Thanks for the (blog) memories
by Carder
That’s the question I asked myself one day as I surfed the web for pro-life news and the name Jill Stanek kept popping up. Fascinated by the rowdy debates, I knew I had found my pro-life online hangout.
This was back in 2007. Thanks to Jill, I learned about Obama before Obama became Dear Leader Obama. The connections I’ve made with committed pro-lifers, and for that matter, committed pro-choicers, remain a great memory.
Like the night MK, Carla, Hal, Jasper, Doug, and a few others had an all night thread/party that ended the following morning, with pictures of mayhem and ridiculousness rounding out an incredible bonding experience for all involved. Hal just couldn’t stop chugging those mojitos…
Or the curious case of Who the Heck is SOMG? For those of you who are newer, SOMG, later to be revealed as Theodore Shulman, was an online troll who claimed to be an abortionist at one time and eventually landed in jail for his threats against prominent pro-life activists, Jill among them. We uncovered quite a bit about his family’s sordid legacy.
Or those Quotes of the Day that unleashed the fury from the likes of Mikki Kendall (pictured left)? We’re talking the wrath of vipers, folks.
I had the privilege of drinking coffee with Jill during a couple of her Florida vacations. Plus, I got to meet a major mover/shaker commenter of the blog, MaryKay a.k.a. MK. It was her and several others that made the blog more than just a pro-life website. Like a Pro-life Cafe, folks could come in, chat, argue, provoke, explain, argue some more, and talk about anything under the sun. And I mean anything.
Tip of the hat to all of you; to name everyone would take entirely more blog space than I think Jill would permit. Thank you for your patience, those of you who put up with my tech issues, and thank you all for your blog contributions.
Give me a buzz the next time you’re in Florida, Jill.