.
And while you’re at it Amy, make sure your org. informs women about the dangers the mother faces when they go in for an abortion…i.e. punctured uterus, cervical incompetency, quack doctors your org. gets to do the work, lack of hospital privileges for these quacks in case there’s a “problem”, just to name a few…
Yes, Amy…you’re ALL ABOUT telling women everything they need to know.
I thought abortion was supposed to be no more significant than going to the dentist. All of a sudden it’s among “…the most important decisions they will ever face.”?
From the Think Progress article, “These centers typically offer free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, their staff members often wear white coats, and their waiting rooms tend to look like any other doctor’s office.”
These so-called “Crisis pregnancy centers ” are a total fraud and do absolutely NOTHING to help poor pregnant women . In fact, all they do is provide them with all sorts of misinformation , such as the canard about abortions causing breast cancer, which no reputable scientist or physician accepts any more .
The phonies who run them dress up in medical outfits even though they are not trained medical personnel and mislead women into thinking they know what they’re talking about and will help them .
These centers SHOULD be illegal . They don’t arrange to get poor pregnant women the financial help they need to provide for children until they grow up .
Pregnancy resource centers do more to help poor pregnant women AND their children than any abortion clinic ever will.
Unless you count killing them as “help.”
Go back to your uninformed hole, Robert.
Car seats, layettes, baby furniture, clothes, diapers, formula (when we have it), maternity clothes, rides to Dr. appointments and job interviews..all FREE OF CHARGE.
But, naaa…WE do “nothing” to help poor women…
What, exactly are YOU doing to help them, Robert ?
There are REGISTERED NURSES and a TRAINED ultrasound technichian at every CPC that I’M aware of…
but then, I’ve actually volunteered at one…I don’t just spout (uninformed) Pro-abort PROPAGANDA .
Robert Berger,
You are totally right! Hey, remember that time when NARAL was all set to start a low income housing project, and when a CPC got wind of the plans, they put a stop to it?
Silly me, I got that backwards didn’t I? Sorry, it was the CPC (who cares nothing for poor women) that was to build the low income housing, and it was NARAL (who cares oh so much) that stopped it. Because clearly, it’s better for the poor to go homeless than to be helped by a pro-life group.
I have to say, it’s awfully hard for CPC’s to help women when groups like NARAL try their hardest to prevent them from helping the very people they claim CPCs AREN’T helping! Wouldn’t want to lose one of your favorite talking points would you?
“such as the canard about abortions causing breast cancer, which no reputable scientist or physician accepts any more .”
Robert, what about the cancer causing abortaficients the pro-choice crowd pushes on women on a daily basis?
In case you don’ know the ‘jargon’ the most common contraceptives used today are the ‘combined’ (tri-phasic) contraceptives which combine multiple hormones. The study found on an average a 24% increased risk of breast cancer among current users. It had to pain the NCBI so to provide this information. And it pains the typical doctor even more cause they sure aren’t informing the kids they take these high doses of hormones regularly. Among the younger group studied (those whose started taking under twenty years of age the incidence of breast cancer was as much as 50% higher).
There is no such thing as an “abortificatient “. An abortion is the surgical removal of a partly formed and VISIBLE fetus . No pill can do this . You cannot “abort” or “murder” something which can only be seen with a microscope . Contraceptives PREVENT abortions . This is why to be opposed to both abortion and contraceptives is unbelievably stupid and foolish .
Your statistics are nothing but anti-choice fear mongerng . This is also why “personhood” laws are so foolish and dangerous .
[You make my moderating trigger-finger itch.
But we shall leave your post up, so people can see how uneducated the pro-bort arguments remain. Our work is to educate against this stubborn ignorance. – Mod]
It is well worth clicking through to read the full article. It struck me as funny in a black humor sort of way
The hand wringing about the 167 CPC’s in California! All the CPC’s I know of are funded by donation rather than the millions given to PP by the government. And the absolute assurance that low income women are incapable of telling the difference between a CPC and Planned Parenthood.
Obviously the author thinks that poor women are somehow unable to politely decline services and leave. Offensive really.
But what I really got out of the article, is that they are so very afraid. CPC’s scare them.
Read the article and see if you agree. Then let’s double our charitable giving to CPC’S especially if you live in California.
The time may come soon, when it will be illegal for us to do charity or help women — for free.
We will have to sneak around in unmarked trucks, offering free ultrasounds in secret locations.
Like the Underground Railroad, we will have stashes of diapers and baby clothes, as women in need pass information in whispers about where they might find help. Always in fear that their bro-choice boyfriends might report them to NARAL’s jackboots (the best politicians that money can buy).
Persons charged with “illegal and unauthorized propaganda” will fill our jails, like a Chinese prison. At the very least, those suspected of donating to the charity will face unnecessary traffic stops, IRS audits, INS surprise inspections, and other harassment by law enforcement.
“There is no such thing as an “abortificatient “. An abortion is the surgical removal of a partly formed and VISIBLE fetus . No pill can do this . You cannot “abort” or “murder” something which can only be seen with a microscope . Contraceptives PREVENT abortions . This is why to be opposed to both abortion and contraceptives is unbelievably stupid and foolish”
What in the world are you talking about? I agree with you that oral contraceptives and stuff like Plan B have little to no mechanism to interrupt an established pregnancy or implantation according to the available studies as of now. But you can certainly abort chemically, RU-486 is deliberately designed to chemically abort a baby. There are also multiple herbs/plants/etc that can contribute to a miscarriage (even spontaneous miscarriages are termed abortions medically, though few people use it in common jargon). I mean, come on. You’re just making yourself look uneducated here.
And it doesn’t really matter how developed the embryo or fetus is, it’s still killing a new life when you abort.
“These so-called “Crisis pregnancy centers ” are a total fraud and do absolutely NOTHING to help poor pregnant women.
In fact, all they do is provide them with all sorts of misinformation, such as the canard about abortions causing breast cancer, which no reputable scientist or physician accepts any more .
The phonies who run them dress up in medical outfits even though they are not trained medical personnel and mislead women into thinking they know what they’re talking about and will help them .
These centers SHOULD be illegal. They don’t arrange to get poor pregnant women the financial help they need to provide for children until they grow up.”
They are not all that bad. Some of them are, and lord knows there is some really lunatic stuff that some of them tell women, but then some aren’t so bad.
“lord knows there is some really lunatic stuff that some of them tell women”
Starkhan Troll 7, I am not sure who this lord is that you claim knows the lunatic stuff they tell women but I don’t know so how about you share some specifics with me?
Starkhan 7 says:
In fact, all they do is provide them with all sorts of misinformation, such as the canard about abortions causing breast cancer, which no reputable scientist or physician accepts any more .
Against my better judgment, I am going to take your comment seriously.
In general, it it dangerous to trust any “scientific” results that are politically charged… one way or the other. For example, one cannot find reliable climate-change data…. The big grants come from government officials who will benefit from alarmism. Other grants come from climate-change deniers. Either way, they get the result that they paid for.
Same problem with the abortion-breast cancer link. Too much politics is influencing the result. For anyone who is genuinely interested in the truth, there are no American studies that are not tainted.
There is a study from China, looking at the results of human women who are experiencing breast cancers at a young age (pre-menopausal). This study is note-worthy because it is entirely free of American abortion politics.
This study finds a 3x increase in cancer risk after induced abortion.
It took me a couple of minutes to find that on the web — amidst all of the pro-life assertions of risk and all the pro-bort assertions of safety. You can do your own research. Credible research is out there, but you’ll have to use your own discernment.
That study is a statistical analysis. It indicates a correlation, not a cause. It does not address any other correlative parameters or possible causes.
No independent study looking at the actual medical/biological science has been able to establish any link whatsoever.
The only ‘politically charged’ studies are the ones served up by anti-choice researchers.
Please, Mods, don’t censor or ban “Robert Berger!”
He is a Godsend to the pro-life cause!
Well, I guess within reason – censor the specific inflammatory names he or she is eventually about to fling, censor any specific threats once captured and reported to FBI, but allow the vitriol and brainwashing-produced nonsense to remain.
“No independent study looking at the actual medical/biological science has been able to establish any link whatsoever.”
This is a watershed moment – “Reality” has just discounted any data from Guttmacher.
“No independent study looking at the actual medical/biological science has been able to establish any link whatsoever.”
I have posted this type of comment before: this is the argument the tobacco lobby depended upon for years. To this day, they still could.
Here is what it would take for birth control to meet “Reality”‘s science criteria:
A cohort of females would have to be recruited that was “naive” to BC. Half would have to be randomized to BC, half to placebo BC.
They would have to be monitored well enough to eliminate the threat of “crossover:” those in the placebo group taking actual BC, and those in the BC group discontinuing BC.
You would have to follow the entire cohort for however many years – 10? 20? – and would have to have participant drop-out be low enough to have the data sill be valid.
Then, you have to have decent case ascertainment: you would have to survey each woman for cancer; you could not just rely on medical records or billing data, since some cancer might not yet be diagnosed.
Short of that, “Reality” and the tobacco-interest lawyers can legitimately, scientifically claim that there is no “proof” of the BC-Cancer link.
What would the altrenative case for proof be?
Bradford-Hill pinned lung cancer to smoking, and never had a randomized clinical trial.
“Reality”‘s view is, again, unscientific.
“There is no such thing as an “abortificatient “. An abortion is the surgical removal of a partly formed and VISIBLE fetus.”
According to “Robert Berger,” there is no such thing as a medical abortion.
“Robert,” you may want to go through the process of becoming a Wikipedia editor – you know more than they do. You need to update some entries with your superior knowledge.
This is a watershed moment – “Reality” has just discounted any data from Guttmacher. – and what’s your response when this site uses Guttmacher data TLD?
Here is what it would take for birth control to meet “Reality”‘s science criteria: – how’s your ‘science criteria’ TLD? I made no mention of birth control.
Your ‘view’ TLD, was out of the wrong window.
Do keep up.
All you have to do is research “Fetus on IUD” and the images will come up in abundance showing that birth control does actually cause abortions. The same company that produced chemicals for the jewish gas chambers in the 1940’s is the same company that first put out the RU 184 drug in France using the same chemical. Still causing mass death :(
All for watershed moments as far as Fantasy is concerned. Fantasy, I thought you were anti-choice. No?
Would love to see Robert and Patty Beiber debate his comments on Pregnancy Resources Centers…
Now Robert, is it just resources centers or specifically pregnancy resource centers that are totally useless.
Of course Robert would know, because he’s been to one.