RahilaGupta2We must be careful not to make a fetish of choice. If the technology allows and a woman wants a blue-eyed, blonde baby, do we support her because we are pro-choice?

While we must be vigilant about the “pro-lifer”-infested waters, we must be prepared to refine our pro-choice position; it must be circumscribed by context.

Approximately 60 million women are “missing” in India. The cultural reasons for this femicide do not magically disappear with migration.

A girl’s right to life has to be a basic tenet of any feminist position and cannot be compromised by an absolutist pro-choice narrative.

~ Pro-choice feminist Rahila Gupta, who seems to have stumbled upon the Catch-22 of the pro-choice position, The Guardian, October 8

[HT: JivinJehoshaphat; photo via aworldtowin.net]

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