“Free Bristol Palin!”
And here we have a website promoting the abortion of Bristol Palin’s baby, FreeBristolPalin.com (click to enlarge)…
[HT: commenter Milehimama]
And here we have a website promoting the abortion of Bristol Palin’s baby, FreeBristolPalin.com (click to enlarge)…
[HT: commenter Milehimama]
It strikes me as bitterly ironic that the same people who tell us there is a “war on women” have no problem laughing at the recording of my daughter crying as she tells police about being assaulted by a man.
~ Sarah Palin, as quoted by Politico, October 24, on the mainstream media’s mockery of daughter Bristol’s recount to police of being attacked, transcribed here:
So we were in a limo. I walk back up. “Did you push my sister?” And some guy gets up, pushes me down on the grass, drags me across the grass. “You slut, you f—ing c—, you f—ing this.” I get back up, he pushes me down on the grass again. And he pulls me by my f—ing feet. And he’s the one that’s leaving and I have my 5-year-old, they took my $300 sunglasses, they took my f—ing shoes, and I’m f—ing just left here?
[tweet_box]”Same ppl who say there is a war on women laugh at my daughter crying after assault.”~Sarah Palin[/tweet_box]
Here’s video of CNN Carol Costello’s lead-in to the aforementioned audio. Costello has since offered a written apology but has thus far refused to do so on air.
You changed my life… I was in my teens and I got pregnant and I was not going to keep the baby. I had nothing going for me, and then I saw you and how you handled Bristol and how you handled your Trig.
It just made me realize it was going to be okay.
~ Unidentified college student who spoke with Sarah Palin during her trip to Pella, Iowa last year, as retold by Chris Bannon, Breitbart.com, March 16
Yesterday Politico ran a story, entitled, “Poll: Sarah Palin not trustworthy on abortion,” a factoid it reiterated even before getting to the story with its photo caption…
But the more accurate title would have been, “Poll commissioned by United States’ largest abortion provider and conducted by Democrat poll company: Sarah Palin not trustworthy on abortion.” Ok, that’s a little long, but it would have prepared the reader for the obvious upcoming spin:
I had wondered why Levi publicly apologized for speaking poorly (and inaccurately) of the Palins. Now I get it. He has obviously matured and is trying to take responsibility. Good for them.
Generally speaking, intact families are always best for children. I’m glad these 2 are overcoming pretty big obstacles. I do think it they should have discussed their plans with her parents before going public, but oh well. Anyway, from Us magazine, today
Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston reveal exclusively in the new Us Weekly that they are getting married….
Last night David Letterman apologized again for his bad jokes at the expense of Sarah Palin’s 14-year-old daughter Willow and 18-year-old daughter Bristol….
Letterman did not apologize for his sexist “slutty flight attendant” joke against Palin. And actually he only apologized for being misunderstood and incorrectly perceived. I have posted the transcript of his apology on page 2.
Nevertheless, Palin has magnanimously accepted Letterman’s apology…
Sarah Palin made strong points in an interview today on The Today Show, speaking with Matt Lauer about several sexist pot shots David Letterman made this week against her and her daughters. She was certainly on the offensive, saying:
Comments such as Letterman’s add to the low self-esteem of teens in daughter Bristol’s precarious situation – young, unmarried, pregnant. Comments such as Letterman’s add to the allure of adult male sexual predators preying on young girls, no matter whether he was speaking of her 18- or 14-year-old. Comments such as Letterman’s again demonstrate the political double standard of making families of conservatives, particularly women, the brunt of misogynist jokes.
Palin refused to back away from her spokesperson’s statement rejecting Letterman’s offer to appear on his show, as “it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman,” Willow being Palin’s 14-year-old. She refused to accept that Letterman was taking jabs at 18-year-old Bristol, not Willow, as he has since stated.
Palin also gave a great laugh line in response to Letterman’s “slutty flight attendant” line: “My first thought was, hey, don’t disparage flight attendants! They work hard, we love ’em….”
This past weekend Sarah Palin and 14-year-old daughter Willow attended a NY Yankees game as guests of Rudy Giuliani.
On Monday David Letterman first was unfunny with a “Top 10 highlights of Sarah Palin’s trip to NY,” calling her, as Reclusive Leftist synopsized, “a crack whore with a ‘slutty flight attendant look'”:
Letterman followed up with this joke: