Pro-life blog buzz 2-24-15
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
- Clinic Quotes says recent polling reveals more Americans want stricter laws on abortion:
In 2015, 34% of Americans say they are satisfied with current U.S. abortion policies. This is the lowest percentage since Gallup first asked the question in 2001…. Americans who say they are dissatisfied with current abortion policies were asked a follow-up question to learn if they are dissatisfied because they want current abortion laws to be stricter or less strict. This year, of those who are dissatisfied, twice as many prefer stricter rather than less strict laws: 24% want stricter laws, while 12% want current abortion laws to be less strict.
- At National Review, Dr. Michael New posts his tribute to “the father of the modern pro-life movement,” the late Dr. Jack Willke, who passed away last Friday.
- The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition highlights longtime pro-lifer Maggie Karner (pictured left), diagnosed with the same terminal brain tumor as Brittany Maynard, who chose to commit physician-assisted suicide. Karner is doing quite the opposite, using her remaining time to fight against a pro-assisted suicide bill in her home state of Connecticut. She says, “the talking point that pro-assisted suicide people use is right to die. My fear is that it will quickly become the duty to die.” View an interview with Ms. Karner here.
- Saynsumthn’s Blog notes some remarks from abortionist Willie Parker, who claims it is racist not to give black women abortions. He once called abortion a “sacred decision.” Parker is known for attaching religious language to his decision to perform abortions.
- Kansans for Life says pro-choicers in Kansas (where the Senate has just “approved… the Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, by a vote of 31-9″) seem to be running scared from the word “dismemberment,” when discussing abortion policy. You have to almost feel sorry for them – almost:
Sen. [David] Haley riled up his peers by saying SB 95
- would cost too much to defend,
- was purely a political ploy using inflammatory terms of ‘unborn child’ and ‘protection,’ and ‘dismemberment,’
- was advanced by people who are anti-science,
- was improperly being debated by male Senators, who have no right to vote on this issue since they can’t ever get pregnant.
He finished by calling himself a defender of mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters who should not be restricted from access to ‘healthcare’ – i.e. abortions.