Planned Parenthood: Profit of Death – even its own members
by Andy Moore of
Planned Parenthood’s bread and butter is death. The helpless, the disabled, and ethnic minorities are their prey.
But believe it or not, Planned Parenthood has even employed a way to profit from the death of its own members. This from the Fall 2008 newsletter of Six Rivers Planned Parenthood in California, discovered while researching for AbortionWiki:

Gisela and Jerry Rohde have been Planned Parenthood supporters for many years. Recently, the Rohdes became the 87th and 88th members of our Heritage Society because they believe in the SRPP mission of creating a world of wanted children…. By leaving part of their estate to Six Rivers Planned Parenthood, they ensure their legacy and their commitment to SRPP services…. As a thank you for their support, Heritage Society members receive a complimentary ticket to the annual Choices Breakfast every year.